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Knowledge and understanding of the world:
Number: Count reliably to 20. Counting forwards and backwards from different numbers to 30. Subtraction and sharing materials/items equally. Number bonds to 10. Finding totals of two groups of items using quantities and objects. Creating a number sentence. Discussion about numbers..Which is the biggest, smallest, bigger, smaller. Solve problems including doubling, halving and sharing. Shape Space and Measure: Use positional/ directional language to move objects around a grid. Using positional language to complete an assault course, under, over, through etc. Identify similarities and differences between London landmarks in photos and from the book, Katie in London. What shapes has the artist used in the pictures? Can you identify any of these? Can you describe any of the shapes? Explore characteristics of objects in the environment. Practise using vocabulary related to travel and time. How long will it take to get to different locations in London? Using vocabulary associated with time. Reception Team: Miss Scott and Mrs. Ryan Communication, Language and Literacy: Books and Stories: Barnaby visits London, Katie in London, The Naughty Bus, London Children’s Map, Topsy and Tim visit London, This is London, Wheels on the bus, A walk in London, London ABC, London: A Colourful City, Looking at nonfiction sources about London and the royal family. Making a ‘London tourist book’ about where to go in London on a sightseeing tour. Writing recounts of London sightseeing tour. Labelling maps with key sights. Writing diary entries linked to the story: Katie in London. Creating a poster to encourage people to visit London. Recounting experiences from visits to London. Joining in in role play of class stories. Developing the children’s ability to form, what when and why questions. Handwriting: Children will write in lined literacy books. Reception Summer 2 London Science Sound: Sound in our environment: Sounds of the city? What do we use to hear? What other senses do we have? Making musical instruments from different materials. Knowledge and understanding of the world: Talking about who is in our family and where they are from. What languages are spoken? Where do they live? Visiting London landmarks, eg. London eye, Big Ben, Buckingham palace. Developing understanding of the importance of the royal family to British people. Looking at different types of transport that is used in London-tube, train, tram, bus and bicycles. Making maps of different journeys and looking at real maps of local areas (New Cross Gate).
Personal, social and Emotional Development:
ICT Developing ICT skills, learning rules of use, care of equipment. Using the interactive whiteboard and computer in class to support other areas of learning-taking pictures of London landmarks. Upcoming Events: Reception class trip to Emirates airline over the Thames. 16th June KS1 trip:13th July Class Assembly: 3rd July Music Children will listen to different types of music and finding the beat. They will experiment with movement and sound. They will use body percussion in songs and make instruments using recycled materials. Personal, social and Emotional Development: Taking responsibility for their own belongings. Understand and follow the rules during circle/carpet time. Discussing who is your friend and why? What is a good friend? Having a good understanding of rights and how rights link to responsibility. Talk about being kind and helping each other. Looking after our school environment. Taking turns and being patient, why is this important- turning taking games. Developing emotions: Story The worried sparrow(Linked with RE curriculum) Games/P.E Obstacle courses using positional language. Children continue to work on the three core fundamental skills of; agility, balance and coordination. Explore positional language to use the equipment safely. Parachute games Dance – The sounds of the city. Developing independence in managing their own clothes, i.e. buttoning and unbuttoning cardigans, tying laces, doing up their coats. Dressing and undressing for P.E. Attendance Please ensure that your child is in school, ready in the line at 8:55. Children must not be left unaccompanied until the teacher comes to collect the class from the playground. Please pick up children promptly at 3:15pm. Ways to help your child at home: Encouraging them and making time for homework to be done. Reading together regularly and recording this in their reading journals. Ensuring your child goes to bed early and gets a good night sleep. Safegaurding: Pupils continue to discuss how to care for themselves, assess risks and to care for others. Parents/Carers do be vigil when your child is surfing online. During Internet Safety Day, pupils were again reminded how to remain safe whilst using the internet. Do continue to talk with your child about sharing information and staying safe online. Creative Development To research about different flags and to copy and recognise them. To create models of London Landmarks. To explore lines and colours by recreating the London underground map. Using images of London landmarks using different media eg. paint, junk materials. Take part in role play in the home corner (Airport). Practise using vocabulary related to travel and time. R.E Homework Homework is to be completed and handed back to Miss Scott or Miss Barham on a Tuesday morning to ensure it can be corrected in time for Friday.
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