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Dr. Karra Ram Chandar Department of Mining Engineering

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1 Student Centric Mining Education and Training vis A vis Job Satisfaction of Mining Engineers
Dr. Karra Ram Chandar Department of Mining Engineering National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Mangalore

2 Introduction Progress of mining industry depends on not only large scale investment, machinery, technology but also bright and committed man power / mining engineers. Mining Engineering curriculum includes various basic subjects related to mechanical engineering (thermo dynamics, engineering graphics, machine drawing etc), Civil engineering (Strength of materials), basics of electrical engineering, electronics, computer science etc., along with basic science subjects. Another unique feature of the mining program is Industrial training / coal camp. In reality, it was observed that many students are not having a positive image /opinion at the end of the course both academically and based on the experiences of training, where a kind of dissatisfaction starts before joining a job itself.

3 Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs Job satisfaction depends on the balance between work-role inputs - such as education, working time, effort - and work-role outputs - wages, fringe benefits, status, working conditions, etc. If work-role outputs (pleasures) increases relative to work-role inputs (pains), then job satisfaction will increase and vice versa. Job satisfaction as a bi-dimensional concept consisting of intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction dimensions. Intrinsic sources of satisfaction depend on the individual characteristics of the person, such as the ability to use initiative, relations with supervisors, or the work that the person actually performs, these are symbolic or qualitative facets of the job. Extrinsic sources of satisfaction are situational and depend on the environment, such as pay, promotion, or job security, these are financial and other material rewards or advantages of a job.

4 Society of Mining Engineers (SME) (www. sme
Society of Mining Engineers (SME) ( has identified the following reasons for the job satisfaction of mining engineers. Benefit to Society: Challenging Work: Opportunities for Career Advancement: Financial Benefits: Variety of Work Environments: Prestige: Variety of Work Experiences: Safe and Professional Work Environment: Creative Thinking:

5 Job Satisfaction of Mining Engineers in India
Case Study on Job Satisfaction of Mining Engineers in India As part of a research project, an attempt is made to assess the role of various parameters on job satisfaction of mining engineers who are working already in different mining organization in India. Individual responses were collected through questionnaire consists of 78 questions related to work conditions, pay, facilities, organizational structure, organization behaviour etc. Data was collected from around 500 individuals.

6 78 per cent said that their ideas will be accepted by their seniors
74 per cent have said that their superiors respond to the issues which are important to them, 78 per cent said that their ideas will be accepted by their seniors 71 per cent said their superiors give due respect to them. 44 per cent have said that their senior officials behaviour disturbs them mentally, which causes job dissatisfaction. Series-1 Does your superiors responds to the issues that are important to you professionally? Series-2 Does your ideas are accepted by your seniors? Series-3 Does your superiors treat you with due respect? Series-4 Does your senior officials behaviour disturbs you mentally sometimes?

7 Is bossism is very high in Mining industry?
46 per cent normally and 25 per cent strongly agreed that bossism is very high in Mining industry. This is the major factor which is causing job dissatisfaction. Especially the present generation is interested to work under full freedom.

8 Only 18 percent normally and 9 per cent strongly agreed that the work culture is very cordial where as 38 per cent disagreed and 9 per cent strongly disagree for the statement that the work culture is cordial, Is Work culture is very cordial/peaceful?

9 21 per cent disagreed and 53 per cent agreed and 10 per cent said ‘cannot say’
You are able to maintain a reasonable balance between your family life and your work life

10 Particulars Mean Std. Dev. Bad (1) (%) Poor (2) Avg. (3) Good (4) V. Good (5) 1.I am happy with regard to the recreational facilities provided 3.82 1.25 7.5 7 22.5 40.5 2. I am happy with regard to the training provided 3.51 1.49 15.5 12.5 16.5 17 38.5 3. I am happy with regard to the accommodation facilities provided. 3.01 1.65 26 23 8.5 9 33.5 Average 3.44 1.46 16.33 14.17 15.83 16.17 37.50

11 The steps to be taken by Academic Institutes:
The present working professionals job satisfaction is not very high, then what about the upcoming generation? i.e. present students The steps to be taken by Academic Institutes: Subjects like Mine Management should be a core course Organizational behaviour must be a departmental elective (Organizational structure, work culture, job satisfaction, leadership, motivation, incentives, etc.) Some research oriented topics like deep learning, high performance computing, GPU etc., to be included in “Applications of computers in mining” as elective. Mine management should be a minor in case Major and minor options available during UG. Mathematics for mining engineers - should be a department core course Students should be encouraged to take some electives from electronics, mechatronics, CS/IT etc., to create some innovative ideas. Integrated UG projects should be encouraged (students from different departments) Students exchange programs should be initiated with foreign universities Two training of each one month or one training of two months should be mandatory

12 Steps to be taken by Industry:
Industry should realise that the students training is an indirect investment on man power. Attention should be paid in providing suitable accommodation – which is a prime factor for students Higher cadre official should spend atleast one hour in a month training of a student. Training should be objective specific and incentive based. For example A big co. offers training for at least 5 students from each institute, say 50 students in a year and if each paid Rs. 3000/- a month, Rs. 1.5 lakhs is a very small amount. such experiment can be taken up Atleast private mining companies should focus in employing the students during training after their degree like some software companies

13 Thank you IE India Thank you KSM
Thank you and all Thank you KSM

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