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Meiosis Review.

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1 Meiosis Review

2 True True or False: Cancer is a disease caused by the severe disruption of the mechanisms that normally control the cell cycle.

3 Pluripotent Stem Cells
Stem cells that can give rise to all other types of cells in the body are known as…

4 Haploid What type of cells are created during the process of meiosis, haploid or diploid?

5 Cancer When cells lose the ability to control their rate of division the disease is called...

6 Haploid/Diploid As far as chromosome number is concerned:
Before fertilization the gamete cells are ________________. After fertilization the zygote is __________________. Choices: Haploid or Diploid.

7 What type of tumor undergoes uncontrolled cellular reproduction?
A malignant tumor What type of tumor undergoes uncontrolled cellular reproduction?

8 What special structure is involved in the process of crossing over?
Tetrads What special structure is involved in the process of crossing over?

9 True True or False: An organism has 15 chromosomes in its gamete cells (egg and sperm cells) it also has 30 chromosomes as a zygote.

10 4 haploid cells called gametes
How many daughter cells, and of what type, are produced at the end of meiosis?

11 Male The 23rd pair of chromosomes seen below indicated that this individual is what gender?

12 Chemotherapy This type of caner therapy can cause: Sterility Nausea
Hair loss

13 Genetically different
Are the cells produced during meiosis genetically identical or different from the parent cells?

14 What type of process is being depicted in the diagram below?
Crossing over What type of process is being depicted in the diagram below?

15 Diploid/Haploid As far as chromosome number is concerned:
Before meiosis parent cells are ________________. After meiosis the daughter cells are __________________. Choices: Haploid or Diploid.

16 Homologous chromosomes
The first 22 sets of paired chromosomes seen in the karyotype below are called…

17 Radiation therapy When cancer is treated using high energy radiation, this type of therapy is called…

18 When egg and sperm unite they form a …
Zygote When egg and sperm unite they form a …

19 During cytokinesis I of meiosis, 2 daughter cells are created.
True True or False: During cytokinesis I of meiosis, 2 daughter cells are created.

20 Female The 23rd pair of chromosomes seen below indicated that this individual is what gender?

21 Humans have how many chromosomes in their body (somatic) cells?
46 Humans have how many chromosomes in their body (somatic) cells?

22 During “S” phase of Interphase
Before meiosis can occur the DNA in the parent cell must replicate. In what part of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

23 A benign tumor What type of tumor is made up of an abnormal mass of essentially normal cells?

24 23 Humans have how many chromosomes in their gamete cells (egg and sperm)?

25 The 23rd pair of chromosomes seen below are called…
Sex chromosomes The 23rd pair of chromosomes seen below are called…

26 Cancer cells can spread throughout the body. This process is called...
Metastasis Cancer cells can spread throughout the body. This process is called...

27 True True or False: During cytokinesis II of meiosis, 4 haploid daughter cells are created.

28 Haploid (n) Before sexual reproduction occurs the parent cell is diploid (2n). After the cell divides, through the process of meiosis, the daughter cells are _______________. Choices: Diploid (2n) or Haploid (n)

29 Prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase & cytokinesis I
Prophase II, metaphase II anaphase II, and telophase & cytokinesis II. Starting with Prophase I - write the correct sequence of events during meiosis.

30 A: Metacentric B: Submetacentric C: Acrocentic List the three terms, in order, that describe the centromere position of each chromosomes seen below. A B C

31 Differentiated Cells If cells have a specialized function in the body are they called stem cells or differentiated cells?

32 Human egg and sperm cells both contain ________ of chromosomes.
23 Human egg and sperm cells both contain ________ of chromosomes.

33 Homologous chromosomes
In eukaryotic organisms the matching chromosomes, one from the maternal parent and one from the paternal parent, that have the same length, gene segments, centromere position, and banding pattern are called

34 Tetrads Structures that are formed from 2 pairs of homologous chromosomes during prophase I are called…

35 Diploid (2n) Before asexual reproduction occurs the parent cell is diploid (2n). After the cell divides, through the process of mitosis, the daughter cells are _______________. Choices: Diploid (2n) or Haploid (n)

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