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(Bike to Work Day luncheon – instructions)

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Presentation on theme: "(Bike to Work Day luncheon – instructions)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Bike to Work Day luncheon – instructions)
Delete this, and other instruction slides, after you’ve read through and start customizing this presentation. The intent of the luncheon is to: (1) boost camaraderie and morale, (2) showcase your Bike to Work Day participants, (3) include non-participants in the fun (they might consider biking next year). This presentation is simplified – import this into your standard company presentation template to adopt your company’s formatting. Schedule this event a few weeks in advance in order to have adequate space. Does your company have a go-to humorous person? Consider asking them to emcee this event.

2 (Other ideas) Do you have a company mascot? Before Bike to Work Day, ask people to take photos with it on their ride in (or ask people to use a toy or stuffed animal for “posed,” in-route photos on Bike to Work Day– this will help create a funny “story” to share). Consider making it a “refrigerator pot-luck” (where people can bring in their food for the pot luck the day before), or providing a cookie- tray to attendees (if your budget permits, think about catering lunch). Does your company call-in a “casual day” for Bike to Work Day? Ask participants to “show off” their Bike to Work Day fashion (only if they want to).

3 (Morning of Bike to Work Day, a few hours before your luncheon)
Send out an all-employee (use the below template, then delete this slide) Hi, we’ll be celebrating Bike to Work Day over lunch today from <time> in <location>. We’ll be sharing stories, and giving out awards to some employees. Want to participate? Please reply with the following information (reply by <deadline> to be included in the celebration and awards): Did you participate in Bike to Work Day (if yes, complete #2-6, if no, skip to question #7)? Share a photo from your ride, please! How far did you ride? What time did you start riding? How many stations did you visit? Did you meet anyone “famous” on your ride? Did your ride go as planned, or was there a surprise? What is your best excuse for not biking to work (funny excuses, please)?

4 Bike to Work Day Luncheon
Sharing stories from our bike in to work, and “honoring” some employees with fun awards!

5 Bike to Work Day Stats <number of employees who rode their bikes – compare to last year, if there has been growth> <how many years your company has participated> <anything special your company offered to participants> Bike to Work Day is a regional event, celebrated for over 40 years! In 2016, an estimated 32,000 people participated in the Denver metro region

6 (Create a story) Using the photos sent in by , create a “story” of how Bike to Work Day began. If you have a humorous employee, ask them to emcee the event. Example (to give a sense of how this can work): “Bike to Work Day started in the dark (photo of a dark trail), but quickly grew bright (photo of the sun rising). A long bike ride to work really worked up some hunger (photo of offerings from a breakfast station), but the long trail ahead was a reminder of the calories burned off (photo of the trail). There was a lot of comradery on the trail, with lycra-wearing professionals riding formation (photo of jerseyed bikers) alongside moms and dads touting their kids (photo of kids on bikes).”

7 Bike to Work Day Awards Who biked the furthest? The earliest? Find out!

8 Longest Ride In Some incredible distances were biked this morning, but the winner is… (drum roll)…

9 Longest Ride In - <name (add photo below)>

10 Earliest Start Who should be the crankiest today? The award goes to…

11 Earliest Start- <name (add photo or time below)>

12 Most Stations Visited Who went out of their way the most to collect free breakfast and swag?

13 Most Stations Visited- <name (add photo below)>

14 Closest Brush With Fame
We’re lucky some people came to work at all, after meeting these famous people: <insert all the names of the “famous people” except for the winner>

15 Closest Brush with Fame- <name (add photo)>

16 Biggest Twist Biking to work is not for the feint of heart, it seems, as some things can always go astray. Some of the mishaps encountered by our participants: <add funniest (but not embarrassing) mis-haps here, summarized, except for the winner> And the winner is…

17 Biggest Twist- <name>
<add “testimony” of the mishap here, unless photo of mishap is available>

18 Best Excuse Not everyone could bike in this morning! Some of the barriers faced: <summarize “excuses” except for the winning excuse, which should be picked for humor> Final drum roll…

19 Best Excuse- <name>
<add the excuse here, unless a photo can be found to summarize while the account is read>

20 A Final Round of Applause!
Thank you for participating in Bike to Work Day! Now, go back to work!

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