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Case Costing at TBRHSC June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Costing at TBRHSC June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Costing at TBRHSC June 2015

2 Contents Overview of Case Costing Implementing Case Costing Next Steps

3 Overview of Case Costing

4 Case Costing in Ontario
1992: pilot project with acute inpatient population data 2007: First expansion resulted in 45 hospitals and 4 CCACs 2013: Second expansion with additional 45 hospitals and 10 CCACs which will bring the total count of case costing facilities in Ontario to 104 60% of hospital and 100% of CCAC healthcare data TBRHSC is the only teaching hospital in Ontario not participating QBP carve outs Reference: MOHLTC. (2015). Welcome to Case Costing. [PDF Document].

5 What is Case Costing? Case Costing is a cost distribution/allocation methodology. It uses patient specific hospital data combined with overhead costs to determine the resources used for providing care to a patient. Tracking patient costs by service date, responsible physician, unit/location, and type of service allows for detailed analysis. It is not something that is installed and turned on. It is a journey, a series of events, and readiness. Reference: MOHLTC. (2015). Welcome to Case Costing. [PDF Document].

6 What is Case Costing? Reference: MOHLTC. (2015, April). Ontario Case Costing Information Session [PDF Document].

7 Hospital Benefits of Case Costing
Drill down to better understand what is driving cost variations Decision Making New physicians New technologies Budgeting and Impact Analysis Peers Health Quality Ontario best practice guidelines Different clinical practices Comparison Analyze the detailed utilization data to improve the quality of care, adopt new care practices or define models of care for existing practices Care Improvement Inform rates for uninsured, out of province, and WSIB patients Patient Billings Funded vs Actual Quality Based Procedures Funding Reference: MOHLTC. (2015). Welcome to Case Costing. [PDF Document]. Weeks, Penny. (2015, April 10). MedAssets Decision Support. [PDF Document].

8 Provincial and National Uses
Reference: MOHLTC. (2015, April). Ontario Case Costing Information Session [PDF Document].

9 Implementing Case Costing

10 Implementation Process and Timelines
A typical implementation is roughly months Assess current state Identify gaps and challenges Education session and module, telephone support Milestone 1 Assessment Develop work plan Implement case costing software Extract development Education module, OCC Standards, Telephone Support Additional time may be needed to address facility challenges Milestone 2 Preparation Test 3 months of data Audit reports Resolution of system and data quality issues Milestone 3 Test Submission Submit one full year of data Milestone 4 Data Submission 1-2 months 5-8 months 6-8 months Reference: MOHLTC. (2015, April). Ontario Case Costing Information Session [PDF Document]. MOHLTC. (2015). Welcome to Case Costing. [PDF Document].

11 Costs Currently Implemented Requirements
Case Costing Analyst (budgeted and hired) Decision Support resources (Lead and Manager) – project management support Leverage Business Intelligence for data extracting to minimize interface costs Case Costing Functional Centre Core team site visits – $10-15k Office support and professional development – $2k per year Informatics IT/IS Support – 4-6 weeks of extract development during implementation IT/IS Support – ongoing (minimal expected) Case Costing FC: not budgeted but hoping to find within portfolio

12 Ministry Support Ministry will provide:
Licensing - software license costs Annual software maintenance costs Implementation Support - MedAssets Training - A standard software training module for the initial implementation team Education resources Subject matter expertise Networking forum Reference: MOHLTC. (2015). Welcome to Case Costing. [PDF Document].

13 Suggested Committees and Groups
Core Team: Decision Support Lead and Case Costing Analyst Project Sponsor: CFO Steering Committee Ad hoc Meetings CFO Manager of Decision Support Decision Support Lead Senior Director of Informatics Manager of Accounting and Management Reporting EVP Patient Services Working Group Monthly Meetings Case Costing Analyst IT/IS Rep Health Records Rep Finance Rep Clinical Reps Specialty Groups Content experts

14 Data Requirements Case Costing Meditech Health Records Finance Other Other: DI, Lab, any other work arounds that are not in the current systems

15 Current Known Gaps & Areas for Improvement
Nursing Workload Not currently captured and can use patient hours as a proxy For acute inpatient functional centres, a patient's hospital stay is measured in hours and is used to calculate unit costs A suggested methodology by the Ministry and used by other hospitals Workload for other areas Not captured at a patient and service date level in most cases (ie. Pharmacy, Allied Health Services) Potential work around Significant Supplies Not attributable to patient and service date (ie. OR, Cath Lab) Data quality

16 Next Steps Formal response to MOH to proceed with Milestone 1 of the Case Costing implementation is required by June 22, 2015 Starting the journey means deciding to champion and support the requirements that lead to readiness Informatics acceptance Buy in by management, core, project and functional teams and ultimately front line staff Networking and site visits with other Case Costing facilities Continued investigation for gaps and areas that need improvement Ministry to issue orientation package outlining next steps

17 Questions?

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