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Workshop on classifications Moldova, Chisinau, March 2013

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1 Workshop on classifications Moldova, Chisinau, 19-21 March 2013

2 Statistical economic classifications
International classifications ISIC / NACE ISIC (rev. 3) NACE (rev. 1) NACE (rev. 1.1) NACE (rev. 2) CPA, 1993 CPA, 2002 PRODCOM National classifications CAEM – Classification of economical activities version I (1995) version II (2001) version III (2005) CAEM Rev (2010) CSPM - Statistical Classification of the Products (Goods and Services) 1999 2006 PRODMOLD - National list of the products and industrial services 2004

3 Other international classifications are used at the moment
ISCO – National Classification of Occupations COICOP – Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose HS/CN

4 National version of NACE Rev.2 (CAEM rev.2)
National version NACE Rev.2 was approved by NBS Decision no 20 on 29 December 2009 National version NACE Rev.2 came into force on January 1st 2010 Classification structure, methodological principles, explanatory notes and correspondence tables in both ways are presented on website of NBS CAEM rev.2 and explanatory notes are identical with NACE Rev.2

5 Implementation methods and sources
NBS does not have financial resources for special additional survey NBS uses for reclassification all possible existing sources Combination of the different applied surveys is used during the process of conversion Methods and sources: Automatic for 1: 1 and n:1 according with the correspondence table Data collection: Annual structural survey (SBS) Information from annual bookkeeping reporting 3. Estimation for the other units: probabilistic method based on Annual structural survey (SBS) results

6 Present situation. Implementation process
Schedule of the reclassification Double coding in the Annual structural survey (SBS) Recoding and double coding of the totality of active units Recoding and double coding in the Statistical Business Register Double coding of the enterprises included in the SBS ant STS surveys for 2014 May – July 2013 July - August 2013 July – September 2013 October

7 Present situation Implementation process
The first experience of recoding was focused on the totality of active units Types of relationships on the 4 digit’ level: 1:1 and n:1 52 % - automatic recoding 1:n and n:m 48 % - other methods of recoding On the 2 digit’ level: 1:1 and n:1 65% - automatic recoding 1:n and n:m 35% - other methods of recoding

8 Future activities Implementation in the statistical practice
SBR has to be prepared for annual statistical surveys 2013 and monthly surveys for 2014 in NACE Rev.2 Dual coding should be implemented for all statistical units till the end of 2013 Adoption of the draft classification of CSPM (according with CPA 2008) in the first half of 2013 Adoption of the PRODMOLD according with PRODCOM in the first half of 2013

9 Unresolved issues in transition to the new classifications
Problems in keeping time series consistent (back-casting) How many years back to take data in a new classification in: Statistical business register, structural business statistics, short term statistics, national accounts Which methods are considered best for calculating previous years in the new classifications in: Statistical business register Structural business statistics Short-term statistics National accounts

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