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Do you agree or disagree?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you agree or disagree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you agree or disagree?
1. An object sitting on a high shelf has no energy. 2. There are many forms of energy. Students should answer questions 1 and 2. If they agree then write agree, if they disagree they must change the sentence to one they would agree with. Chapter Introduction

2 Lesson 1 Reading Guide - KC
Forms of Energy How do potential energy and kinetic energy differ? How are mechanical energy and thermal energy similar? What two forms of energy are carried by waves? These are the things you will be able to answer after the lesson. Lesson 1 Reading Guide - KC

3 Energy Energy influences everything in your life, including the climate, the economy, and your body. Scientists define energy as the ability to cause change. Students should be able to answer #3 now Lesson 1-1

4 Potential Energy Potential energy is stored energy due to the interaction between objects or particles. Objects have potential energy if they have the potential to cause change. Some examples of potential energy are: objects that could fall due to gravity. And particles that can move because of electric or magnetic forces. Number 4 and 5 Lesson 1-2

5 Objects have gravitational potential energy if they have mass and height above Earth’s surface.
Answer #6 Lesson 1-2

6 Potential Energy (cont.)
Chemical energy is the energy stored in and released from the bonds between atoms. Your body breaks chemical bonds in foods and coverts the released energy into other forms of energy that your body can use. Answer #7 and #8 Lesson 1-2

7 Potential Energy (cont.)
The energy stored in and released from the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear energy. The Sun’s energy is released through the process of nuclear fusion, during which the nuclei of atoms join together and release large amounts of energy. Answer # 9 and 10 Lesson 1-2

8 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is energy due to motion.
An object’s kinetic energy is related to the mass and the speed of the object. The energy in an electric current is electric energy. Answer #11, 12, 14 Lesson 1-3

9 Kinetic Energy (cont.) How do potential energy and kinetic energy differ? Have students answer with partners Lesson 1-3

10 Kinetic Energy (cont.) How do potential energy and kinetic energy differ? Answer: Potential energy is stored, and kinetic energy is energy due to motion. Have students answer with partners, then check here Lesson 1-3

11 What kind of energy is shown here?
Is kinetic energy shown here? Is potential energy shown here? Explain both. Have students discuss and answer #16 with partners

12 Combined Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy
The sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy in a system is mechanical energy. The hockey player on the last slide showed both potential and kinetic energy. Therefore the puck had mechanical energy. Come up with an example of something that has mechanical energy for # 18 with your partners. Answer 17 from slide Answer 18 with partners Lesson 1-4

13 Combined Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy (cont.)
An object’s thermal energy is the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the particles that make up the object. Thermal energy of an object increases when the potential energy, the kinetic energy, or both increase. Answer 19 from slide Lesson 1-4

14 Combined Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy (cont.)
What is the same and what is different about mechanical energy and thermal energy? Answer #20 orally Lesson 1-4

15 Combined Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy (cont.)
What is the same and what is different about mechanical energy and thermal energy? Answer: Both are sums of potential and kinetic energy. Thermal is the sum of the particles in an object, and mechanical is the sum of the parts in a system. Answer #20 orally Lesson 1-4

16 Energy Carried by Waves
A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter. Sound energy is carried by sound waves. Light is a form of energy carried by electromagnetic waves, which are electric and magnetic waves moving perpendicular to one another. The energy carried by electromagnetic waves is radiant energy. Students can answer 21, 22, 23, 24 Lesson 1-4

17 Objects can have potential energy (stored energy) and kinetic energy (energy due to movement).
Mechanical energy is due to large-scale motions and interactions in a system. Thermal energy is due to atomic-scale motions and interactions in particles. Lesson 1 - VS

18 Two kinds of energy carried by waves are sound energy and radiant energy.
Lesson 1 - VS

19 26. Which term describes energy stored in and released from the bonds between atoms?
A. chemical energy B. kinetic energy C. mechanical energy D. nuclear energy Lesson 1 – LR1

20 27. Which refers to a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter? A. wave B. wavelength C. potential energy D. thermal energy Lesson 1 – LR2

21 28. What type of energy provides the warmth from the Sun?
A. chemical energy B. nuclear energy C. potential energy D. radiant energy Lesson 1 – LR3

22 29. An object sitting on a high shelf has no energy.
Do you agree or disagree? 29. An object sitting on a high shelf has no energy. 30. There are many forms of energy. Lesson 1 - Now

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