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Kara Collins, Karen Gobble, Loretta Mabry

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Presentation on theme: "Kara Collins, Karen Gobble, Loretta Mabry"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kara Collins, Karen Gobble, Loretta Mabry
To Clip-Up/Clip-Down What do you think? KP? Kara Collins, Karen Gobble, Loretta Mabry

2 Lost Instructional Time
100 office 20 min. per referral = 2,000 minutes (33.3 hours, 4.16 school days) # of referrals at the secondary level would increase Instructional Time lost: VTSS estimates: Average of 15 minutes lost per student referral minutes each = 1,500 minutes (25 hours/3.125 academic days per school year) KP?

3 Let’s survey the Teachers
What is your current behavior intervention strategy used within your classroom? Is your current behavior intervention strategy based on positive reinforcement? Do you feel your current behavior intervention strategy is successful? Why/Why not? What is the most important aspect in changing your behavior intervention strategy? Easy to implement, easy to follow through, etc What “reward” system do you currently have in place for students who are successful? KP?

4 Behavior Intervention Strategies
clip-up/clip-down Class Dojo HABIT Letters Other (token economy, timeout, stars, checkbook account, point system, etc.) Loretta?

5 Class Dojo Loretta?

6 Positive Reinforcement
All three elementary schools are within the first 5 years of implementing PBIS 97% of the teachers felt that their behavior system was based on positive reinforcement Based on survey answers and feedback from administration, it appears that this research has raised awareness that their BMS may not be as positive as originally thought. Positive Reinforcement Loretta?

7 Is your behavior intervention strategy successful?
Teachers felt their behavior system was successful: Powhatan Teachers = 97% Gates Teachers = 100% Behavior Referrals: Powhatan Teachers = 21 office referrals Gates Teachers = 43 office referrals Kara?

8 How do you reward your students?
O.B. Gates Elementary This shows the ways that teachers reward their students. The bigger the word, the more teachers who use it. Kara

9 How do you reward your students?
Pocahontas Elementary and Powhatan Elementary This shows the ways that teachers reward their students. The bigger the word, the more teachers who use it. KP and Loretta

10 What is the most important aspect in changing your behavior management system?
Easy to implement Easy to follow through with Easy for children to understand Other Kara?


12 Research Every time a student has to move their clip they are sent the message that they are not good enough their peers receive this message too Behavior charts are not private They’re demeaning! They humiliate children! They’re shaming! They’re hypocritical! They’re a waste of time! Teachers are the figure of judgment! They encourage extrinsic motivation! Children who have to move their clips down: often feel worthless have lower self-esteem feel that their teachers are not proud of them or don’t care for them Clip-Up/Clip-Down charts lead to more behaviors exhibited by the student They DON’T work! All 3? Just rotate through the bullets? Beginning with KP again? KP, Loretta, Kara….?

13 Hard for teachers to move away from behavior charts, but it can be done
Schools who have initiated school-wide positive behavior supports have created supports that are proactive and positive. These supports carry over into the classroom, allowing the teacher to support all students in their rooms. These supports, which are directly linked to the school-wide plan, decrease disruptions allowing for increased instructional time and academic outcomes. *When teachers decide to make the change they need to be supported and coached. Same? Continue to rotate through bullets?

14 What else can we do? PBIS Professional Development
Instructional Coach support for individual teachers Create class incentive menus Positive check-in/check outs with teachers Positive check-in/check outs with peers Student Buddies

15 These bright, colorful, decorative charts track behavior, they do not change it!!!

16 References Russell, W.T. (Writer). (2016, September 28). Hey Teachers, please stop using behavior charts. Here’s why [Television series episode]. In PBS NewsHour. Sabiston, N. (2012). Why I will NEVER Use A Behavior Chart Again [Web log post}. Retrieved November 8, 2016, from Loretta and/or KP?

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