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PB.389 Integrated Solid Waste Management

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1 PB.389 Integrated Solid Waste Management
Numfon Eaktasang, Ph.D. Thammasat University

2 Solid Waste Management
Waste generation Waste handling, separation, storage, and processing at the source Collection Transfer and transport Separation, processing and transformation Disposal

3 Instant Quiz 1. Which is the range of composition for food waste in cities of Southeast Asian region? A: 20-30% B: 40-50% C: 70-80% 2. Which is the typical value of moisture content of collected MSW in US? A: 10% B: 25% C: 40% Which city has the highest energy content in their MSW? A: Seoul B: Hanoi C: Bangkok

4 Contents Sources of Solid Waste Properties of Solid Waste
Composition of Solid Waste and Options for Recovery or Reuse Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties

5 Sources of Solid Wastes
To design and operation of the functional elements associated with the solid waste management, it requires sources + types of solid wastes data on the composition and rates of generation Sources of solid wastes are related to land use and zoning can be categorized as: residential institutional municipal services [including (MSW) treatment plant] commercial industrial [including construction and demolition sites] agricultural

6 Sources of Solid Wastes
Typical facilities, activities, or locations where waste are generated Types of solid wastes Residential Single family and multifamily detached dwellings, low-, medium-, and high-rise apartments, etc Food wastes, paper, cardboard, textiles, leather, yard wastes, wood, glass, tin cans, aluminum, other metals, ashes, street leaves, special wastes (including bulky items, consumer electronics, white goods, yard wastes collected separately, batteries, oil, and tires, household hazardous wastes Institutional Schools, hospitals, prisons, governmental centers Most like residential but infectious wastes from health care

7 Sources of Solid Wastes
Typical facilities, activities, or locations where waste are generated Types of solid wastes Municipal services including treatment facilities Street cleaning, landscaping, catch basin cleaning, parks and beaches, other recreational areas Special wastes, rubbish, street sweepings, landscape and tree trimmings, catch basin debris Commercial Trade and Commerce Stores, restaurants, markets, office buildings, hotels, motels print shops, service stations, auto repair shops, etc. Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food waste, glass, metals, special wastes (see above), hazardous wastes, etc. Municipal solid waste All of the above (residential, institutional, municipal services and commercial) All of the above

8 Sources of Solid Wastes
Typical facilities, activities, or locations where waste are generated Types of solid wastes Industrial including construction and demolition Construction, fabrication, light and heavy manufacturing refineries, chemical plants, power plants, demolition, new construction sites, road repair/renovation sites, razing of buildings, broken pavement Industrial process wastes, scrap, materials, etc. Non-industrial wastes including food wastes, rubbish, ashes, demolition and construction wastes, wood, steel, concrete, bricks dirt, etc. Agricultural Field and row crops, orchards vineyards, dairies farms, etc Spoiled food wastes, agricultural, feedlots, manure, crop wastes, rubbish, hazardous wastes

9 Schematic Diagram of the Definition of Solid Waste
Municipal Waste Agricultural Waste Industrial Waste Hazardous Waste Non- Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste General Waste Dry Cells Batteries Fluorescent Lamp Paints and Its Container Chemicals Residue and Its Container Toxic Waste Radioactive Waste Reactive Waste Ignitable Waste Corrosive Waste Refuse Garbage Same as General Waste Glass Leathers Metals Clothes Bottles Plastic Paper Rubber Food Waste Food Waste Vegetable Residue Wood and Leaf

10 Special Wastes in MSW Include
bulky items consumer electronics white goods yard wastes that are collected separately batteries, oil, and tires Usually handled separately from other residential and commercial wastes

11 Special Wastes in MSW Bulky Wastes White goods
large worn-out or broken household, commercial, and industrial items furniture, lamps, bookcases, filling cabinets, and other similar items Consumer electronics includes worn-out, broken, and other no longer wanted items such as radios, stereos, and television sets. White goods large worn-out or broken household, commercial, and industrial appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers collected separately usually dismantled for the recovery of specific materials (e.g., copper, aluminum, etc.)

12 Special Wastes in MSW

13 Special Wastes in MSW Brown goods Hazardous wastes
All kind of consumer electronics such as radios, stereo appliances, TV-sets, toys are named as brown goods. Hazardous wastes Wastes or combinations of wastes that pose due to their quantity and composition a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or living organisms defined as hazardous wastes

14 Special Wastes in MSW Electronic Wastes Hazardous Wastes

15 Special Wastes in MSW Institutional waste
include government centers, schools, prisons, and hospitals Health Care Waste solid and liquid wastes produced during the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, prevention of disease, or alleviation of handicap in humans and animals together with the research related to those activities WHO  Handbook on Health Care Waste Management In most hospitals medical (infectious) wastes are handled and processed separately from other solid wastes

16 Special Wastes in MSW Municipal services
Other community wastes, resulting from operation and maintenance of municipal facilities and provision of other municipal services street sweepings, road side litter, wastes from municipal litter containers, landscape and tree trimmings, catch-basin debris, dead animals, and abandoned vehicles Often identified as originating from “non-specific diffuse” sources Because it is impossible to predict where dead animals and abandoned automobiles will be found Unlike the residential waste, which are also “diffuse” but specific in that the generation of the wastes is a recurring event

17 Special Wastes in MSW Treatment plant wastes
solid and semisolid wastes from water, wastewater, and industrial waste treatment facilities specific characteristics  depending on the nature of the treatment process Wastewater treatment plant sludge commonly co-disposed with MSW in municipal landfills or incinerated at MSWI disposal  likely become a major factor in any solid waste management plan Materials remaining from the combustion of wastes categorized as ashes and residues normally composed of fine, powdery materials, cinders, clinkers, and small amounts of burned and partially unburned materials Glass, crockery, and various metals are also found residues from flue-gas cleaning (air pollution control residues) be treated separately

18 Special Wastes in MSW

19 Other Wastes Industrial solid waste Construction and demolition waste
Sources and types of solid waste generated at industrial sites Depend on various processes and products related wastes and hazardous wastes hardly be described Construction and demolition waste Wastes from the construction, remodeling, and repairing of individual residences, commercial buildings, and other structures quantities produced  dominating the total amount of waste variable composition but may include dirt; stones; concrete; bricks; plaster; lumber; shingles; and plumbing, heating, and electrical parts similar to construction wastes, but may include broken glass, and reinforcing steel


21 Other Wastes Agricultural wastes from diverse agricultural activities
planting and harvesting of row, field, tree and vine crops; the production of milk; the production of animals for slaughter; and the operation of feedlots At present, the disposal of these wastes  not the responsibility of most solid waste management agencies However, disposal of animal manure  become a critical problem, especially from feedlots and dairies

22 Typical Composition of MSW
Waste category Range Typical Residential and commercial, excluding special and hazardous 50-75 62.0 Special (bulky items, consumer electronics, white goods, oil, batteries) 3-12 5.0 Hazardous 0.1 Institutional 3-5 3.4 Construction and demolition 8-20 14.0 Municipal Service Street and alley cleaning 2-5 3.8 Tree and landscaping 3.0 Parks and recreational areas 1.5-3 2.0 Catch basin 0.7 Treatment plant Sludge 3-8 6.0 For typical community excluding industrial and agricultural wastes

23 MSW Composition in various cities
Location Bio- waste Paper Metals Glass Plastics Rubber Leather Textiles Ceramic Dust Wt (kg)/ cap day Dhaka, Bangladesh 81.0 1.0 0.1 1.6 3.0 13.2 0.27 Mumbai, India 42.3 6.2 0.8 1.3 4.2 23.0* 1.8 - Bangalore, India 75.2 1.5 0.2 0.9 3.1 19.0 0.40 Seoul, Korea 22.3 16.2 4.1 10.6 9.6 3.8 33.42 2.00 Vientiane, Lao PDR 0.75 Kathmandu, Nepal 42.5 13.9 2.6 2.1 25.5 Manila, Philippines 45.5 14.5 4.9 2.7 8.6 27.5 Colombo, Sri Lanka 65.0 6.0 2.0 0.5 4.0 Bangkok, Thailand 44.3 11.4 2.3 4.5 18.1 5.8 Chiang Mai, Thailand 55.2 11.0 16.0 Lampoon, Thailand 53.4 16.9 1.7 3.2 20.6 2.5 1.10 Hanoi, Vietnam 50.3 0.3 0.7 31.2*

24 MSW Composition in various cities
Location Bio- waste Paper Metals Glass Plastics Rubber Leather Textiles Ceramic Dust Wt (kg)/ cap day Australia 23.6 39.1 6.6 10.2 9.9 - 9.0 1.87 California 39.4 40.8 3.5 4.4 9.6 1.0 1.3 2.00 Europe 30.0 32 8 10 7 4 9 1.20 Vienna, Austria 23.3 33.6 3.7 10.4 7.0 3.1 18.9 1.18 Paris, France 16.3 40.9 3.2 9.4 8.4 17.4 1.43 Germany 35.4 6.8 2.1 3.3 13 2.2 37.2 0.95

25 Typical Composition of MSW
Component Low-income countries Middle-income countries Upper-income countries Organic Food wastes Paper and Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber and Leather Yard wastes and Wood 40-85 1-10 1-5 20-65 8-30 2-6 2-10 1-4 6-30 25-60 2-8 0-4 11-24 Inorganic Glass Metals Dirt, ash, etc. 1-40 1-30 4-12 3-13 0-10 Low-income countries: per capita income of less than 750USD in 1990. Middle-income countries: per capita income of more than 750USD and less than 5,000USD in 1990. Upper-income countries: per capita income of more than 5,000USD in 1990.

26 Composition of Bangkok Solid Waste

27 Properties of MSW Physical Chemical Biological
Specific weight, Moisture content, Particle size and size distribution, Field capacity, Compacted waste porosity (permeability) Chemical Important in evaluating alternative processes and recovery options Proximate analysis, Fusing point of ash, Ultimate analysis (major elements), Energy content Biological Important in considering organic fractions Corresponding to Biodegradability Production of odor

28 Physical Properties Specific weight Weight of material per unit volume
kg/m3, lb/yd3, etc. Sometime, referred as “density” Often reported as As loose, compacted, uncompacted, as found in containers Depend on geographic location Season of the year Length of time in storage For example, waste in compaction vehicle Typical range = 178 – 415 kg/m3 Average = 297 kg/m3

29 Specific weight (lb/yd3)*
Specific weight of MSW Components Condition Specific weight (lb/yd3)* Aluminum cans Loose 50-74 Flattened 250 Corrugated cardboard 350 Fines (dirt, etc.) 540-1,600 Food waste Baled 1,000-1,200 Glass bottles Whole bottles Crushed 1,800-2,700 Magazines 800 Newsprint 20-55 720-1,000 Office paper 400 * 1 lb/yd3 = kg/m3

30 Specific weight (lb/yd3)*
Specific weight of MSW Components Condition Specific weight (lb/yd3)* Plastics Mixed 70-220 PETE, whole 30-40 Baled HDPE, loose 24 Flattened 65 Plastic film and bags Granulated Steel cans Unflattened 150 850 Textiles Loose 70-170 Yard waste Mixed, loose Leaves, loose 50-250 Grass, loose * 1 lb/yd3 = kg/m3

31 Moisture Content of MSW
Component Moisture content, % Range Typical Residential Aluminum cans Cardboard Fines (dirt, etc.) Food waste Glass Grass Leather Leaves Paper Plastics Rubber Steel cans Textiles Wood Yard waste 2-4 4-8 6-12 50-80 1-4 40-80 8-12 20-40 4-10 6-15 15-40 30-80 3 5 8 70 2 60 10 30 6 20 Component Moisture content, % Range Typical Commercial Food waste Mixed Wood crates and pallets 50-80 10-25 10-30 70 15 20 Construction (mixed) 2-15 8

32 Physical Properties Component Range and modal value Food waste Paper
Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber Leather Yard wastes Wood Glass Tin cans Aluminum Other metal Dirt, ash, etc. Range and modal value Typical component size, in

33 Physical Properties Field capacity Permeability of compacted wastes
Total amount of moisture that can retained in a waste sample subject to downward pull of gravity Determining the formation of landfill leachate Water in excess will be released as leachate Depend on Applied pressure State of decomposition of waste Expressed as Percentage in volume e.g. 30% Permeability of compacted wastes Or “hydraulic conductivity” Important in governing the movement of gases and liquid in landfill site

34 Chemical Properties Used for
Determining alternative processing + recovery options For example Combustion, composting, etc. To use MSW as fuel, it is to consider Proximate analysis Fusing (melting) point of ash Ultimate analysis (major elements) Trace elements are important if MSW is recovered as feedstock Energy content

35 Chemical Properties Proximate analysis:= Analysis for combustible components Moisture content Loss of moisture at 105oC for 1 hr Volatile combustible matter Loss of weight on ignition at 950oC in a covered crucible Fixed carbon Combustible residue left after removal of volatile matter Ash Weight of residue after combustion in an open crucible Solid Wastes Combustible Volatile combustible Fixed carbon Ash Non- H2O

36 Proximate analysis, % by weight
Chemical Properties Type of waste Proximate analysis, % by weight Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Non- combustible Food and food products Fats 2.0 95.3 2.5 0.2 Food wastes (mixed) 70.0 21.4 3.6 5.0 Fruit wastes 78.7 16.6 4.0 0.7 Meat wastes 38.8 56.4 1.8 3.1 Paper products Cardboard 5.2 77.5 12.3 Magazines 4.1 66.4 7.0 22.5 Newsprint 6.0 81.1 11.5 1.4 Paper (mixed) 10.2 75.9 8.4 5.4 Waxed cartons 3.4 90.9 4.5 1.2

37 Proximate analysis, % by weight
Chemical Properties Type of waste Proximate analysis, % by weight Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Non- combustible Plastics Plastics (mixed) 0.2 95.8 2.0 Polyethylene 98.5 <0.1 1.2 Polystyrene 98.7 0.7 0.5 Polyurethane 87.1 8.3 4.4 Polyvinyl chloride 86.9 10.8 2.1 Textiles, rubber, leather Textiles 10.0 66.0 17.5 6.5 Rubber 83.9 4.9 9.9 Leather 68.5 12.5 9.0

38 Proximate analysis, % by weight
Chemical Properties Type of waste Proximate analysis, % by weight Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Non- combustible Wood, trees, etc. Yard wastes 60.0 30.0 9.5 0.5 Wood (green timber) 50.0 42.3 7.3 0.4 Hardwood 12.0 75.1 12.4 Wood (mixed) 20.0 68.1 11.3 0.6 Glass, Metals, etc. Glass and mineral 2.0 - 96-99+ Metal, tin cans 5.0 94-99+ Metal, ferrous Metal, nonferrous

39 Proximate analysis, % by weight
Chemical Properties Type of waste Proximate analysis, % by weight Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon Non- combustible Miscellaneous Office sweepings 3.2 20.5 6.3 70.0 Residential MSW 21.0 (15-40) 52.0 (40-60) 7.0 (4-15) 20.0 (10-30) Commercial MSW 15.0 - MSW

40 Chemical Properties Fusing Point of Ash
Temperature that cause ash (from burning wastes)  form a solid (clinker) by fusion and agglomeration Typical range = 1,100 – 1,200oC May cause operational problems in incineration processes

41 Chemical Properties Ultimate analysis
To determine chemical composition C, H, O, N, S and ash Halogen group Cl, Br,... Data is used for Determine C/N ratio for composting or biological conversion processes Awareness of chlorinated compounds Dioxin, Furan, etc.

42 Chemical Properties – Ultimate analysis
Component Percent by weight (dry basis) Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Ash Organic Food wastes Paper Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber Leather Yard wastes Wood 48.0 43.5 44.0 60.0 55.0 78.0 47.8 49.5 6.4 6.0 5.9 7.2 6.6 10.0 8.0 37.6 44.6 22.8 31.2 - 11.6 38.0 42.7 2.6 0.3 4.6 2.0 3.4 0.2 0.4 0.15 0.1 5.0 2.5 4.5 1.5 Inorganic Glass Metals Dirt, ash, etc. 0.5 26.3 0.6 3.0 4.3 <0.1 98.9 90.5 68.0

43 Chemical Properties Energy content Trace elements Determined by
Full-scale boiler as a calorimeter Laboratory bomb calorimeter Calculation of elemental composition Btu/lb = 145C + 610(H2 – 1/8O2) + 40S + 10N element  percent by weight Btu/lb = 5/9 kcal/kg = kJ/kg Trace elements K, Ca Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, etc. Important for the production of biological conversion products as the essential nutrient Contents of final products

44 Chemical Properties – Energy contents
Inert residue, percent Energy, Btu/lb Range Typical Organic Food wastes Paper Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber Leather Yard wastes Wood 2-8 4-8 3-6 6-20 2-4 8-20 2-6 0.6-2 5.0 6.0 10.0 2.5 4.5 1.5 1,500-3,000 5,000-8,000 6,000-7,500 12,000-16,000 6,500-8,000 9,000-12,000 6,500-8,500 1,000-8,000 7,500-8,500 2,000 7,200 7,000 14,000 7,500 10,000 2,800 8,000 Inorganic Glass Tin cans Aluminum Other metals Dirt, ash, etc. 96-99+ 90-99+ 94-99+ 60-80 98.0 96.0 70.0 50-100 - 1,000-5,000 60 300 3,000 MSW 4,000-6,000 5,000 Btu/lb = 5/9 kcal/kg = kJ/kg

45 Biological Properties
Organic fractions of MSW, excluding plastic, rubber, and leather Water-soluble constituents Sugars, starches, amino acid, organic acids, etc. Hemicellulose Cellulose Fats, oil, and waxes Lignin Lignocellulose Protein However, the important biological properties are to determine Biodegradability of organic fractions Production of odors, Breeding of flies

46 Biological Properties
Biodegradability of organic fractions Determined by volatile solid (VS) content Ignition at 550oC But, may misinterpret for some components Newsprint  high VS but low biodegradability Food wastes  low VS but high biodegradability Consider percent of lignin in the VS BF = 0.83 – 0.028LC BF = biodegradable fraction LC = lignin content of VS (% dry weight) Often, express in “rapidly” or “slowly” decomposable

47 Biological Properties
Production of odors Significant in a long storage and warm climate Resultant of anaerobic decomposition readily decomposable organic component SO4-2  reduced to sulfide (S2-) + combine with H  H2S Biochemical reduction of an organic compound containing with S radical Produce methyl mercaptan + aminobutyric acid  malodorous Methyl mercaptan  reduced + form H2S Breeding of flies Flies can develop after < 2week of egg laid Very important consideration but very difficult to control, especially in the tropical areas

48 Applications of MSW Properties & Composition
To determine Appropriate transformation processes Separation, reduction, combustion, composting, etc. Improving efficiencies transformation processes E.g. moisture content + C/N  composting reactions To design recovery methods Reuse + recycling materials Conversion products + energy

49 Transformation process for MSW management
Transformation processes Transformation means or methods Transformation or principal conversion products Physical Component separation Manual and/or mechanical separation Individual components found in commingled MSW Volume reduction Application of energy in the forms of force or pressure The original waste reduced in volume Size reduction Application of energy in the forms of shredding, grinding or milling The original waste components altered in form and reduced in size

50 Transformation process for MSW management
Transformation processes Transformation means or methods Transformation or principal conversion products Chemical Combustion Thermal oxidation CO2, SO2, other oxidation products, ash Pyrolysis Destructive distillation A gas stream containing a variety of gases, tar and/or oil, and a char Gasification Starved air combustion A low-energy gas, a char containing carbon and the inert originally in the fuel and oil

51 Transformation process for MSW management
Transformation processes Transformation means or methods Transformation or principal conversion products Biological Aerobic composting Aerobic biological conversion Compost (humus-like material used as a soil conditioners) Anaerobic digestion (low- or high-solids) Anaerobic biological conversion Methane (CH4), CO2, trace gases, digested humus or sludge Anaerobic composting (normally occur in landfills) Methane (CH4), CO2, digested waste

52 A typical solid waste management system in developing countries
Storage Collection and transport Recycling Intermediate storage Disposal But, less Transformation Recovery Minimization Conversion to energy (Adapted from Zurbrügg, 2003)

53 What to do next? Smart design for collection + transportation system?
Effective planning on transformation + recycling processes? Appropriate site selection for waste disposal? How about Public participation Socio-economic considerations Strategic planning based on community involvement

54 Thank You for Your Attention

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