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Автор: Хожаева Регина, ученица 8 класса. МБОУ «Красноярская СОШ №1»,

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1 Welcome to Astrakhan Region ( виртуальная экскурсия по Астраханской области)
Автор: Хожаева Регина, ученица 8 класса. МБОУ «Красноярская СОШ №1», с.Красный Яр Астраханская область Учитель: Богатырева Татьяна Владимировна 2013г.

2 Seven Wonders of Astrakhan Region
Route of the excursion Help Seven Wonders of Astrakhan Region start Museums of Astrakhan start Famous names of Astrakhan land start start Regional holidays

3 Навигация Экскурсия состоит из четырех независимых маршрутов;
Двигаться по ним можно как последовательно, так и выборочно, нажав кнопку Движение по маршрутам осуществляется по гиперссылкам и стрелкам движения вперед и стрелкам возврата ; Нажав на кнопку вы сможете посмотреть видео фильм или получить дополнительную информацию о данном объекте; По первому маршруту можно пройти нажав на цифры 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. По второму маршруту по гиперссылкам в названиях объектов; По третьему - нажимая на портреты известных астраханцев; С региональными праздниками можно познакомиться по гиперссылкам в их названиях. start

4 Seven Wonders of Astrakhan Region
2 3 1 Seven Wonders of Astrakhan Region 4 7 6 5

5 Museums of Astrakhan The Museum of the Local Lore
The Astrakhan Picture Gallery The Museum of Military Fame The Museum of the Town History The Museum of Culture

6 Famous names of Astrakhan land
B.Kustodiev N. Babkina V.Khlebnikov N. Mordovina P. Dogadin

7 Feast of the Astrakhan watermelon
Regional holidays Camel racing Feast of the Astrakhan watermelon Festival «Vobla» Nowruz Sabantuy

8 Saray Batu Saray Batu was one of the most developed centers of Golden Horde. Decline of the city began in Saray Batu was destroyed finally in 1480 and was gradually left by inhabitants. The unique and richest city was situated on the coast of the river Akhtuba, approximately km above Astrakhan. It’s rests are known now as Selitrennoe . Destruction of Saray Batu began at the end of XVI century because of extraction of bricks for the construction of Russian Astrakhan. Bricks and swept from the city were used in the construction of settlements and cities of the low Volga. Now each person can get acquainted with the history of the ancient capital, visiting the museum complex.

9 Church in Ilyinka village
Ilyinka is one of small villages of Astrakhan region. But it’ s known not only in our region. What is it famous for? A wooden old church is situated here. It has became a place of pilgrimage. People come here to recover from illnesses. This church has a wonder-working icon on which the wonderful image shows a face of Kazan icon of Bozheya Mater.

10 The Astrakhan Kremlin If you want to start your day visiting Astrakhan, go to the Astrakhan Kremlin which is in the center of the town. The Kremlin consists of several churches, a bell tower and a cathedral. It is surrounded by a white wall. The bell tower, which is 80 meters high, and the Uspensky Cathedral are the most beautiful parts of the Kremlin. The Astrakhan Kremlin hasn’t lost its spiritual significance nowadays. Just have a look at The Troitskiy (Trinity) monastery.

11 The Caspian Lotus «Caspian rose». People gave such name to «lotus» in Astrakhan region. Flowering period of lotus is July- August .It is true magical time. A lot of lotus are blossomed out at the same time, covering water with large pink – green coloured carpet, as if a rosy sky has gone down on the water. Not only flowers are amazing, but also leaves, covered by wax raid. It is impossible to explain the whole unique beauty and wonderful aroma of this unusual flower. Lotus is one of the symbols of Astrakhan region.

12 Great Bogdo Mountain Great Bogdo Mountain (149.6 m. above the sea level) is the highest point of the Caspian depression. It has a developed surface and underground karst forms of relief – beams, funnels, caves, grottoes, etc. The height of the mountain is increasing every year by about 1 mm. For local Kazakh citizens Mountain is the holy site. Bogdo is a sounding mountain. It is a part of Bogdinsko Baskunchaksky-natural complex.

13 The Russian sturgeon The sturgeon is one of the most ancient alive essences on our planet. The Russian sturgeon is the most valuable fish in the Caspian Sea. It’s length can be up to two or more meters. It can weight kgs. Our sturgeon lives till years. Caviar of the sturgeon is a very valuable product. But the number of the sturgeon becomes fewer and fewer. So some fish-beading factories have been organized in the Astrakhan area.

14 The Oak tree of Peter I In June 1722 the Russian Tsar Peter I paid a visit to sunny Astrakhan. The Tsar was getting ready for a march to Persia and that was why he was personally interested in the fortification of the southern outpost of Russia. The Caspian fleet was created in the mouth of the Volga on his initiative . The legend says that Peter I planted an oak tree in Yablochkov Street. But it is only a legend. It turned out that the tree is 150 years older than it was considered earlier.

15 The Museum of the Local Lore
The unique history of Astrakhan region, its various plant and animal world, nature resources are reflected in the exposition of the museum. «Sarmath's gold», «Peleontological collection of the museum and other permanent establishment are represented in the museum. You can see interesting dioramas with a wonderful world of wild nature of the Low Volga and steppes here. Many exhibits tell about the history of fishing and sailing on the Caspian sea.

16 The Astrakhan Picture Gallery
In 1918, a merchant, collector and connoisseur of artistic art, Pavel Dogadin presented his collection of picturesque and graphical works to Astrakhan and became the creator of state picture gallery. This picture gallery is one of the best artistic museums in Russia. The treasury of ancient Russian icon painting, Russian and West paintings, graphics, sculptures, things of applied arts, the unique collection of foreign engraving are represented here.

17 The Museum of Military Fame
The museum of Military Fame was opened in The exposition of the museum tells about the heroism of our countrymen in wars of centuries, about the role of the Astrakhan garrison for keeping the south-eastern frontiers of Russia and the courage of our contemporaries.

18 The Museum of the Town History
This museum was opened in in the house, where V. I. Lenin’s parents lived. It was called the Ulyanovs’ Museum. This museum was renamed in Besides expositions, devoted to the Ulyanovs, there are materials, connected with the history of that time, telling about merchants and notable citizens of the town. In the number of exhibits there are different implements and factory – made goods, interiors of tailor hall etc.

19 The Museum of Culture This museum is located in a cozy 2-storey building. The exposition of the museum is devoted to the town culture of the XVIII – XX centuries and connects different themes. One of them is the history of the Astrakhan theatre that was opened in Many outstanding Russian actors played on its stage. Among them were Ermolova M., Komissarzhevskay B., Orlenev P. and others.

20 Boris Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev was one of the most popular artists at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Boris Kustodiev was born in Аstrakhan in Нis first teacher in Art was Vlasov, a famous Russian painter.He studied art under Repin and soon became Repin’s favorite pupil. Among his masterpieces are “Fair”, “Shrovetide”, “Moscow Inn”, “A Holiday in the Village”. He died in Many of his pictures are exhibited in the Tretyakov Picture Gallery in Moscow and other museums of Russia.

21 Velimir Khlebnikov Viktor Vladimirovich Khlebnikov, better known by the pen name Velimir Khlebnikov  was a poet and playwright, a central part of the Russian Futurist movement, but his work and influence stretch far beyond it. Viktor Vladimirovich Khlebnikov was born in 1885 in Astrakhan. Khlebnikov is known for such poems as "Incantation by Laughter", "Bobeobi Sang The Lips", “The Grasshopper” (all ), “Snake Train” (1910). He died in 1922.

22 Ninel Alexandrovna Mordovina
Ninel Alexandrovna Mordovina ( ) is an Astrakhan poet. She loved Astrakhan and wrote a lot of beautiful poems about our native city.

23 Pavel Dogadin Pavel Dogadin became the creator and the first director ( ) of the Astrakhan Picture Gallery. He gave his collection and his own house to the city.

24 Nadezhda Babkina Nadezhda Georgievna Babkina was born in1950 in the village of Chyornyi Yar, Astrakhan region. She is a famous Russian singer, a founder and the head of the ensemble "Russian song“ and the theatre "Russian song“.

25 Camel racing Traditional camel racing is held in the Astrakhan region during the regional exhibition of breeding animals. Astrakhan is a leading region of Russia where a great number of Bactrians camels of Kalmyk breed is bred. Camel is a trademark of Astrakhan region. Nowadays animal husbandry, with more than 40 breeding farms for the breeding of various species of animals is strongly developing. Now there are more than 3500 animals on the farms.

26 Feast of the Astrakhan watermelon
Astrakhan watermelon is a well-known brand of our region. It is a symbol of fertility and hospitality. The celebration of the "Feast of the Astrakhan watermelon" is not accidental. The first Russian Museum of watermelon in the country was established in our region. "The Feast of the Astrakhan watermelon" takes place in August every year. In addition, the Astrakhan Festival claims to the national status.

27 Festival «Vobla» A traditional festival of Astrakhan fishermen "Vobla” takes place in April in Astrakhan on the Volga river embankment. The festival is held in Astrakhan since It is a competition among anglers which attracts thousands participants and fans.

28 Nowruz Nowruz is a ritual feast in honor of the sun, light and fire The celebration of Nowruz is accompanied by a gala-concert with the participation of national music groups. There are several national platforms working during the Fest - tatar, Kazakh, Nogai, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Tajik, Turkmen, Turkish, Chechen, Ingush, the peoples of Dagestan. There you can listen to folk songs, see dancing and taste ethnic cuisine.

29 Sabantuy At first Sabantuy was a festival of farmers in rural areas, but later it became a national holiday. Now it is widely celebrated in the cities. Sabantuy is held in Astrakhan in May. In Astrakhan region Sabantuy is celebrated for more than 15 years. During this time the fest has gained popularity and became a celebration of labor and inter-ethnic communication. Traditionally the celebration is accompanied by camel races, horse races and the national struggle "kuresh."

30 Our excursion is over. Goodbye, my dear friends
Our excursion is over. Goodbye, my dear friends! I hope you have enjoyed our excursion around my native land.

31 Links Шаблон для презентации - Pictures: Saray Batu The oak of Peter I Saray Batu 2 The oak of Peter I 2 Church in Ilyinka village Click here Church in Ilyinka village 2 The mount Bogdo Lotus Lotus 2 The sturgeon The sturgeon 2 Общий вид города Фотографии из личного архива Фотографии несовершеннолетней Хожаевой Р. печатаются с разрешения родителей.

32 Lotus 2 The sturgeon The sturgeon 2 Краевед.музей Музей боевой славы Музей истории города Праздник арбуза Фестиваль «Вобла» Верблюжьи бега Навруз в Астрахани Сабантуй в Астрахани Картинная галерея Известные астраханцы: Подложка 1 Автопортрет Кустодиева Подложка 2 Портрет Хлебникова Догадин Мордовина Подложка3 Бабкина Подложка Бабкина Карта Астраханской области

33 Information:

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