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Presentation on theme: "POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS AND SUPPORTS (PBIS)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Wisconsin PBIS Network
What are Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports or PBIS? Proactive school-wide or district-wide discipline systems help to establish a learning culture within which both social and academic success increases. Wisconsin PBIS Network Regional Trainers Kent Smith Milaney Leaverson Presenters: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a research based approach to establishing a proactive school-wide or district-wide discipline and reinforcement program that focuses on positive student performance. This program is devoted to developing and enriching a positive school climate that rewards student positive behavior instead of reacting to student negative performance. The Spooner Area School District was directly trained by the Wisconsin PBIS Networks regional trainers Mr. Kent Smith and Mrs. Milaney Leaverson. This training is in conjunction with the global work of Dr. Horner and Dr. Sugai who are global experts in the generation of positive learning environments through the PBIS systematic process.

3 PBIS National Involvement
The national movement to PBIS has added over 21 thousand schools since the early 1990s. The success of this program in our nations schools has lead to all 50 states adopting this as a required program.

4 The implementation of PBIS is nothing new to Wisconsin
The implementation of PBIS is nothing new to Wisconsin. As of 2015, 1,143 schools across 250 school districts have trained and implemented PBIS. State data

5 Spooner Area School District PBIS Team
Administration: Luke, Brad, and Sarah District External Coach: Dr. Britta DeJagar Building Internal Coaches: Nancy and Ashley SES Team SMS Team Julie Piskie Denean Burkett Amanda Bates Tammy Ackerson Denise Swan Megan Grimm Mark Asleson Carrie Quinton Jeromie Voeltz Josh Fizel Rhonda Carlton Brin Lawrence The Spooner Area School District recently trained leaders from both the elementary and middle schools.

6 SMS Teaches Universal Expectations
By teaching consistent expectations for all students, teachers are able to be proactive in defining what is expected and what will be reinforced. Their explicit instruction is directly tied to universal expectations for each designated area of the students school day.

7 Lesson Plans Focused on Positive Behavior
Teachers use consistent lesson plans to explicitly teach students their expectations for each area designated on the Behavior Matrix. This consistency is key in ensuring that all students know what their expectations are. When student behavior becomes a concern these lessons are used to reteach the expectations.

8 PBIS Clearly Defines Behavior
PBIS clearly outlines which behaviors will be retaught by teachers and when administration and parents will become involved.

9 2014-2016 SMS Behavior Data 2014-2015 Total Office Referrals: 404
Class of % Class of % Class of % Class of % Total Office Referrals: 382 Class of % Class of % Class of % Class of % Two years of student data has shown that the students of SMS demonstrate behavioral needs that would be supported by teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors.

10 2015-16 SMS Data by Behavior Building data
The collection and use of student data provides meaningful information on what behaviors teachers should teach, reteach and target with reinforcement for positive student performance. Building data

11 PBIS Places Emphasis on Positive Behaviors
A key component to the success of PBIS within our buildings is the consistent reinforcement of positive student behaviors. This reinforcement is the contributing factor to the development and ability to sustain a positive and supportive student culture.

12 Resources Wisconsin State Annual Report Wisconsin PBIS Network
Wisconsin PBIS Network Wisconsin PBIS at Home


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