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“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” A Taste of Data and Graphing

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1 “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” A Taste of Data and Graphing
Cassandra Centuori Professor Mountain Spring 2017

2 Who’s in the class? This lesson was designed for my third grade classroom. It is a general education classroom with 23 students. 4 students in the classroom have an IEP. There are very mixed ability levels in the classroom, ranging from students who were retained this year and students who go to Gifted and Talented programs.

3 Goals & Objectives SWBAT collect survey data, analyze data, and turn it into visual representations. SWBAT fluently use Excel to record the data they collect. SWBAT interpret data to answer comprehensive questions.

4 Standards NJSLS.8.1 – Educational Technology – Students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaborate and create and communicate knowledge. NJ CCCS A.7 – Enter information into a database or spreadsheet and filter the information. NJ CCCS A.4 - Graph data using a spreadsheet, analyze and produce a report that explains the analysis of data. NJ CCCS A.5 - Create and use a database to answer basic questions. NJSLS 3.MD.B.3 – Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.

5 Timeline Day 3: Draw electronic bar graphs and paper-pencil bar graphs
Introduction/Ask Survey Question Day 2 : Analyze Data/Input Data Day 4: Evaluation/Excel Quiz

6 What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Timeline: Day 1 The whole class will come up with flavors to be included as options for their peers to vote for. Students will type or write the choices and deliver them to other classes. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies n’ Cream

7 Timeline: Day 2 Students will collect the votes from other classrooms.
Students will input data into Excel, after counting up their votes. Data will be analyzed once it is input into an Excel template, like the one below: Students can use the SUM function to total the number of votes they collected.

8 Timeline: Day 3 Students will look into the minimum, maximum, range, and average number of votes. Students will draw electronic bar graphs and paper-pencil bar graphs.

9 Timeline: Day 4 Students will be evaluated on their knowledge through a 10-question excel quiz. When students input their answers, if the answer is correct, it will notify them here! (If-then statements used here)

10 Extra Practice Students will be able to practice the math skill of bar graphs and data interpretation with multiple games and websites, available on the last page of their Excel Workbook.

11 Brainy Bits: TPACK Technology Knowledge: Students will be using the Chrome Books to compile their research into an Excel spreadsheet. They are familiar with navigating the Chrome Books and will be learning about Excel for the first time. Pedagogy Knowledge: Students are able to work well through collaboration, thus making it a good choice to have them work in groups. Students will be working in heterogeneous groupings. Content Knowledge: Students will be working on grade-appropriate math skills, with the incorporation of technology.

12 Brainy Bits: SAMR Substitution – Data will be recorded into excel, rather than written down. Augmentation – Students will use Excel functions to analyze their data. Modification – Students will create a graph of their data to help depict it visually. Redefinition – Students will take a quiz on the data they have collected, which will give them feedback immediately.

13 References

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