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LTP E 4-2 Making the Better Call

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1 LTP E 4-2 Making the Better Call
Intro: (4:25 min) Rev 14 Sep 2015 Ruan (2009). Van Halen-Right now. Retrieved from

2 Training Objective Tasks: Define Ethics
Identify and articulate the definition of an Ethical Dilemma and a Moral Temptation Provide an example of an Ethical Dilemma and a Moral Temptation Condition: 50-minute classroom training session Standard: Successful completion of Ethics in Action post-test and required essay

3 Factual Information: What is Ethics?
Divide into groups of 5-6. In groups, generate a definition of “ethics.” Be ready to read your definition aloud.

4 Factual Information: What is Ethics?
“Ethics is the study of standards of right and wrong behavior” (Kidder, 2009). Kidder, R. M. (2009). How good people make tough choices: Resolving the dilemmas of ethical living. Scranton, PA: HarperCollins Publishers.

5 Factual Information: What is a Moral Temptation?
A Moral Temptation is “a decision about right versus wrong which is based clearly on the core values that each person possesses” (Mercer University, n.d., p. 1). Mercer University. (n.d.). Introduction to ethical decision making. Retrieved from

6 Factual Information: What is an Ethical Dilemma?
An Ethical Dilemma is when two core values conflict with each other, requiring a tough choice between a right decision and a right decision.

7 Scenario: Moral Temptation or Ethical Dilemma?
Cadet Smith is serving weekend duty. Cadet Jones, a classmate, sends a text asking Smith to allow him (Jones) to take an unauthorized overnight. Smith knows Jones, and is confident that Jones will not get into any trouble. As Smith decides what to tell Jones, is he facing a moral temptation or an ethical dilemma? Tell Jones “yes” Value: friendship; loyalty Tell Jones “no” Value: rules; duty Students should recognize this as a Moral Temptation. Right or wrong? Right or wrong? Moral temptation = right vs. wrong; Ethical dilemma = right vs. right

8 Scenario: Moral Temptation or Ethical Dilemma?
Cadet Smith is struggling academically, and because of the stress of these classes, he has not been taking care of his room properly. His room is a mess, there’s an MRI tomorrow, and if the company does poorly on the MRI, they face an unspecified punishment. But there’s also a major test in one of his classes tomorrow morning. Smith knows that if he spends his time cleaning rather than studying, he will get a bad grade on the test – but if he spends his time studying rather than cleaning, the whole company might suffer. As Smith decides how to spend his time, is he facing a moral temptation or an ethical dilemma? Students should understand that this is an Ethical Dilemma. Clean (help company) Study (improve GPA) Right or wrong? Right or wrong?

9 Scenrio: Moral Temptation or Ethical Dilemma?
Cadet Smith is home on Thanksgiving break. Several of his friends invite him to go out with them, and he agrees. After an evening of pizza and video games, the group decides to go drinking, and since Smith is underage, they ask him to be the designated driver. The problem is that he can’t get into the club without an ID. Somebody in the group produces a fake ID that looks enough like Smith that it will probably work. Smith wants to keep hanging out with his friends, and he wants to keep them safe, but he isn’t sure about using a fake ID. As Smith decides whether to use the fake ID, is he facing a moral temptation or an ethical dilemma? Students should understand that this is a Moral Temptation. Use fake ID (help friends) Refuse fake ID (obey law) Right or wrong? Right or wrong?

10 Activity: Moral Temptation or Ethical Dilemma?
YOUR TURN In your group, describe a situation in which you faced a moral temptation, then describe a second situation in which you faced an ethical dilemma. You may describe a situation in the barracks, something related to class, or something unrelated to school. In each case, identify the values associated with each choice. Be ready to share your situations with the whole class.

11 Applicability to Post-Graduation Life
A moral temptation is NOT an ethical dilemma. Doing wrong, even for a good reason, is still wrong. Cheating (which is wrong) to make good grades (which is good) is still wrong. Lying (which is wrong) out of loyalty (which is good) is still wrong. Temptation: Do wrong for a good reason? Dilemma: Choose between conflicting rights.

12 Questions & Comments

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