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Arrests for common youth misbehavior

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1 Arrests for common youth misbehavior
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

2 Common youth misbehavior
Vandalizing a bathroom wall School yard fight no injury Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Stealing a tee shirt from a store Underage drinking Small amount of marijuana NO sexual acts, weapons, other illegal drugs Study conducted by

3 Common youth misbehavior
Inappropriate behavior that should NOT be excused and SHOULD have a consequence Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Is arrest or entering the system the best consequence for public safety, youth offenders, taxpayers? Study conducted by

4 Common youth misbehavior
Most adults in their 40s or older were involved as teens in this common youth misbehavior, and if caught, were not arrested. Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Sent to principal’s office Call to parents Study conducted by

5 Common youth misbehavior
If you were arrested for your common youth misbehavior as a teen, would you be where you are now? Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Arrest would have impacted your college, financial aid, scholarships, housing, loans, military, entry into professions Study conducted by

6 What is a Juvenile Civil Citation?
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

7 Juvenile civil citation
ONLY for under 18 years old and limited to misdemeanors – no felonies Only illegal drug included is small amounts of marijuana Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

8 Juvenile civil citation
Counties, school districts and law enforcement agencies choose the eligible offenses Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark County program is operated by the entity of their choice – sheriff’s office, nonprofit, DJJ office, teen court program – varies from county to county Study conducted by

9 Juvenile civil citation
Key stakeholders: Heads of law enforcement agencies State attorney Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Public defender Chief judge of the circuit School superintendent Community groups Service providers Study conducted by

10 Juvenile Civil Citation
Gives LEOs discretion whether to issue citation in lieu of arrest Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Youth must take responsibility for offense Community service up to 50 hours Letters of apology to victim and LEO May involve restorative justice Study conducted by

11 Juvenile civil citation
Youth are assessed / some programs include parent assessments Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Majority first-time, one-time offender Other identified as at-risk to reoffend Mandatory intervention services: Anger management, drug or alcohol rehab, life skills Study conducted by

12 Juvenile civil citation
Youth are tracked and monitored throughout program Most programs are 90 days – swift justice Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Youth who do not complete program requirements can be arrested Most programs have 90%-range success rate Study conducted by

13 Who am I? Dewey Caruthers St. Petersburg, FL-based dewey & associates
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Dewey Caruthers St. Petersburg, FL-based dewey & associates Research, solutions, advocacy Study conducted by

14 Who am I? / Why am I here Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark One of Florida’s top experts on arrests for common youth misbehavior Florida leads the nation in the solution to address this issue Study conducted by

15 Today’s talk “Stepping Up: Florida’s Top Juvenile Civil Citation Efforts” Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study key findings Study key recommendations National research Best practices 3-point statewide strategy Study conducted by

16 Stepping Up: Florida’s Top Juvenile Civil Citation Efforts 2016
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

17 Stepping Up study Sponsors represent the entire political spectrum
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Agreement on this issue from left-leaning liberals to right-wing conservatives ALL of my work is non-partisan Study conducted by

18 Stepping Up study Florida’s most important study on the topic
Florida leads the nation with the solution to arrests for common youth misbehavior Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Annual study in its third year Includes state-by-state research Widely read: Nearly 5,000 downloads for reports Study conducted by

19 Stepping Up study Utilization rate is the percentage of eligible instances juvenile civil citations are utilized Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark In Florida, statewide juvenile civil citation utilization rate is 43% – arresting 57% of all instances Study conducted by

20 Key findings Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

21 Key Finding # 1 Civil citations increase public safety
Youth issued civil citations are less likely to reoffend than those arrested Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Civil citation recidivism rate is 5% vs. post-arrest diversion rate of 9% Study conducted by

22 Key Finding # 1 Civil citations increase public safety
Assault / battery (non-aggv.): Civil citation recidivism 5% vs. post-arrest 12% Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Trespassing: Civil citation recidivism 6% vs. post-arrest 16% Petit theft: Civil citation recidivism 3% vs. post-arrest 7% Obstruction of justice: Civil citation recidivism 7% vs. post-arrest 17% Marijuana: Civil citation recidivism 5% vs. post-arrest 10% Study conducted by

23 Key Finding # 2 Civil citations improve youth outcomes
Youth issued civil citations do not have arrest record, which harms and ruins futures Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Arrests diminishes upward mobility: Education, housing, loans Arrests start school-to-prison pipeline Study conducted by

24 Key Finding # 3 Civil citations save taxpayer money
Arrests are more expensive than juvenile civil citations Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Cost savings is $1,400 - $4,600 per civil citation Florida saved $12.5 million - $41.2 million in cost savings that was reinvested into public safety resources to prevent and handle felonies (1 year) Study conducted by

25 Key Finding # 4 Increase statewide utilization to 75% to realize huge benefits Reduce arrests for common youth misbehavior by 84% Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Nearly 7,000 youth would not be arrested Increase public safety resources to prevent and handle felonies by $20 million to $62 million Study conducted by

26 Key Finding # 5 Arrests harm public safety
Arrests create more reoffenders who generate more crime Runs counter to law enforcement’s basic responsibility to reduce crime (not increase it) Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

27 Key recommendations Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

28 Key Recommendation # 1 Civil citations should be issued in nearly all instances with rare exceptions There are exceptions to arrest for common youth misbehavior but these are rare (domestic violence) Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Arrests should require supervisory approval and documentation to justify Study conducted by

29 Key Recommendation # 2 Never arrest with younger children on some offenses For some offenses with younger children law enforcement should never arrest and let parents and schools handle the behavior Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Example would be children 13-years-old or younger for offenses like disrupting class or a school event Study conducted by

30 National Research Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

31 National Research Includes state-by-state research 2 topics
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark 1. Strength of state data reporting 2. Strength of state statutes States ranked in categories: Strong, moderate, weak, none Study conducted by

32 National Research Strength of state data reporting
Statewide data is arguably the most important asset for a state to move toward effectively and efficiently addressing common youth misbehavior Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

33 National Research Strength of state statutes
State statutes chart the direction for addressing common youth misbehavior Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark States with strongest statutes have the best chances of uniform statewide success Study conducted by

34 Best Practices Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

35 Best practices Stepping Up study identified the top-performing counties, school districts and law enforcement agencies Collected in-depth data on the top-performers over two years Developed best practices Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

36 Best practices Nationally significant
Covers 40-plus policies, procedures and program components LEO training Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Youth assessments Length and requirements of program Intervention services Role of victim Data reporting to public Study conducted by

37 3-Point Statewide Strategy
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

38 3-Point statewide strategy
Statewide study using Florida as a model Dashboard for data Apply best practices to existing program or develop a pilot Use study and program/pilot data to inform legislation and policy changes Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Study conducted by

39 Learn more at… Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark
Study conducted by

40 Questions and Comments
Joseph W. & Terrell S. Clark Questions and Comments Study conducted by

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