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Dije-I said El bolsillo-the pocket Regañarme-ground me Novio-boyfriend Me paso por completo-I dont care Aguantar-to cope.

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Presentation on theme: "Dije-I said El bolsillo-the pocket Regañarme-ground me Novio-boyfriend Me paso por completo-I dont care Aguantar-to cope."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dije-I said El bolsillo-the pocket Regañarme-ground me Novio-boyfriend Me paso por completo-I dont care Aguantar-to cope

3 The Preterite (Past) Tense How do we form it?

4 First of all lets look at verbs that end in -ar: visitar (to visit) comprar (to buy) preguntar (to ask) escuchar (to listen) cerrar (to close) hablar (to speak) These are all shown in the infinitive

5 Then take off the ar and add the appropriate endings: visit- compr- pregunt- escuch- cerr- habl- -éfor I -astefor you sing. -ófor he/she/it -amosfor we -asteisfor you plural -aronfor they

6 For example: I visited visitarvisit + é =visité

7 And then … you bought compr + aste = compraste He/She asked pregunt + ó = preguntó We listened escuch + amos = escuchamos You (all) didnt close no cerr + asteis = no cerrasteis Did they speak? ¿ habl + aron ?= ¿ hablaron ?

8 Now lets look at verbs that end in –er and -ir: beber (to drink) entender (to understand) llover (to rain) comer (to eat) vivir (to live) abrir (to open) These are all shown in the infinitive

9 Then we take off the er/ir and add the appropriate endings: beb- entend- llov- com- viv- abr- -ífor I -istefor you sing. -iófor he/she/it -imosfor we -isteisfor you plural -ieronfor they

10 For example: I drank beberbeb + í =bebí

11 And then … You understood entend + iste = entendiste It rained llov + ió = llovió We ate com + imos = comimos You (all) didnt live no viv + isteis = no vivisteis Did they open? ¿ abr + ieron ?= ¿ abrieron ?

12 Now lets try and work some out! (Heres a reminder of the endings) -í for I -iste for you sing. -ió for he/she/it -imos for we -isteis for you plural -ieron for they asistir coincidir volver barrer oler doler meter

13 Ir (to go) : –fui= I went –fuiste= you went –fue= he/she/it went –fuimos= we went –fuisteis= you (all) went –fueron= they went hacer (to do/make) : –hice= I did/made –hiciste= you did/made –hizo= he/she/it did –hicimos= we did/made –hicisteis= you (all) did –hicieron= they did/made However, most common -er/-ir verbs have irregular stems and have to be learnt by heart!

14 tener (to have) : –tuve= I had –tuviste= you had –tuvo= he/she/it had –tuvimos= we had –tuvisteis= you (all) had –tuvieron= they had ver (to see/watch) : –vi= I saw/watched –viste= you saw/watched –vio= he/she/it saw –vimos= we saw/watched –visteis= you (all) saw –vieron= they saw/watched

15 ser (to be) : –fui= I was –fuiste= you were –fue= he/she/it was –fuimos= we were –fuisteis= you (all) were –fueron= they were estar (to be) : –estuve= I was –estuviste= you were –estuvo= he/she/it was –estuvimos= we were –estuvisteis= you (all) were –estuvieron= they were

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