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got milk? got story? get leverage! NSWM 2017 Conference

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Presentation on theme: "got milk? got story? get leverage! NSWM 2017 Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 got milk? got story? get leverage! NSWM 2017 Conference
Laura S. Wittcoff, MSW, LICSW, DSW Candidate Kenda M. Woolfson, MSW Introduce self and mindfulness Introduction to topic and what the plan is What comes to mind when I say thin mints??

2 Consider the cookie:

3 What makes you MEMORABLE?

4 Nonprofit Brands:

5 Why Stories? Human mind is wired to find patterns and meaning
Culture impacts our decision-making We create meaning through our own lenses Behavioral Economics Theory Stories help us Brand and Brand encourages recognition and recognition makes us memorable

6 TRACKING TOOLS Number of new clients, volunteers, and donors
Number of new donations financial or in-kind Digital data: Website hits Social media followers Social media engagement


8 Create the TAGLINE

9 ASK YOURSELF: WHY do you exist? WHY is what you do important?
WHY is it valuable? IS THERE a client story you can share? WHY your organization vs. another?

Clients, staff, board, community stakeholders Data, prevalence, client stories, needs Mission Vision THE CHARACTERS THE CHALLENGE THE SOLUTION THE SUCCESS

11 First-Thought BRANDING

12 Articulate your story with your collective voice
Amplify by educating and spreading the word about what you’re doing and the benefits Ally yourself by commenting and sharing insights through social media

13 Appreciate your staff, board, clients, volunteers and donors
Appeal to everyone by sharing what your message is and building long-term donor and volunteer relationships Appreciate your staff, board, clients, volunteers and donors


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