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Attachment Mechanisms: New Collaborations for PMH

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Presentation on theme: "Attachment Mechanisms: New Collaborations for PMH"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attachment Mechanisms: New Collaborations for PMH
Chilliwack Division of Family Practice Fraser Health Vancouver Division of Family Practice Ministry of Health Provincial Divisions, CPI

2 Disclosure Lisa Adams, DoBC Katrina Bepple, CDFP Joshua Greggain, CDFP
Emma Isaac, MoH Barbara Lai, VDFP Petra Pardy, FHA No conflicts to disclose

3 AGENDA Welcome – disclosure – moderating and introductions
“What” - Context - what we know, Presentation: Chilliwack, Vancouver, MoH “So What” – what’s this mean for us – supporting AM in communities – regionally, provincially Activity - Table discussion and sharing “Now What” – Next steps

4 Central Registry and/or Hotline
Customized Attachment Mechanism Attachment Hub Web-based Strategy

5 AMs Summary: June 2016 to now
Identified building additional capacity in the system to allow family doctors and/or other primary care providers to accept new patients Critical step seen as readiness to developing a province-wide matching program Highlighted need to redesign the current primary care model to allow allied health professionals to play a greater role in primary care

6 Addressed local variations of family doctor capacity as a challenge to creating a cohesive provincial matching system Explored rationale for collaboration: efficiencies (inter-agency referrals like BC Cancer Control); consistency (eg. privacy issues, confidentiality) and collective approach to challenges Recommendation to expand on what already exists (eg. Pathways)

7 Impact Funding Extension…
total of 14 initiatives, nine neither required more time/funding or found other means of sustainability six were granted additional funding early indications include health system improvement, quality of care, partnerships and networks

8 Questions for Table Discussion: 20 minutes
From what you've learned today and your experience, do any of the proposed recommendations resonate with you? Do you agree/disagree with any of these recommendations or options? What do you see your role as in moving these recommendations forward?

9 2. Where do you see Attachment Mechanisms fitting into the development of PMH in your community?
3. What other provincial and/or regional enablers are needed for Attachment Mechanisms to be successful? Thank you!

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