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In Vacuum Magnetic Field Measurement System for CPMU of HEPS-TF

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Presentation on theme: "In Vacuum Magnetic Field Measurement System for CPMU of HEPS-TF"— Presentation transcript:

1 In Vacuum Magnetic Field Measurement System for CPMU of HEPS-TF
Wan Chen,Shuchen Sun, Lingling Gong, Zhiqiang Li, Huhua Lu Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS,CN IMMW Taiwan Hsinchu

2 Outline 1. Introduction of HEPS(HEPS-TF) 2. Measurement Requirements of CPMU 3. Challenges 4. Solutions of other Labs 5. Our proposal 6. New status and Next steps

3 1. Introduction of HEPS High Energy Photon Source High energy: 6GeV
Low emmitance: <0.1nm·rad(0.01nm·rad) Brilliance: >1022phs/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1%BW

4 The schedule of HEPS construction
HEPS-TF: R&D of HEPS HEPS-TF project was approved in Feb. 2015 The preliminary research was supported by IHEP. HEPS Construction will start in 2018. Commissioning in 2023.

5 2. Measurement Requirements of CPMU
CPMU is for Time-Resolved Beamline Physical parameter Type Hybrid Period Length 13.5 mm Working Gap 5~9 mm Peak Field 1.0 gap=5mm Phase Error (RMS) < g=5-9mm First Field Integral <100Gs·cm Second Field Integral <20000Gs·cm2 Quadrupole Normal/Skew <50Gs Sextupole Normal/Skew <100Gs/cm Octupole Normal/Skew <100Gs/cm2

6 CPMU physical design Magnet material: PrFeB
Working temperature:<85K Unti-symmertry

7 CPMU performance measurement
Magnetic field measurement at room temperature and cryogenic temperature Local field mapping Phase error(RMS) I1 and I2(vertical and horizontal) Harmonic field Hall probe measurement system Stretch Wire measurement system

8 2. challenges Small gap and Closed structure
-the space for measurement system is very limited . Conventional measurement system is inapplicable In vacuum and cryogenic undulator -the materials of measurement system should suit in vacuum environment. short period length(13.5mm) -Undulator field with shorter λu is more sensitive to spatial positioning

9 3. Solutions of other Labs

10 4.Our proposal Measurement of magnetic modules at room temperature:

11 in vacuum magnetic field measurement system
CPMU magnetic field performance Measurement before and after installing the vacuum chamber SW system Hall probe system

12 Specification of Hall probe system
Vertical position tolerance: 30um Horizontal position tolerance: 30um Longitudinal position tolerance : 10 um Roll tolerances: 150urad Yaw tolerances: 50urad Pitch tolerances: 133urad Zachary Wolf, “Requirements For The LCLS Undulator Magnetic Measurement Bench”, LCLS-TN-04-08, August 23, 2004, SLAC

13 Guide rail position adjustment
Mechanical structure support 2-axis stage: Guide rail position adjustment

14 Mechanical structure Longitudinal range:3000mm Horizontal range:10mm
Vertical range:5mm motor 2- axis Piezo actuator

15 critical points of mechanical structure
All materials of the measurement system in the vacuum chamber are non-magnetic material. Guide rail –AL or Ti Piezo actuators….. The materials of the measurement system can be used in vacuum environment Cable lubricant….

16 Position monitor Laser scale PSD interferometer
longitudinal position reading PSD Nonlinearity error of longitudinal axis and roll error monitoring interferometer Pitch and yaw errors monitoring

17 Correction of the position error
The deviation of X and y axis along the longitudinal direction. Dynamic correction by X / Y axis piezo actuators Yaw corrected by data analysis

18 Hall probe 3 hall sensors-Bx,By,Bz PT100 FW-BELL GH701
Ceramic substrate PT100

19 critical points of Hall probe
calibration of Hall sensors Temperature dependence of flux density(voltage) Coefficient of flux density and voltage Relative positions and orthogonality of 3 Hall sensors will be calibrated Reference “ Status of magnetic measurements at ALBA, J. Campmany”

20 Stretch wire system Data acquisition: 2182A Φ0.125mm beryllium copper

21 Now status and Next steps
The design scheme has been accepted Next steps Hall Probe manufacture Design scheme optimization Call for tender ……

22 Thank you for your attention

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