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Fundamentals of Health and Safety Management Topic: Permit –to-Work Systems Presented by: Gershon D. Odum (OSHEC Risk Control Limited- Tema) Date: October 2016

2 OBJECTIVE On completing this module, participants will be able to:
Understand and explain the work permit process and the various forms that may be used, and which type of form to use where. Describe the basic requirements of a good permit system. understand in which situations a General Work permit is required. Know where additional information on permit to work can be obtained.

3 What is Work Permit System?
A work permit system consists primarily of a standard procedure designed to ensure that potentially hazardous routine and non routine work on industrial installations can be carried out safely .

4 The procedure should define the need for the following essential steps:
Details of the necessary preparatory work Clear definition of responsibilities Appropriate training of the work force Provision of adequate safety equipment A formal work permit with or without attached specific checklists.

5 This work permit: specifies the work to be accomplished and authorizes it to be started under the strict observance of consigned work and safety procedures After information and agreement of all other concerned parties (process, safety, customers, suppliers,…)

6 When is a Work Permit required?
For all non-routine works, For hazardous routine works not covered by procedures, When work is performed: by your employees and/or third parties

7 The Work Permit System : For what kind of work?
A work permit is required in case of: Potential oxygen deficiency or enrichment Potential flammable/explosive atmosphere Potential high temperature/pressure Potential hazardous chemicals, e.g.: toxic substances Confined space entry, e.g.: tanks, cold box, pit, normally closed vessels Bypassing or removing/altering safety devices or equipment Elevated works

8 Introduction of ignited sources where not permanently allowed (fire permit), e.g.: open flame, welding, grinding, Electrical troubleshooting or repair on live circuits Maintenance or repairs in areas or to equipment or lines, containing or supposed to contain hazardous materials or conditions,

9 Or also in case of: Manual or powered excavations Use of mobile cranes Insulation or catalysts handling Use of adapters Product conversion of stationary or mobile or portable vessels and containers Temporary or permanent changes, alterations, modification of equipment or processes,

10 Exposure to traffic, Exposure to moving/rotating machinery In proximity of vents, liquid of gas On process lines with gas release Etc..

11 The Work Permit System : Why?
Because: In charge of the work, you don’t know everything about the site and the process around about the work Safety measures have to be prepared You cannot start the work without the OK of the production personnel or the customer or the supplier The production needs your OK in order to re-start the plant after your work is achieved To obtain a safe as well as a quick and cost effective work

12 The Work Permit System : With who?
In order to define the scope of work for everyone concerned/involved by and during the work, the Work Permit must be prepared with: The person responsible for the work The person(s) in charge of the production, the customer or supplier, who will release the process before the work starts The other work bodies The person in charge of HSE measures

13 The Work Permit System : How?
Before issuing the Work Permit, you must: Describe the work to be done List all the specifications and drawings which are required Issue detailed planning with all involved entities Determine the logging and tagging procedures Fill-in together the work permit and sign, The start of the work must be authorized by production and/or user, The re-start of the process must take place after the work is finished.

14 Process fluids and materials involved, Degree of isolation,
The Work Permit System : Review of flowsheets, drawings and specifications Purpose of the review is to ensure all key persons involved in job planning have a thorough understanding of the job. It should include: Process fluids and materials involved, Degree of isolation, Effect of other processes, Power supply isolation, Specialist advice, Location of underground services and pipes, Location of elevated power cables,

15 Location of elevated pipelines and walkways,
Purging and lock-out requirements, Pressure, Temperature, Valve identification, Equipment specification, Operating and maintenance instructions, Materials of construction and compabilities

16 Types of Work Being Permitted
GENERAL (Cold) WORK : Covers all maintenance and construction activities, or any other activities outside normal operations that does not involve any form of hot work or confined space entry. HOT WORK: Covers all work activities that involve a source of ignition, or where sufficient heat may be generated to ignite flammable or combustible materials. Used in conjunction with a General Work Permit CONFINED SPACE ENTRY: Required for entry into any area, storage vessel, with restricted entry and exit and where there is a potential for a hazardous environment to exist. General Work Permit is issued for work that does not involve any form of hot work or confined space entry is sometimes referred to as Cold Work Permit or Safe Work Permit.

17 Type of Work Versus Type of Permit Form Required
General (Cold) Work General Work Permit or an equivalent permit form Hot Work Hot Work Form or an equivalent permit form Confined Space Entry ---- Confined Space Entry Form or an equivalent permit form Other Forms that may be required in conjunction with the relevant work permit, but are themselves not a work permit: Energized Electrical Work Form Excavation Form Equipment Isolation Checklist Job Safety Analysis (JSA) form Other Forms Use: Energized Electrical Work Form – Used to ensure the critical safety issues related to work on energized electrical equipment performed by a qualified electrician have been considered and addressed. Equipment Isolation Checklist – A checklist used to log the location and type of isolation required used (e.g. locks and tags or blinds), the date installed and removed, and the initials of the person verifying the installation and removal. Excavation Form – Used in addition with the relevant work permit forms to ensure that relevant safety concerns related to excavation work have been considered and addressed as needed. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) – A form used to list the steps required to complete the job task, the hazards of each step and the controls required to mitigate or eliminate the hazard.

18 Work Permit/Forms – Samples
General Work Permit Hot Work Form

19 Work Permit/Forms – Samples cont.
Confined Space Entry Form Excavation Form

20 Energized Electrical Work Form
The Energized Electrical Work Form’s Section ”B” can be used to help ensure energized electrical equipment is properly prepared for work. Section “A” Section “B” of this form is to be completed by a qualified electrician who is to perform the work. Section “C” to be the approval section to be completed by the facility’s management or their delegated personnel. This Energized Electrical Work Form is at an optional form that can be used to ensure that whenever any type of electrical equipment is required to be positively isolated and worked performed on it that all the necessary precautions have been taken.

21 Equipment Isolation Checklist
The Equipment Isolation Checklist (EIC) form is to be completed in the planning stage for equipment that work to be performed on it. Note that this form is to be completed by the personnel responsible for preparing the equipment for planned work. The form is used to list all isolations points of all energy sources to that equipment, the type of isolation required and if the number of the padlocks or if blinding is required. It requires the normal position of the isolated block valve or blind and provides for the date installed and removed as well as the initials of the person verifying it has been done. Note: Ensure personnel clearly understand that if blinds are to be installed the blinding itself requires a General Work Permit (or its equivalent to be issued).

22 3 Phases of the Work Cycle
Planning Phase -- Before any work can begin Plan the work Review the job site Complete Lock-out & Tag-out of equipment as per the completed Equipment Isolation Checklist Review job tasks with facility management/operations Initiate the necessary work permit forms Explain the permit conditions and requirements to the Permit Holder Permit Holder to conduct a tool box talk with the workers and post at the job site. Work in Progress Phase ---- During the Work Workers to comply with all permit and Job Safety Analysis conditions and requirements Stop work if job’s scope or site conditions change Monitor personnel during work Completion of Work Phase ---- Permitted work completed Permit Issuer (or designated person) to inspect job site before closing

23 Permitting Sequence All permitted work requires a General Work Permit to be issued for the job task required to be issued. Normally the General Work Permit will be valid for the entire shift of the Permit Issuer. If hot work is required to be performed an additional Hot Work Form must be issued in addition to the General Work Permit. Normally the Hot Work Form will be issued for the period the hot work is required and not for the entire shift. If confined space entry is required a Confined Space Entry Form shall be issued in addition to the General Work Permit. If work on energized electrical equipment is required an Energized Electrical Work Form shall be issued in addition to the General Work Permit.

24 Permits Extension and Renewals
Permit extension (Same Day) All three of the Work Permitting forms can be extended, but the total time of the work permit can not exceed 16 hours. An extension can only be granted by that shifts Permit Issuer with all copies being recovered and signed by the Permit Holder and Permit Issuer. Renewal Work Permits for General Work and Hot Work can both be renewed for up to six days providing there is no change to the scope of work, site conditions and all requirements of the permit are verified as continuing to be met. Note: A work permit for entry into a confined space can not be renewed, a new permit must be completed each day.

25 Work Permitry Forms - Minimum Requirements
Permit forms shall at the minimum include the following elements: Permit forms to have an original and either one or two carbon copies. Permit form’s original to be in the language of the land, and (if not English) one carbon copy to be in English and the second in the language of the land. Permit forms to be printed with sequential serial numbers Different types of permits/forms are to be identifiable by their color. (e.g. Yellow – General Work Permit, pink – Hot Work Form and Green – Confined Space Entry Form, Energized Electrical Wok Form - Blue) Permit Issuer to go over all permit requirements and conditions with the Permit Holder who will then sign the form if in agreement.

26 Work Permitry Forms - Minimum Requirements (continued)
Original (and if not in English an English copy) to be issued to the Permit Holder. Permit Holder to conduct a Safety Briefing with workers. If Permit Holder will work alone he is required to complete a “Safe Performance Self Assessment” before starting work. Permit Original shall be displayed in a visible location at job site. Originals( and copies) to be returned to the permit issuer upon completion of the work or end of permit form’s allotted time frame. Permit Issuer to confirm job completed and job site OK before the permit form to be signed off as completed. Work permits to be retained for a defined period as define by Company and or Regulatory requirements.

27 Work Permits Forms -Contents
Each work permitry form shall clearly cover the following: A specific description of the work to be done. The location of the work site and or area. The identification of the equipment to be worked on. The name of the person requesting the permit. The date and times for which the permit is valid. A list of the tools required to perform the work. Cross reference to other permit forms or other documents What product the vessel or equipment last contained. Details of any gas testing conducted (as appropriate). Details of isolation requirements (Lock-Out & Tag-Out). Details of any special safety precautions and site conditions required. An Approval & Sign Off Section

28 Work Permit – Requirements Before Starting Work
After issuance of a Work Permit the following must occur before work commences: All conditions, precautions, and restrictions on the permit must have been satisfied. Any additional forms noted as being required must be obtained (e.g. Confined Space Entry Form, Hot Work Form excavation form, Energized Electrical Work Form) Permit Holder to hold a safety briefing at job site to convey the permit or permits requirements and conditions to the workers at the work site. Permit and copy of related forms (JSA, EIC) is to be suitably displayed at the work site. Work must commence within 30 minutes of the permit being issued or if not, revaluated by the Permit Issuer.

29 General Work Permits – Typical Applications
Opening or breaking into equipment (using hand or pneumatic tools only) Blinding (using hand or pneumatic tools only) Work on tanks, not involving any form of hot work Work on in-service equipment (e.g. tightening of packing on valve stem using hand tools only) Use of pneumatic impact wrenches Pneumatic drills and saws Rotating or ratchet type pipe cutters Removal from service of a major fire protection system Excavation work (involving no source of ignition) Painting Note: the above are just some examples of typical applications where General Work Permits may be required. This is not an all inclusive list and the requirement to issue work permits must be determined by the appropriate personal prior to commencing any work.

30 Hot Work The following are recommended guidelines for hot work to be performed in a classified (hazardous) zone of a facility. All open drains to be covered within 50 feet Gas Testing to done at all covered drains, and other potential sources of flammable vapors Hot Work: 0% LEL Required Oxygen level between 19.5% and 23%1 Toxic gases or vapors below TWA (unless respiratory protection) (H2S < 5 PPM, CO < 25 PPM Benzene < 0.5 ppm Other: Refer to MSDS sheet There are some locations within the Region where regulatory requirements may allow hot work Notes: 1. While the acceptable oxygen range is indicated as 19.5% - 23% the reason for any change from 20.8/9% should be determined as it may be due to presence of another gas beyond its permissible exposure level. Note: for further details relating to hot work, refer to the Safety Bulletin on hot work.

31 Hot Work Form – Some Typical Applications
Welding Acetylene or gas cutting or burning Soldering Concrete cutting Grinding Metal chipping Use of any open flames Use of non-explosion proof electrical equipment Opening of live explosion proof panels in a hazardous area Use of motorized machinery Personal electrical/electronic devices (e.g. cameras, etc.) Abrasion blasting Note: for further details relating to hot work, and control measures used when undertaking hot work, refer to the Safety Bulletin on Hot Work.

32 Confined Space Entry The following are recommended guidelines for entry and work within confined spaces Entry: less than 10% LEL1 meter reading General or Cold Work only: less than 10% LEL1 Hot Work: 0% LEL Oxygen level between 19.5% and 23%2 Toxic gases or vapors below TWA (if without respiratory protection) (H2S < 5 PPM, CO < 25 PPM Benzene < 0.5 ppm Other: Refer to MSDS sheet for previous content of the equipment. Note: for further details relating to confined space entry, refer to the Safety Bulletin on confined space entry. Some countries may need to amend these figures downwards. E.g. New Zealand has a national standard that calls for 5% LEL (LFL) or less for confined space entry. Notes: 1. In some geographies there may be local regulations/guidelines that specify a lower LEL value for any confined space entry. 2. While the acceptable oxygen range is indicated as 19.5% - 23% the reason for any change from 20.8/9% should be determined as it may be due to presence of another gas beyond its permissible exposure level.

33 Confine Space – Examples
Storage Tanks (both above and below ground) Excavations if at a depth of 1.5 Meters (5 feet) or greater Duct work Storm Sewer Piping Vessels (e.g. Boilers, Knockout drums, etc) Enclosed skirts of vessels and equipment with limited access Enclosed crawl spaces under buildings Oily water separators at a facility Open top floating roof tanks if the tank’s floating roof is at or greater than 1.5 M from the tank’s rim Note: for further details relating to hot work, and control measures used when undertaking hot work, refer to the Safety Bulletin on Confined Space.

34 Work Permits – Additional Information
For additional details on permit to work requirements refer to: Your operating procedures Your Company’s HES Specialist Your Regional Safety Specialist General Work Permit Decision Workflow


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