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The Declaration of Independence

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1 The Declaration of Independence
Chapter 2

2 Starter Vocabulary: self-evident (clear); endowed (given); unalienable (not to be taken away); pursuit of (search for). Question: Where does this passage come from? Anyone know the name for section within the DoI where this passage is located? (Preamble) Possible Answer above: All people are born with basic rights that cannot be taken from them, including the freedom to live and search for happiness as they see fit. - Read all and paraphrase (rewrite in your own words) the first sentence from the passage.

3 Objective Students will be able to analyze the Declaration of Independence and understand its 4 parts. Reading of DoI

4 Question Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson

5 Organization of the DoI
Has 4 parts: Preamble (explains reasons for separating); Declaration of Natural Rights (lists basic rights to which people are entitled); List of Grievances (offers evidence that King George has violated the colonists’ rights); and Resolution of Independence (asserts that the colonies are now independent from Britain) Today we are going to analyze one of the most important political documents in the world

6 Activity Read the Declaration of Independence and answer the questions below. Preamble (first paragraph): 1) What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? Declaration of Natural Rights (second paragraph): 2) a. What are the rights of men? b. What is the purpose of government? 3) a. How do governments get their just or rightful powers? b. When do the people have a right to change the government? List of Grievances: 4) What complaints does the Continental Congress have about the following? a. Trade: b. Taxes: Resolution of Independence (final paragraph): 5) What kind of states are the new “United Colonies”?

7 Answers 1. The Preamble states that the “political bands” between the colonies and Great Britain are being dissolved. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence is to declare the causes for the separation. 2. (a) All men have certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (b) It is the purpose of government to secure the rights of the people.

8 Answers 3. (a) Governments get their just (rightful) powers from the consent of the governed. (b) When government no longer respects the rights of the people, it is their right to abolish the government and institute new government. 4. (a) The king has cut off trade between the colonies and all parts of the world. (b) The king has imposed taxes on the colonies without the consent of the colonists. 5. The United Colonies are free and independent states.

9 Questions What reaction might the document have elicited from undecided colonists, the British people, other Europeans, and British royalty? Write your responses. 1. Undecided colonists: 2. British citizens: 3. Other Europeans: 4. British royalty:

10 Possible Answers A1. Possible response: The stirring words and list of grievances might have inspired many to join the cause, while the radical step of declaring independence might have frightened many into remaining loyal to the British. A2. Possible response: While some, particularly the lower classes, may have identified with the cause of freedom, many Britons would have been outraged by the audacity of the colonists and would have resolved to crush the rebels.

11 Possible Answers A3. Possible response: European Enlightenment thinkers likely celebrated the colonists for trying to implement Enlightenment ideas. Britain’s European rivals, who stood to gain from American independence, might have supported the colonists as well. However, they probably worried that this precedent might provoke insurrection at home and in their colonies. A4. Possible response: American independence would cost them much power and wealth, so British royalty most likely was outraged and resolved to crush the rebellion.

12 Exit Ticket 1) Name the three “unalienable rights” listed in the Declaration; 2) From what source do governments derive their “just powers.” 3) What is the main idea of the Declaration of Independence? a. that all men should pursue happiness b. that the colonies would not pay taxes c. that the colonies would no longer submit to British rule d. that a Constitution would be written to improve colonial government life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Consent of the governed C

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