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Fall in love with Pure Krzysztof Szymański 07 March 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Fall in love with Pure Krzysztof Szymański 07 March 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall in love with Pure Krzysztof Szymański 07 March 2016
Kaunas, Lithuania

2 Pure Love: What is Pure?

3 Pure is… “…the friend you didn’t meet yet.”
A gateway to all your information Tool to create analysis and manage your content Support to your researchers, librarians and management

4 We succeed when our customers win…
Amsterdam 5, Netherlands In competitive bid, in the heat of a ScienceDirect renewal/OA battle City University of Hong Kong To be first, to beat competition Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Columbia Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute New York University, USA To heal the other systems burn…

5 “In God we trust; all others bring data.”
Pure Research management suffers from unstructured processes and bad data “If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.” - William Edwards Deming “In God we trust; all others bring data.” - William Edwards Deming

6 Data before and after Current data landscape at a typical university
Research information management system Data: Disparate Has multiple IDs Is not related Is not homogeneous Available at high FTE-cost = CAN’T be used for management or showcasing Data: Structured Uniquely identified Inter-related Homogeneous Available at low FTE-cost = CAN be used for management or showcasing

7 Processes before and after
Current data landscape at a typical university Research information management system Processes: Unstructured Defined ad-hoc Low degree of re-use Incurs overloads Project-driven High FTE-cost = LOW yield from FTE Processes: Structured Defined in advance High degree of re-use FTE-consumption in annual planning Driven by prioritized business needs Low FTE-cost = CAN be used for management or showcasing

8 Pure Love: How it works?

9 Getting data into Pure Ingestion methods Local IT exports data into
XML files Local sys adm sets up job to import data Local sys adm sets up source Clerical staff, librarians, or researchers Imports Local sys adm sets up roles and rights Clerical staff, librarians, or researchers types in data

10 BTW: Data is inter-related
Highly advanced reporting and showcasing is possible because of these inter-relations The take-away is Highly advanced reporting and showcasing is possible because of these inter-relations

11 Types of data in Pure “Easy” “Medium” “Advanced”
Types of solution scopes Persons Organizational units Funding opportunities Grant applications Grants Projects Publications Datasets Activities Impact Press clippings Equipment CVs Ethical reviews Theses External persons External organizations Journals Publisher (Courses) (Services) Traditional “Experts” scope Scope for Advanced Management Support Scope for Advanced Publication Management Develop your scope with care. Everyobody can benefit! “Easy” Short delivery Low customer involvement Simple value proposition Less “sticky” product Short sales cycle “Medium” Medium delivery Customer involvement Medium value proposition More “sticky” product Medium sales cycle “Advanced” Longer delivery Much customer involvement Heavy value proposition Very “sticky” product Longer sales cycle

12 Pure creates value by support one or more business needs
Research Management Strategy making Strategy execution Ad hoc management support Live overview Research Administration Monthly department reports Business process support Compliance Showcasing Promote researchers Increase funding, collaboration, re-use discoverability, and media availability RM web policies Adv. Publication Man. Open Access Comply with funders, publishes Manage Gold OA costs Handle article versions Overview full-text percentages Communicate to authors Faculty Activity Reporting Assess performance: Publishing, metrics, impact, activities, teaching, datasets, press) Support tenure + other HR decisions Post Graduate Research student activities

13 Value Research Administration
Business need, use-case, feature, outcome, value-proposition Pure’s reporting module People will trust reports Readers will use report for more Reports will be produced with less FTE Reporters can do more Office can offer more Office image improves A more correct and complete monthly report with more data produced by less FTE Research Administration Monthly department reports Business process support Compliance HR decision support

14 The stakeholder group depends on the scope
Stakeholders The stakeholder group depends on the scope Research Management Strategy making and -execution, etc. Central research managers (tier 1, 2) Research office IT department, HR, central clerical staff Showcasing Increasing collaboration, etc. Research office, central research managers, PR, Funding office IT department, the Web-ownership Adv. Publication Man. Open Access, etc. The library The funding office, IT department Research Administration Monthly department reports, etc. Research office, local F/S/D/I management Local clerical teams, IT department Faculty Activity Reporting Performance assessment, etc. Faculty management The funding office, IT department

15 Pure features in a nutshell
Quick overview of feature areas Business intelligence Using data for research management at many levels Datamodel Types of content in system  Management tools Pro-active RM by objectives Messaging In-system communication Portals for public exhibition Publish RM info online Automated data provision Systems integration and import Advanced Publication Management Use Pure for Open Access and more Configuration Make it fit your tasks Support of the researcher Online profile, CVs, fingerprint, funding discovery Data creation and editing Features for CRUD, workflows, processing rules Award Management Make Pure a grants management system Security Roles and rights

16 Backend (Pure itself), front-end (the Experts Portal), modules
Key concepts Backend (Pure itself), front-end (the Experts Portal), modules MODULES: The Administration module The Import module The Reports module The Funding Discovery module The Award Management module The CVs module MODULES: the Experts PurePortal module

17 Pure features in a nutshell
Screenshot safari

18 Pure Love: Pure and the Community

19 Pure is Unique We sit in a unique place in the Elsevier portfolio, bridging between the library, senior university management and the research office We have highly engaged, supportive customers who are happy to share their success stories We have 7 active user groups and almost 150 delegates attended the Pure Conference

20 Any questions? Any comments?
Q&A Any questions? Any comments?

21 From Pure with Love. Thank you

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