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U4.7,Orientation to aromatic plants and herbs
U4.7,Orientation to aromatic plants and herbs
Learning objectives(1)
· Understand the differences among the following terms: o Herb o Spice o medicinal plant o essential oil plant o aromatic plant o poisonous plants o endangered species.
Learning objectives(2)
· Explain: o What are the human benefits of using herbs, aromatics and medicinal plants. o What are some of the applications of medicinal plants. o Why there is an increased consumption of medicinal plants in modern society. o Which are the top selling herbs in North America. o How herbs, aromatics, and medicinal plants improve quality of life. o In which plant structures the essential oil is accumulated. o Where to find more information about herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants
Medicinal Plants? According to WHO…
Medicinal Plants are in fact herbs, which are used for preparations/ formulations of traditional Medicinal Products Broad forms Herbal materials Herbal preparations Finished Herbal Products Herbal Medicine
Importance of Medicinal Plants
80% of the population of developing countries relies on traditional medicines (mostly plant based drugs) for primary health care(WHO) Modern pharmacopoeia contains at least 25% drugs derived from plants and many others which are synthetic analogues built on prototype compounds isolated from plants Demand increasing due to growing recognition of natural products being non-narcotic, having no side effects,easily available at affordable prices
Penetration of traditional medicine in various countries
Country % population using traditional medicine Africa 70-80 Pakistan 70 USA 42 UAE 100( Approx.) Canada China Netherlands Above 50 Japan 70-75 Germany 40-50 Australia 48 India France 49
World Consumption (Value)
Consumption(US $) Source Year 62 billion Exim bank 1997 16.5 billion Heritage healing 1999 120 billion The week 2002 Annual growth rate is about 10-15% Projected market 2005-US $ 160 billion Projected market 2010-US $ 240 billion Consumption worth Rs.12,00,000 Crores !
World Trade Estimated to be more than Rs.15,000 crores
Top importing countries USA,Japan,Germany,UK Top exporting countries China,Korea,Chile,India,Brazil,Thailand
India’s share for crude drugs
Countries USA (%) Japan (%) India 28 5 China 25 60 Germany - Italy 4 China Hong Kong Thailand Korea Brazil 6 USA Others 34 16 Value ( in crores) 666 477
India’s share for extracts and saps
Countries USA (%) Japan (%) India 18 7 China 9 10 Korea - 13 USA France 8 Denmark 14 Australia 11 Others 45 34 Value in crores 2115 900
Export trend from India
VALUE IN CRORES 1231 1262 1289 1210 Percent share of herbal products (Value) Plants and parts of plants : 30.7% Vegetable saps and extracts : 49% Ayurvedic,Unani, and homeopathic medicines : 7.8% Ayurvedic, ,Unani, and homeopathic medicines for retail sales : 12.5%
Major destinations & products
USA,Japan,Nepal,Russia,Bangladesh,Ivory Coast,China,UAE Major Products Isabgol Senna leaves and pods Ginseng roots Bellodana roots Vinca rosea
Plants identified by Medicinal Plant Board
Emblica Officinalis Gaertn saraca asoca (Roxb.)de Wilde Withania Somnifera (Linn.)Dunal Aconitum Heterophyllum Wall.ex Royle Aegle Marmelos(Linn) Corr. Phyllanthus Amarus Schum & Thonn Bacopa monnieri(L.) Pennell Santalum album linn Swertia Chirata Buch-Ham Tinospora cordifolia Miers Gymnema sylvestre R.Br Commiphora wrightii( Arn) Vhandari Plantago ovata forsk. Nardostachys jatamansi Dc Gloriosa superba linn Andrographis paniculata Wall.ex Nees Garcinia indica Chois Saussurea costus C.B. Clarke Picrorhiza kurroa Benth ex Royle Solanum nigrum Linn Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn Chlorophytum borivillianum Sant Coleus barbatus Benth Piper longum Linn Berberis aristata DC Crocus satius Linn Rauwolfia serpentina Benth Cassia angustifolia Vahl Aasparagus racemosus Willd Ocimum santum Linn Embelia ribes Burm.F Aconitum ferox Wall
Advantage Kerala Established industry for extraction of active
ingredients from plants Established and popular Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment Favourable Agro Ecology for most of medicinal plants Availability of some unique medicinal plants Premier Educational and R&D institutions Large pool of skilled manpower Commercialisation of traditional knowledge base
Constraints Unscientific and over exploitation of forest recourses
High cost of cultivation Lack of awareness on protocols for domestication, post-harvest,processing,marketing etc. Non-availability of planting materials
Keya Plants of Kerala Piper longum L. (Pippali)
Kaemferia galanga-L. (Kacholam) Curculigo orchiodes Gaertn. (Nilippan) Acorus calamus L. (Vayambu) Garcinia cambogia L.( Koda- puli) Andrographis paniculata Wall.Ex.Nees (Kiriath) Asparagus racemosus Wild ( sathavari) Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.Ex Schult ( Chakkara-kolli) Sida rhombifolia L.(Kurumthotti) Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook F.ET.Thoms (Chittamruthu) Gloriosa superba L. (Menthoni) Adathoda beddomei C.B.Clarke (Chittadalotakam) Products have been selected considering plants selected by NMPB,state’s competitiveness and exclusivity of some plants
Proposed area under AEZ
DISRICTS Idukki Ernakulam Thrissur Palakkad Malappuram Wyanadu
Target Markets Ayurvedic and Unani preparations: UAE,Russia,Germany, Australia,and other Asian countries Extracts: USA,Japan,Russia,Germany,EU Plants and plant parts: USA,Germany,UAE,Japan Ayurvedic and Unani Herbs: Bangladesh, China, Japan, Pakistan,Sri Lanka,USA,UAE
Export project ions (Rs. Crores)
Products Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Raw medicinal plants ( dried/powdered) Nil 1.5 3 4.5 5 Extracts/value added capsules etc. of single herb 10 15 25 Ayurvedic medicine for bulk sale Ayurvedic medicine for retail sale 20 30 TOTAL 18 31 44 65
Proposed Interventions & Investments
Estmated Investments ( Rs.In lakhs) Pre-harvest/collection Training and Education Domestication Establishment of Herbal garden/nursery 901.10 Post-harvest/processing Collection centeres/pack house Quality control laborotries Procecessing units 879.00 Documentation/Data bank Development of data bank and information system 50.00 Export prmotion market Development and prmotion of Brand equity for medicinal plants and its products from Kerala 257.00 Setting up of monitoring and co-ordination units Total 2,162.10
Project Cost Source Rs ( in Lakhs) Contribution (%) Central agencies
(APEDA/ NMPB/ MFPI/MOA) 756.2 34.98 DOA ( GOK)* 691.0 31.96 Private investments 714.9 33.07 Total 2,162.1 100
1:部分文物被淹没 2:部分耕地被淹没 3:部分三峡自然景观
不可逆转的影响 1:部分文物被淹没 2:部分耕地被淹没 3:部分三峡自然景观
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