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Bell Ringer: Day 1 Identify this image.
List 1 SPECIFIC fact that you know about this image. List 1 INFERENCES you can make from this image (this should be specific and provide extra information that is NOT in the image itself).
Pre-AP World History - Mr. Sakole
Daily Agenda Objectives: We will understand and be able to describe the key ideas in the syllabus and expectations of the course, as we also get to learn a little bit about Mr. Sakole and each other. We will also be able to explain the parts and purposes of mapping and demonstrate understanding of map skills. Closing Task: I will describe my first impressions of Pre-AP World History and list AT LEAST TWO of my biggest fears entering high school (it could be academic OR social). I will also tell Mr. Sakole something interesting about me that very few other people know.
Mr. Sakole Who is this guy?!?!?!!!!??!
Who are you? Let’s learn a little more about each other…
Take out the notecard you were handed when you walked into the room. You will need to write the name you preferred to be called on this card. Colored pencils and markers are available if you would like to be artistic, but you can be as simple as you would like. Be quick, you have a short amount of time to complete this task! (2 minutes)
What?!??!?!??!?! SUMMATIVE QUIZ! You will have a summative quiz the 5th class (Sept. 6/7) on the material in this PowerPoint and your syllabus. This PowerPoint is available on VISION under Pre-AP Course Information. Instructions on how to access VISION can be found in the handout.
Course outline, syllabus, and classroom rules
Content Grading Policies
The rules for our class Punctuality Attention, talking, distractions….
Electronic devices…. Homework, assignments, and submission… Any others?......
1-Classroom Operation—As You Walk In
CLASS BEGINS: Be seated by the bell. If you come in late, fill out the tardy slip and put it in the binder by LAST name. When you walk in you are to sit at your desk with backpacks zipped up and no papers out, beneath, or near your desks. Have pencils/pens ready. A bell ringer will be on the Promethean Board. Unless instructions tell you otherwise, you are to sit down and on the piece of paper I WILL provide: 1) identify what you are seeing and 2) provide ONE specific fact about it, and make an one inference (something that is not seen in the image). While you are working on this, I will pass out reading quizzes (if you have one for that class). SEATING: You may sit where you want. You may change seats from one day to the next. It may take me longer to get to know everyone’s name as a result, but I think it is more important that you sit where you are comfortable and can see the promethean board easily. No one “owns” a seat– first come, first served. However, I reserve the right to move anyone at any time for any reason. CALENDAR: The day’s schedule and homework will be on your agenda. All agendas are posted on my website, so you will always know what we are doing in class and for homework.
1-Classroom Operation—Daily Reading Quizzes (Formative)
BACKPACKS: Must be zipped up, but it’s fine to keep them next to your desk. No books at your desk. No papers on, beneath, or near your desk. If I find you have violated any of these rules, you will receive a zero on the reading quiz. TIME: After the bell rings, I will give you about ONE minute to complete the bell ringer. After that I will tell you to start the reading quiz. You will have no more than 10 minutes to complete the quiz – sometimes less. If you have read the assigned chapter(s), taken notes, and taken time to think about the material, then 10 minutes will be more than sufficient. Most of you will find this time limit challenging at first, but you need to learn work in timed situations. All quizzes and exams in this class will be timed. If you finish early, you may sit quietly at your desk. ABSENT: If you are absent then you will need to turn in a copy of your reading notes for that chapter. Once you do, I will give you an “X” (excused) in PHOENIX. If you don’t turn in a copy of your reading notes, by test day, you will receive a zero. If you are late to class, you will still take the quiz. Don’t be late! LOW SCORE: If you score below a 70% on any reading quiz, then you are required to turn in a copy of your reading notes stapled to the quiz the next class (after you get your reading quiz back). Failure to do this will result in a ZERO in the Absent / Below 70 Column (another formative grade).
1-Classroom Operation--Respect
FOR OTHERS: You will treat your fellow classroom and me with respect. Period. FOR THE CLASSROOM: If you open it, close it If you borrow it, return it If you move it, move it back If you drop it, pick it up If it’s trash, throw it away Etc…
1-Classroom Rules—Bathroom
You should not need to use the restroom during class. You have 6 minutes between classes to take care of this. I expect you to do so. Aside from testing time, if you need to use the restroom, you may go to the restroom as needed. You do NOT need to raise your hand and receive permission to do so. Keep in mind that when you leave, you miss content. We will not go back for you AND you are not to interrupt class to ask a classmate what transpired during your absence. You will therefore need to follow up with me or a classmate after class or before school the next day. Do not come back from lunch and then leave to use the restroom—go during lunch.
1-Classroom Rules—Cell Phones
ON EXAM DAYS: No phones – period. They should be off and in your backpack. They CAN NOT be on your person. If I find a phone on you or your clothing, I reserve the right to give you a ZERO on that exam. NON-EXAM DAYS: Many days phones should be placed in the phone holder in the back of the room. Certain days, I will ask you to keep your phones. On these days phones should be put away in your backpacks unit I ask you to take them out. IMPERMISSIBLE USE OF CELL PHONES: If you are using your phone without my permission, then it will be confiscated and you will be able to pick it up at the end of the day from the secretary in the front office.
1-Classroom Rules—Technology
We all LOVE our technology… BUT, it can be incredibly distracting. Therefore, unless otherwise instructed, all technology is to remain off and out of sight during class. This means no laptops, cell phones, iPods, Kindles, iPads, Google Glasses, etc. However, I strongly encourage you to bring technology to class when we are working on projects and I will let you know about these days in advance.
1-Classroom Operation--Homework
DAILY AGENDA, HOMEWORK, AND OTHER HANDOUTS: PICK-UP: You will pick up the daily agenda, homework, and other handouts from the table when you come through the door (where the hole-punch is located). TURN-IN: You will turn homework into the manilla folder (in the black holder) designated by your block number. If you turn it in somewhere else, you risk it being marked late. NEVER turn-in homework by leaving it on my desk. STATS: If you fail to write your first and last name, date, and block on any assignment or test, points will be deducted. LATE: Homework is due on the date indicated on the master schedule. If you turn it in any time after the beginning of class on the day it is due it drops to 50% of what you score (that means if the map was worth 20 points, now the most you can earn is 10 points and you will only earn that if you do a perfect job). LAST DAY TO TURN IN: The day we take the exam on the unit is the last day to turn in any late homework for that unit (exception-illness/excused absence).
1-Classroom Operation--Testing
PHONES: Will be turned off and placed in the phone holder in the back of the room. You may NOT access them on an exam day, not even when you have finished your exam (unless instructed by your teacher). BACKPACKS: Will be completely closed and placed in the front of the classroom. They may only be accessed AFTER you have finished and turned in your exam. If you need to access your backpack before then, you must obtain my permission prior to doing so. DESKS: Your desk will be completely clear. No books or papers, even if they are not your papers/books. You must remove all items prior to the exam. You will be held accountable for anything near or around your desk.
1-Classroom Operation—Testing Format
EXAM FORMAT: You will have a multiple choice component and a writing component for all exams. MULTIPLE CHOICE: All questions come from your textbook, lectures, and other materials provided in class. WRITING: We will learn how to write Short Answer Questions (SAQs), Long Essay Questions (LEQs), and Document Based Questions (DBQs). You will slowly build up your skills in writing these responses throughout the school year.
1-Classroom Operation—Absences
PLAN AHEAD: The daily agendas are posted online and give you a description of what has been covered during class (and upcoming homework). HOMEWORK: If you are absent one day, then you receive one additional class day to turn in homework, etc. This homework will not be marked late, unless you take longer than the time allowed to turn it in. On your homework write “absent on (date),” if you don’t write this, then I will likely mark it as late. EXTENDED PERSONAL ABSENCE: If you miss class for a personal activity, it will be up to you to remain current with the course. You can find nearly everything we do in class on VISION or my website. EXTENDED ILLNESS: Come see me, I will work with you to help you get caught-up.
1-Classroom Operation—Snow Days
Everyone loves a snow day! Unfortunately, we pay for them later when we need to rush through material, lose SOL review day(s), or class time to work on a project, etc. CALENDAR: We will stick to our calendar regardless of snow days. That means if we have a snow day, you will already know what material we were going to cover in class, and you know what the homework is. If there is a map, etc., you can access these on my website and on VISION. You can also see my PowerPoints and other items that are associated with the content. When we return from our snow days, I will review all missed material and will address any questions that you have, and then I will move on per the calendar.
1-Classroom Rules—Supplies
NOT REQUIRED – but suggested Due to the lack of resources within LCPS, I ask that each student bring EITHER two boxes of tissues OR one box of 12 colored pencils. Any additional supplies are gladly welcome. Thank you for your help in supplying our learning environment!
VISION and remind VISION instructions
Key to remember… MUST SIGN ONTO A SCHOOL COMPUTER FIRST! Remind Don’t worry… I won’t blow you up with texts
2- Setting-Up Remind– Pre-AP Text @sakole to 81010
Website Demonstration…
Textbook – yes, you have to read
No TEXTBOOK to carry Online version… use the interwebs You will access this through VISION MAKE SURE YOU LOG ON to a school computer first!!!! Demonstration of VISION “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – G. Santayana
3- VISION Make sure that you are able to log into a SCHOOL computer. You may need to update your password. Do this today/tomorrow during study hall or during your lunch (library). To complete the homework due NEXT CLASS – August 28/29 you will need to access a PowerPoint on VISION. To enroll in my VISION site, follow the instructions provided in class. The short version is: Go to Loudoun VISION and search for Sakole Choose the Pre-AP World History course Enrollment Key: rams The TEXTBOOK can be found online on the VISION page. You will also find other useful tools and information. My website is the other great place to look for PowerPoints, reviews, maps, handouts, daily agendas, etc.
3- VISION Example
Riverside High School is an academic community that values respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship and care for others. We expect members of our community to be honest, independent in their work, trustworthy, respectful of peers and staff and responsible for their actions and choices.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: any of the following acts, when committed by a student, shall constitute academic dishonesty: CHEATING: intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. FABRICATION: intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: any of the following acts, when committed by a student, shall constitute academic dishonesty: (c) FACILITATING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this Code. (d) PLAGIARISM: intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.
Why is history the best subject?!?!?!!
Mr. Sakole (of course!!!) Stories Skills for future classes Arguing What other reasons?
Time for the real deal… Caution: Actual Homework Preview
Preparation for next class (aka Homework)
Where can you possibly find this information?!?! Hint: The homework is not posted on the tapestries located in Neuschwanstein Castle!
Daily Agenda Objectives: We will understand and be able to describe the key ideas in the syllabus and expectations of the course, as we also get to learn a little bit about Mr. Sakole and each other. We will also be able to explain the parts and purposes of mapping and demonstrate understanding of map skills. Closing Task: I will describe my first impressions of Pre-AP World History and list AT LEAST TWO of my biggest fears entering high school (it could be academic OR social). I will also tell Mr. Sakole something interesting about me that very few other people know.
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