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Turkey in THE 1930s “Kemalism Par Excellence”

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1 Turkey in THE 1930s “Kemalism Par Excellence”

2 Opposition: Free Republican Party
FRP meeting in Izmir

3 1930 Menemen Incident

4 New Era of Social and Political Transformation
RPP’s increasing authoritarian tendencies People’s Houses (Halk Evleri) Inspectorate Generals (Umum Mufettislikleri)

5 1931 Congress of RPP Declaration of state-party unification
It defined nation / fatherland concepts Underlined the importance of shared history/common language to be a nation nation: “a social and political community of citizens connected to one another through language, culture and ideals. Accepted the 6 principles of Kemalism and they were added to constitution in 1937.

6 Party Membership “those Turkish citizens, who have not been in opposition to the national liberation movement, who have been speaking Turkish and who have accepted the Turkish culture and the Party's principles.”

7 What about Non-Muslims?
“We need to voice our ideas on our Christian and Jewish citizens with equivocal clarity. Our party sees these citizens as full Turks, on the condition that they participate in...the language and in ideals.”

8 What about non-Turkish Muslims?
“We accept those citizens in the contemporary Turkish political and social community, as part of us, those citizens who accepted the ideas such as Kurdism, Circassianism, and even Lazeism and Pomakism. It is our duty to correct those false conceptions.” “As the product of the authoritarian era of the past, these false labels have caused anguish and have had no effect on any member of the nation, aside from a few brainless reactionaries who are the tools of the enemy.”

9 Six Principles of Kemalism

10 Six Principles of Kemalism
Republicanism Populism Secularism Nationalism Etatism Revolutionarism

11 Republicanism Republicanism – Cumhuriyetçilik
“Sovereignity belongs to people!

12 Populism

13 Populism

14 Secularism Call to prayer in Turkish (1932)
Afet İnan : "Türkler İslam’a geçmeden çok önce bile güçlü bir ulustu. Türkler bu dine geçtikten sonra bu dinin Araplar, İranlılar ve aynı dinden gelenlerle Türkler arasında bir ulus yaratılmasına hizmet edemezdi. Tam tersine, bu Türk ulusunun bağlarının ayrışmasına, ulus hissinin ve heyecanının uyuşmasına sebebiyet verdi. Bu doğaldı, çünkü Muhammed'in kurduğu dinin amacı tüm ulusları kapsayan bir ümmet kurmaktı." Call to prayer in Turkish (1932) Conversion of Hagia Sophia into a musem(1934)

15 Revolutionarism

16 NATIONALISM How to define nation? Exclusionist policies
Turkish History Thesis Sun-Language Theory Exclusionist policies “Citizen, Speak Turkish!” (1933) Surname Law (1934)

17 Turkification 1926: Turkification in trade
1926: Turkification in Bureaucracy

18 How to define nation?: Turkish History Thesis
Turk Tarihi Tetkik Cemiyeti Turkish History Congresses Turkish History Thesis “Starting with the ancient times, massive migrations took place from Central Asia to the East, West and South because of the drought and [various] economic reasons. These immigrants were Turkish-speaking people. They took an advanced civilization to the places they migrated. [Therefore] people who established the civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, China, Crete, India, Aegean, and Rome are those immigrants, who were Turks. These Turkish-speaking people played a primary role in the foundation and development of the civilizations in the world.”

19 How to define nation?:Turkish Language Theory
Turk Dili Tetkik Cemiyeti Turkish Language Congresses Linguistic Mobilization Sun Language Theory

20 Exclusionist policies
“Citizen, Speak Turkish!” (1933) Surname Law (1934)

21 Economy 1920’s and 1930’s Periodization 1923-1929 1930-1939
Restructuring in Open Economic Conditions Statist Economic Model

22 State Support to Private Accumulation under Open Economy Conditions Lausanne Limitations Izmir Economy Congress, 1923. Law on Encouragement of Industry, 1927. Establishment of new banks (Is Bankasi, Ziraat Bankasi, Sanayi ve Maadin Bankasi).

23 1929 – Turning Point Why a turning point? Great Depression
Removal of Lozan Limitations The first installment of Ottoman Debts


25 1933-1939 Statism:1929-39 Self-Sufficient Economy Protectionism
Removal of Lozan limitations Import Limitations Central bank (1930) Five year Plans (1933) State Economic Enterprises (KIT) State monopolies The Law on the Protection of TL (Turk Parasini Koruma Kanunu) Saglam Para, Denk Butce! Bilateral Trade Agreements! Sumerbank (1933) and Etibank (1935)


27 Foreign Policy During the 1920s and 1930s
Yurttta Baris, Dunyada Baris! Mosul Issue Neutrality and Non-Aggression Pact with Soviet Union Hatay Issue Balkan Entente with Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia Sadabad Pact with Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan

28 World War II Fascist Leader in Europe!
Mediterranean Question (Mare Nostrum)! Appeasement Policy (ex. Munich Pact) Invasion of Poland by Germany (1939) Axis Powers vs. Allied Powers

29 Turkey in the World War II
Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (1939) Tripartite Alliance with France and Britain (1939) Italy in war (1940) Non-Aggression Treaty with Germany (1941) and then Germany attacked Soviet Union Clodius Agreement with Germany (1941) SO Turkey followed ‘Active Neutrality’ during the war Struma Incident ( )

30 Non-Aggression Treaty with Germany (1941)

31 Struma Incident ( )

32 Domestic Conditions during the World War II
Office of Soil Products (Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi) (1938) Tax on Agricultural Products National Defense Law (1940) Wealth Tax (1942) Land Reform (Ciftciyi Topraklandirma Kanunu) (1945)

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