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Technological and Environmental transformations ORIGINS to c. 600 B. c

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1 Technological and Environmental transformations ORIGINS to c. 600 B. c
Technological and Environmental transformations ORIGINS to c. 600 B.c.e. AP WORLD HISTORY ERA #1

2 1.1 Big geography and the peopling of the earth
I. During Paleolithic era hunting-foraging bands migrated out of E. Africa (Out of Africa Theory) & adapted tech. & cult. to new climates: Use of fire & more sophisticated tools / Lived in small structured groups that exchanged ideas & goods

3 1.2 the Neolithic Revolution & Early agricultural societies
I. 10,000 years ago Neo. Rev. starts = the development of new and more complex economic & social systems: Farming villages / Domestication of local plants & animals: wheat in Mesopotamia II. Agriculture & pastoralism start to transform human societies: food surplus, job specialization & social stratification, complex institutions, and patriarchy

4 1.3 the development & Interactions of early Agricultural, pastoral & Urban societies
I. Core civilizations developed in a variety of geo. & environmental settings where agriculture flourished: Mesopotamia, Nile River, Indus River, Yellow River, Mesoamerica, Andean S. America II. 1st states emerged within core civilizations: Sumerians of Mesopotamia, Egyptians of Nile River, etc. III. Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, art, religion: Hammurabi's Code

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