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Welcome Parents! Norman Borlaug Back to School Night 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Norman Borlaug Back to School Night 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Norman Borlaug Back to School Night

2 Welcome to 1st Grade! Team 2 Borlaug Elementary is a caring, community of learners. We respect ourselves and others. We make responsible choices. We are safe at school. We are proud to be the Borlaug Bulldogs! Woof! Woof!

3 Our Team Lindsey Brandon
Lindsay Landolt Dana Reisman

4 Mary Gauthier School Secretary
Celeste Shoppa Principal Office hours are 7:30AM – 3:30 PM. Phone number is Voice mail is available 24 hours a day. addresses: Mary Gauthier School Secretary

5 Important Start/End Times
7:30 Breakfast 7:40 Supervision begins outside 7:50 First bell 7:55 Tardy bell 7:55 Class begins 2:55 School Ends, (1:55 on Thursdays) Please report all absences to the office. Mrs. McDonald: As you all know, our starting and dismissal times have changed this year. The first bell rings at 8:40 and the tardy bell rings at 8:45. If students arrive before 8:40 they are to report to the east playground for line-up. If they arrive after 8:40 they can enter through the front door. Please let us know if your child will be late or absent on a particular day…either by ing or calling.

6 A Typical Day Opening Math Whole Group Reading Writing
2 Recesses (one morning / one afternoon) Small Group Reading Lunch (30 minutes) Specials (P.E., Music, Library, Art) Science/Health/Social Studies Closing

7 Specials Schedule Specials Days Other Information P.E. 3 days a week
* Bring tennis shoes! MUSIC ART Brandon – Wednesday Landolt - Tuesday Reisman - Friday LIBRARY Brandon – Thursday Reisman - Tuesday * May check out 3 books.

8 Reading and Writing Our Curriculum Iowa Common Core on ICCSD website
Our Materials Houghton Mifflin Leveled Texts Supplemental materials Zaner-Bloser Our Assessments: FAST DRA2 Running Records District Writing Assessment Formative Assessments Curriculum – State Standards found online at link above. We use “I can” statements so students know the objectives of the lessons. Materials – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is an updated series that focuses on all important elements of literacy. The series has many built in differentiation options to help meet the needs of all learners. Leveled Texts – we use these in small group reading to help all students access grade level strategies and skills. Supplemental materials- extra materials provide us the opportunity to extend for students who need a challenge and support those that need more instruction in certain areas. Zaner-Bloser is our handwriting program. Assessments –We use many different kinds of assessments to give us information about each child so that we meet them where they are and move them forward. DIBELS, a screener we give 3 times per year that is used to predict grade level success in reading. DRA 2- a diagnostic assessment used to find strengths and areas of opportunity, 2-3 times per year. Running records or anecdotal notes are used to monitor students strategies, accuracy, text level etc. District Writing assessment is given 2 times per year to look at students abilities in certain writing genres. Formative assessments are used in reading and writing on a frequent basis to help teachers know how to help students move forward toward grade level expectations.

9 Reading and Writing Reading
Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Whole Group Small Group Phonics Example Writing Teaching the Craft and Process Whole Group Small Group Phonemic Awareness: (working with sounds of words) ALL ACTIVITIES CAN BE DONE WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED SOME EXAMPLES: (/c/ /a/ /t/) the child can say the word cat Say the word cat and child says the sounds (/c/ /a/ /t/) PHONICS (Involves SOUNDS and PRINT) Students look at print. (blending letters to read words) Listen to sounds in words and write the words. Fluency Read with EXPRESSION Read at a REASONABLE RATE Read ACCURATELY VOCABULARY Introduce new words Practice new words in sentences Practice new words in context Relate new words to previously known words COMPREHENSION Predictions Connections Synthesize Inferences Questions Visualize Monitor/Clarify Summarize Handwriting Spelling

10 Reading and Writing We practice sequencing events!
We talk about what happens first, next and last in a story.

11 Math Our Curriculum Iowa Common Core on ICCSD website Our Materials
Envisions 2.0 Our Assessments: Post Tests Formative Assessments Fuchs and Fuchs Screener Curriculum- Found at the link above Materials –Every Day Math Assessments –Pre and post unit assessments help us determine what students already know and what they need to learn. Formative assessments are done daily by looking at math boxes in daily work, exit slips etc.

12 Math Solve + /- to 10 Fluently + /- to 10
15 Topics Solve + /- to 10 Fluently + /- to 10 Addition Facts to 20 / Use Strategies Subtraction Facts to 20/ Use Strategies Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations Represent and interpret data Extend the counting sequence Understand Place Value Compare 2 – Digit Numbers Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens Measure Lengths Time Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles This math program introduces concepts, routines, games, etc. at developmentally appropriate levels and then continues to reintroduce those concepts at more sophisticated levels as students progress through the grades. The units we study are… Large and small groups allow us to teach concepts to the class and then pull small groups to work on reteaching, review, and extensions. This variety enables us to provide what each student needs, right at their level.

13 Science Units of Study Pebbles, Sand and Silt Light and Sound
Pebbles, Sand and Silt Earth science Classify rocks by characteristics Investigate clay and soil Sound and Light Physical science Explore how and why things make sounds Plants and Animals Life science Life cycle of plants Units of Study Pebbles, Sand and Silt Light and Sound Plants and Animals Our Materials FOSS (Full Option Science System) and Insights science kits from the Grant Wood AEA Living thing Living things is a life science unit. It includes… classifying objects as living or nonliving comparing and classifying organisms on the basis of observable physical characteristics identifying the basic requirements of al living things for survival. Balls and Ramps Balls and Ramps is a physical science unit. The unit extends children’s exploration of balls… How they roll and bounce What they do on ramps Students learn that geometric shapes have different rolling properties. Students explore how the steepness of a ramp influences how it rolls. Pebbles, Sand and Silt Earth Science Students learn About rocks by sorting, washing and comparing them. Students separate mixtures of rocks with screens. Students investigate clay and soil.

14 Social Studies Health Focus Our Materials Social Studies Alive
Social Studies Alive! My School and Family introduces the structures of schools and families. Students learn… how to get along with classmates follow school rules identify people who work at a school. about family traditions the ways family members interact and change. Focus Students learn… what it means to be healthy and stay healthy rules for safety at home and at school friendship skills respecting self and others making appropriate choices asking for help Our Materials Social Studies Alive Our Materials Health and Wellness

15 Homework Expectations
Homework will be sent home every Monday in your child’s yellow folder. Math Pages will come home on Tuesday and Thursday. Complete the homework in the packet.   Return the homework to school on Friday in the yellow folder. Our goals for homework are: to practice previously taught skills, to develop a sense of responsibility, and always doing your best! Spelling words are written on the front page of the packet.

16 Home - School Connections
Borlaug Website - Classroom Webpage - Calendars - Virtual Backpack and phone

17 Conferences Two formal conferences: fall & spring
Reports will come home on the Monday before your conference. Read the report thoroughly and record any questions you may have. Bring the report and questions with you to your conference. During the conference: data and conversation! NEW!

18 Helping at Home Reading Read at least 15 minutes a night
Ask your child questions about the beginning, middle and end Practice spelling homework to learn spelling patterns Show and explain all the different reasons you write every day! Math Count by 1s. 2s, 5s, and 10s past 100 Tell time to the hour and half hour on an analog clock Addition and subtraction facts Creating + / - equations with household objects (buttons, toys, markers, crayons, cereal pieces, snacks)

19 P.B.I.S. at Borlaug Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Facts: Common language and expectations Positive reinforcements School-wide celebrations Weekly student recognition

20 Borlaug Staff School Counselor: Jaime Schneider Classroom counseling
lessons Individual or small group meetings Resource for families

21 Borlaug Staff Instructional Design Strategist: Amy Hartje
Partners with teachers to: -create student centered goals -learn together -implement new learning Plans and leads staff professional development

22 Borlaug Staff Student and Family Advocate: Megan Recker
Acting as member of learning supports team School supplies and other basic needs Connecting families to community resources Supporting your family and child’s goals typo

23 Borlaug Staff English Language Learners: Abbie Jensen Jordan Pata
Speech and Language: Kassie Adams, GWAEA Extended Learning Program: Jodie Eilers Special Education Services: Jenny Whitters

24 Birthday and Celebrations
1st Grade Birthday Celebrations No food celebrations Students’ birthdays are still being recognized in class by birthday song and a choice activity Holiday Celebrations If food is served at class holiday parties, food items must adhere to the District Wellness Policy 507.9 Food items are limited to the approved Healthy Food Guidelines Mrs. Mooney:

25 Reminders *Check your child’s classroom page Questions?
*Homework will start on Monday *Bulldog Books will start soon *Math Username and Passwords sent home by Sept. 30 *Conference sign-ups *Please remember to practice your child’s lunch number Questions?

26 learning with you this year!
Thank you! We look forward to learning with you this year!

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