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Welcome to World cultures

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1 Welcome to World cultures
Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Withers Mrs. Foster

2 Rules Class Rules: Be Prepared
Bring paper, pencil/pen and assignments daily Take your assigned seats Begin seat work when the tardy bell rings

3 Be Respectful Follow the directions Enter & Exit the room quietly
Raise your hand to request attention Respect the rights and property of others The teacher dismisses the class Dispose of trash at the end of class BYOD will ONLY be used in my class when it is in the instruction. Otherwise your devices should be put on silent and not seen.  If you are distracting my teaching, it WILL be taken up.

4 Be Responsible Use the passing period for restroom and beverage breaks
Ask 3 students before me (before the bell) for any borrowed materials Put effort and quality into all you do

5 Procedures Sharpen pencils before the tardy bell
Take your assigned seat and be quiet Place homework on the desk corner Begin warm-up Lesson discussion (by teacher, in pairs, groups, or individually) Work on lesson Stay in your seat unless teacher gives permission to get up Get out all items listed on the board and place your backpack in the back of the room

6 Restroom We follow the 10/10 rule!!!
Not the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes You will receive a bathroom pass you may use once a week. Please make it count. I will not yield on this unless its an emergency or you have a doctors note.

7 Homework You will NOT have tons of homework, so when I assign it I EXPECT it completed.

8 Testing, Re-testing, and late work
You are expected to study for up-coming tests. You will have a review, so STUDY!!!! If you want to make a better grade on a test, I have no problem with it!!! You will have to come before or after school to take another test. It will NOT be the same test. I’m more concerned with you learning the TEKS and skills than I am limiting your retests. Late work per district policy. You have 3 days before it’s a 0, you will receive 0’s, if your work is not completed. If there are extenuating circumstances we will discuss the situation.

9 TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
This is what the state of Texas says you must know and skills you must be able to perform. I will give you a copy of our TEKS to keep with you in your spiral. I will go over the TEKS each day. If there is a word you don’t understand PLEASE let me know!!!

10 How we will begin our day!!!
You will get your supplies out and place your backpack, lunch, phone, purse, gym bag, and instruments away. I will have you complete a warm-up, so read the board carefully. I will go over the TEKS, language objective, content objective, activities, homework, and the essential question DAILY!!!!

11 Discipline Please don’t put me in a position that I’m required to contact your parents. I will call and them with behavior, grades, issues, and YES even great news. You will receive 30 minute detentions with me or an hour detention with the campus. My detentions are not fun. You will either stare at a clock, write a discipline easy, perform community service or you will work on classwork. I might be strict but it takes a lot to get me to a breaking point so please follow the rules.

12 ME Married 2 kids (Heaton 5, Gracie 9) Teaching 15 years
Prison guard, banker, newspaper writer, etc. I love BOOKS, coffee, and chocolate I will forget tons of things so please gentle remind me if I forgot. I will apologize so I expect you to do the same I will say crazy things sometimes. If you are offended let me know. It matters. If you want me to listen to a song or read a book then tell me. I WILL!!!!

13 World Cultures You will learn about many different cultures this year. You will not understand some cultural ideals and philosophies. That is ok!!! However, you must be respectful. We will discuss religion, government, political thoughts, cultural beliefs, and current events. We will NOT debate who is right and wrong. Those are questions and beliefs you need to discuss with your parents, guardians, sister/brothers, but not in a class. Differences make us stronger!!! We should celebrate them!!! Do Not condemn someone and their beliefs.

14 You will read in my class You will write in my class
Reading and Writing You will read in my class You will write in my class Do Not complain please!!!

15 We begin WORKING tomorrow
We begin WORKING tomorrow. Make sure you have a spiral for your ISN (individual student notebook). Any questions?????

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