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C Comprehension.

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1 C Comprehension

2 Curious Cat Make Predictions Ask yourself, ”What is going to happen in the story?”
Crabby Connector Make Connections How does the book remind you of real life? Relate the book to yourself, other books, and to the world.

3 Questioning Owl Ask Questions Ask yourself questions about the story before, during, and after reading. Who? What? When? Where? Why? Picturing Penguin Visualize Make pictures about the story in your head as you read.

4 Iggy the Inferring Iguana Make Inferences
Digger the Dog Determine Important Information Dig for important details in the story. Iggy the Inferring Iguana Make Inferences Use clues in the story and what you know to figure out something that the author doesn't not tell you.

5 Jabber the Reteller Retelling After you read, retell what you read in your own words.
Repair Bear Fix Your Comprehension If you are not understanding what you are reading, go back and repair your comprehension.

6 A Accuracy

7 Eagle Eye Look at the Picture Use picture clues to help you figure out the word.
Stretchy the Snake Stretch the Word Stretch out each letter sound. Listen to the sounds and put them together. 

8 Lips the Fish Get You Mouth Ready Make the first sound in the word.
Chunky Monkey Look for Chunks Stretch out each letter sound. Listen to the sounds and put them together. 

9 Skippy the Frog Skip the Word
Skip the word you are stuck on. Read the rest of the sentence. Hop back and see if you can figure it out. Elephant Ears Listen Carefully Listen to the beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Does it sound right? Does it look right? Does it make sense? Skippy the Frog Skip the Word

10 Flippy the Dolphin Flip the Sound If the word doesn't sound right, flip the sound and try it again.
Tryin’ Lion Try It Again If you make a mistake, try it again. Try a word that makes sense.

11 Helpful Hippo Ask for Help After you have tried all the other strategies, ask for help.

12 F Fluency

13 If you make a mistake, go back and read it again.
Auto Otter Practice Sight Words Read sight words quickly and automatically. Back Up Bat Back It Up

14 Read with Expression Read like you are telling a story.
Pacing Pelican Read at a Good Speed Read faster or slower to match the text. Expressive Eel Read with Expression Read like you are telling a story.

15 Punctuation Pig Use Punctuation Use punctuation for phrasing.
Good Fit Gopher Read Good Fit Books Pick out books that you can read comfortably.

16 Voracious Vulture Voracious Reading Read books that you love everyday.

17 E Expand Vocabulary

18 Look up word meanings in a dictionary.
Fancy Fox Find Fancy Words Tune into fancy, interesting words. Remember them! Use them when you talk and write. Dictionary Duck Use a Dictionary Look up word meanings in a dictionary.

19 See the Seahorse See the Pictures, Illustrations, and Diagrams in the books Look at the images to help you determine the meaning of a word. Word Part Wolf Use Word Parts Look at words parts (prefixes and suffixes) to help you determine the meaning of a word.

20 Asking Alligator Ask for the Meaning Ask someone for the meaning of a word.

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