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Co-Principal Investigators

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1 Co-Principal Investigators
Does microgravity have an effect on the disintegration of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) in chanca piedra (phyllanthus niruri)? Co-Principal Investigators Burleson Independent School District Hannah Greenhill Burleson, Texas Caleb Quisenberry The Academy at Nola Dunn Cooper Williams 5th Grade Teacher Facilitator Riki Bunch-Pettigrew Academy at Nola Dunn Burleson Independent School District

2 Background We learned astronauts are more prone to having kidney stones by looking at the NASA website. As their bones slowly break down in the microgravity, the calcium creates renal (kidney) stones. Chanca piedra is what we have decided to use to attempt to dissolve the kidney stones. This micrograph shows calcium oxalate crystals in urine. These small formations may create a kidney stone. The small crystal formations can make painful and time- wasting stones that the astronauts must pass.

3 Chanca Piedra Dissolving Kidney Stones
Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to see if kidney stones will be destroyed by chanca piedra in microgravity or not. In the future, entire families may be living in space, but if they are constantly passing kidney stones they will not be able to go about doing daily tasks. Chanca piedra is already used by many people on Earth, but in space, people will have more kidney stones, making chanca piedra more important. If chanca piedra has the same dissolving effect, living in space will become much more simple. If families were to go in space, kidney stones should never be a worry for any astronauts. Chanca Piedra (Liquid Form) Chanca Piedra (Plant Form) Chanca Piedra Dissolving Kidney Stones

4 Question We propose to answer the question of how or if microgravity has an effect on the disintegration of kidney stones in outer space. Chanca piedra normally dissolves kidney stones on Earth. We are hoping it has the same effect in microgravity, so astronauts will no longer have to deal with the pain of passing kidney stones. The results of this experiment may improve the lives of astronauts greatly.

5 Materials Type 3 FME 6 Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis)
1 mL of Phyllanthus Niruri (Chanca Piedra) 3 mL of Burleson, Texas Local Tap Water 3 mL of Formalin

6 Assembly Procedures We will add the kidney stones, chanca piedra/water mix, and formalin to the FME tube. 6 Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones) 3 mL of formalin 1 mL of Phyllanthus niruri (Chanca Piedra) 3 mL of local tap water

7 Conclusion We will know if astronauts can take chanca piedra to prevent kidney stones from causing pain and wasting time We will know if chanca piedra has the same helpful effect in microgravity as it does on Earth We will better understand the differences between microgravity and Earth’s gravity We believe the health of astronauts is very important to the future of all space travel

8 The Academy at Nola Dunn
Acknowledgements Inline image 2Inline image The Academy at Nola Dunn NanoRacks Doctor Kay Everett

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