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What Is Response to Intervention? (RTI)

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Response to Intervention? (RTI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Response to Intervention? (RTI)
A comprehensive, multi-tiered intervention strategy to enable early identification and intervention for students at academic or behavioral risk. Instruction that provides a response to student performance through scientific, research-based interventions. Early identification and intervention are the key. We now have the tools (DIBELS, Benchmarks, progress monitoring, etc) to truly intervene. To intervene when a student crosses our threshold for the first time. The more students receiving intervening earlier, the more successful and fewer requiring identification for special education. However, even those requiring special education will reap the benefits of additional, functional information and more truly intensive special education services.

2 Key Characteristics of RtI
Use of scientifically research-based curriculum, & interventions aligned with academic standards Universal Screening of Reading, Math and Behavior Multiple, Fluid Tiers of Increasing Intensity of Interventions Differentiated instruction, curriculum & intervention strategies Continuous monitoring of student performance that increases with intensity of student need Benchmark/Outcome assessment Dr. Rhen has this slide. Will stress the difference here and where we were with IST. The regular education connection is also key here as most points deal directly with regular education resources.

3 RtI Students RtI Classroom RtI Teachers Special Education
RtI - NOT RtI Students RtI Classroom RtI Teachers Special Education Another Name for IST

4 IST to RtI Where we have been … Where we are going…
Instructional Support Team Resources Gained Response to Intervention Request for assistance by teacher or parent Identification of need by universal screening for all students Student specific team School, grade, group and, student specific flexible and fluid teams IST (support) teacher coordinates process Coordination required for each team and between teams across the school Standards-based core curriculum presumed Requires research-based core curriculum for reading and math Implemented customized effective instruction for students at-risk Requires effective instructional practices for all students Student specific targeted ‘strategies’ School, grade, group and student specific interventions for all students Targeted instructional ‘strategies’ (with available research-based interventions) Scientific research-based interventions and standard protocol interventions Implications for whole group instruction Systematic changes in whole group instruction – differentiated instruction Behavior problems addressed through “Valentine” model and “Initial Line of Inquiry” Behavior problems addressed through positive behavior supports Progress monitoring for students at-risk Progress monitoring for all students at varying intensity Pre-referral system-led to evaluation if needed Data from process can be used as part of primary SLD diagnostic criteria Parent awareness Extensive parent involvement & reinforcement between home and school Elementary student assistance program (ESAP) embedded in IST functions Schools decide on relationship of three-tier process and ESAP Teams use problem-solving format Teams use problem-solving format with scientific base and consistent data Academic Standards PSSA/PASA Access to General Education Curriculum Curriculum Aligned with Academic Standards Scientific Research Base State-wide Emphasis on Data-Informed Decision-Making PVAAS State-wide Dibels Training & Support for All Students State-wide Positive Behavior Support Training State-wide Progress Monitoring Training Tutoring & Extended Learning Opportunities Assessment Anchors Focus on All Students-All Subgroups School Improvement Model Inclusive Practices

5 Pennsylvania’s Three-tiered Framework
An Integrated Approach (General, Remedial and Special Education) Based upon a functional perspective Focused on academic/behavioral growth of all students Student needs exist on a continuum Resources organized and provided in direct proportion to student need Implementation Scientifically research-based practices Problem Solving Model A “Best Practice” approach Considers all system variables (child, teacher, environment) Results in objective and measurable interventions (evidence-based) Following commentary is discussed with NEXT SLIDE: integrated with elaboration on Tiers. It’s all about how to “enable learning” so all students succeed! We need to be cautious that the focus on progress monitoring and “Lack of response” do not lead us down the same path as the former traditional deficit-based approaches did. The goal is not to show the student fails under various learning conditions, but rather under what conditions the student is “enabled to learn” with the maximum rate of success. Group students for instruction based on direct measurement and analysis of student performance - regroup frequently (e.g., group students together who need explicit phonics instruction, group students together who need to be taught to monitor meaning while reading, group students together who need to be pre-taught new vocabulary to promote comprehension) Nearly all assessments done with individuals are designed to diagnose the "learning enabled" (the conditions under which learning is enabled). Resources are made available based on direct measurement of student performance and specific instructional needs (e.g., students who have mild deficits in phonemic awareness get direct instruction in phonemic awareness without needing to "qualify" for categorical programming). By the same token, students with mild behavioral, emotional, social skill deficits get direct instruction in coping skills, decision-making, peer-relationships, etc.) Resources organized seamlessly, resources brought to bear in direct propoRtIon to the nature, severity and durability of student problem. Students get the amount of resources necessary to occasion and sustain acceptable levels & rates of learning.

6 Response to Intervention
Pennsylvania Response to Intervention Tier 3: Intensive Interventions for Low Performing Students Alter curriculum, Add time, support resources… Continuum of Time, Intensity and Data Increases Tier 2: Strategic and Targeted Interventions for Students At –Risk for Failure Strategic Instruction, Increased Time and Opportunity to Learn Percentage of Students Requiring Intensive Supports Decreases Strategic Interventions for Students at Risk of Academic Failure Pull this out of the resource packet. Tier I: Benchmark and School Wide Interventions for Students on Grade-level (benchmark) and All Students (Effective Instructional Practices provided within the General Education Curriculum)

7 What are interventions?
Targeted assistance based on progress monitoring Administered by teacher and/or specialist Provide additional instruction (individual or small group) Match materials to instructional level Modify modes of task presentation Modify instruction time Increase task structure Increase task relevant practice McCook, J., LRP Conference, December 2005

8 Interventions are NOT Preferential seating Shortened assignments
Parent contacts Classroom observations Suspension Doing more of the same assignments Retention McCook, J., LRP Conference, December 2005

9 A Standard Protocol Intervention …
Is scientifically research-based. Has a high probability of producing change for large numbers of students. Is designed to be used in a standard manner across students. Is usually delivered individually or in small groups. Is often scripted or very structured. Can be orchestrated by a problem-solving team.

10 Tier 1: Benchmark/Schoolwide
Data Analysis Teaming Effective Instruction Universal Screening Progress Monitoring General Education Curriculum Schoolwide Behavior Support Tier I: Benchmark and School Wide Interventions for Students on Grade-level (benchmark) and All Students (Effective Instructional Practices provided within the General Education Curriculum)

11 Tier 1: Benchmark/Schoolwide
Definition: Students who are making expected progress in the general education curriculum and who demonstrate social competence; Describes school-wide interventions that are available to all students: Effective instruction Clear expectations Effective student support Periodic benchmark assessments Universal prevention Students working at established benchmarks. Making predicted progress and at or above grade level. Effective Student Support = Academic and/or Behavior Periodic = 3x per year, minimum CASEL (2003) Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning 5 Big IDEAS: (1) Self-awareness (2) Social awareness (3) Self-management (4) Relationship skills (5) Responsible decision-making

12 Tier 1 Functions Universal screening Monitor Student Progress
Data analysis teaming School-wide behavior supports Effective differentiated instruction within the core curriculum Perhaps in the notes mention that today many schools are setting aside a large piece of time during which all staff work in the reg. ed. Classroom on the core curriculum.

13 Targeted Skill based Interventions More Frequent Progress Monitoring
Tier 2: Strategic/Targeted Tier 2: Strategic and Targeted Interventions for Students At –Risk for Failure Strategic Instruction, Increased Time and Opportunity to Learn Targeted Skill based Interventions More Frequent Progress Monitoring

14 Tier 2: Strategic/Targeted
Definition: Academic and behavioral strategies, methodologies and practices designed for students not making expected progress in the general education curriculum and/or have mild to moderate difficulties demonstrating social competence. These students are at risk for academic failure. At risk for academic failure. Frequent or chronic behavioral, socialization problems.

15 Tier 2: Strategic Interventions
Use of standard protocol interventions Scientifically research-based interventions Academic – reading & math Behavior Core instruction with supplemental materials Differentiated instruction in general ed. Specialists assist with strategic instruction in regular classroom Increase opportunity to learn Increase instructional time Increase progress monitoring A handout is in the resource packet defining scientifically research-based and providing links.

16 Tier 3: Intensive Interventions
for Low Performing Students Alter curriculum, Add time, support resources… Intensive instruction Small Group skill-based instruction Weekly Progress Monitoring

17 Tier 3: Intensive Interventions
Definition: Academic and behavioral strategies, methodologies and practices designed for students significantly lagging behind established grade-level benchmarks in the general education curriculum or who demonstrate significant difficulties with behavioral and social competence. Academic and behavioral intervention directed to a small group of students, seriously at risk for academic failure. For example, students requiring intensive interventions might receive instruction in the core reading program that exposes them to grade level curriculum based in the academic standards AND intensive instruction in a homogeneous skill group with a program selected to address their particular skill deficit.

18 Tier 3: Intensive Interventions
Use of standard protocols Supplemental instructional materials Small intensive groups Can be outside the general ed. classroom Tutoring by remedial educators

19 Tier 3: Instructional Strategies
Examples Increased direct instruction time More time on task More immediate and corrective feedback More opportunity to respond Functional behavior analysis (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) More frequent progress monitoring (once per week) Core curriculum and intensive intervention

20 Results of Tier 3 Interventions
Cycle responders back to tier 2 Refer non-responders for evaluation for eligibility for special education

21 Response to Intervention
Pennsylvania Response to Intervention Strategic Interventions for Students at Risk of Academic Failure Continuum of Time, Intensity and Data Increases Percentage of Students Requiring Intensive Supports Decreases Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Low Performing Students Alter curriculum, Add time, support resources… Tier I: Benchmark and School Wide Interventions Students on Grade-level (benchmark) and All Students (Effective Instructional Practices provided within the General Education Curriculum) Tier 2: Strategic and Targeted Interventions Students At –Risk for Failure Strategic Instruction, Increased Time and Opportunity to Learn

22 Layers of Support for RtI Implementation
School- District – Regional – State-wide Strategic, Structured & Proactive RtI Pilot School Program RtI Framework Resource Tool Kits Regional Trainer-of-Trainer Series Ongoing Topical Area Workshops & Trainings Intermediate Unit Technical Assistance Consultants Special Education & Curriculum Consultants Training and On-site assistance Build Capacity to support all schools

23 RtI Support for Implementation
Resources: RTI TOOL KIT Development 1. Overview of RTI 2. Universal Screening 3. Data Analysis Teaming 4. Scientific-based core curriculum in reading & math 5. Differentiated Instruction 6. Progress Monitoring 7. Positive Behavior Supports 8. Using RtI in the Determination of Eligibility for Special Education 9. Training for Principals and Administrators

24 Distinguished Educators
School Improvement System District Performance School Performance Intensive Supports: Distinguished Educators Classroom Performance Student Performance Tier 2: Strategic and Targeted Interventions Tier 1: Benchmark and School Wide Interventions for All Students Tier 3: Intensive Targeted Supports: Intermediate Units For Districts that Struggle in Particular Areas & are in School Improvement or Warning – 350 Districts Foundation Support The Basics in All Six Components – All 501 School Districts In Pennsylvania

25 Linkages between the School Improvement System & RTI
Implementation of School-wide Approach to Address the Reading, Mathematics and Behavioral Needs of All Students Research-Validated Interventions are Implemented Based on the Type, Level and Intensity of the Individual Student’s Need Universal Screening of Academics and Behavior is Conducted for All Students; Continuous Progress Monitoring; Progress Monitoring Data used to Determine Effectiveness and Drive Instructional Adjustments; Conduct Benchmark/Outcome Assessment for All Students Clear Standards What students should know and do Fair Assessments How you measure what students know and are able to do Interventions How you help struggling kids understand the content Strong Results For ALL Students ALL Staff (Gen, Sp Ed, Title, ESL) Assume an Active role in Instruction in the Curriculum Resources & Materials The stuff you use to teach the content Curriculum The content behind the standards Instruction How you teach the content behind the standards Ensure that Researched-Based Instruction and Intervention Strategies are Implemented with Fidelity; Support Resources and Materials along with Supplementary Interventions are Necessary to Held Students Not Making Sufficient Progress ALL Students Receive High Quality, Research-Based Instruction in the General Education Setting; High-Quality Instruction and Intervention Matched to Student Need Using Data to Inform Instruction

26 Pennsylvania RtI Implementation

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