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Katrina Sinclair - Fitchburg

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Presentation on theme: "Katrina Sinclair - Fitchburg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Katrina Sinclair - Fitchburg
Alcohol Katrina Sinclair - Fitchburg Drugs and medication The Law Penalties Grab Bag 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 This is what BAC stands for and what the legal limits are.

3 What are Blood Alcohol Content and. 02% for minors and
What are Blood Alcohol Content and .02% for minors and .08% for adults 21 and over?

4 The main organ of the body that processes alcohol (very slowly).

5 What is the liver?

6 The time, on average, for the body to eliminate the alcohol in one beer.

7 What is 1-1½ hours?

8               The potentially deadly result of binge drinking that happens because alcohol shuts down vital centers in the brain.

9 What is alcohol poisoning?

10 The part of the brain that is not fully developed until a person is in their 20’s – part of the reason the drinking age is 21.                                

11 What is the frontal lobe?

12 You could be found guilty of this crime for driving with medicine in your system if it negatively affects your driving.

13 What is OUI?

14 This drug affects a driver’s responses to sights and sounds, and makes a quick series of driving tasks very difficult.                

15 What is marijuana?

16 Conviction for any drug offense, even if no car was involved, leads to license suspension for this long.

17 What is 1-5 years?

18 This person could be found responsible for a drug offense even if he/she wasn’t using anything but someone else is.

19 Who is the driver of a car where a passenger is known to have drugs?

20 This word describes the dangerous effect of mixing alcohol and drugs.

21 What is synergistic (i. e
What is synergistic (i.e. The combined effect is worse than the sum of the parts)?

22 The law which says drivers implicitly agree to take a BAC test if they are arrested for OUI.

23 What is the Implied Consent Law?

24 The law that makes a breathalyzer device necessary in the car of repeat OUI offenders.

25 What is Melanie’s Law?

26 This is what the Open Container Law forbids.

27 What is having an unsealed container of alcohol in the cabin/passenger compartment of the car?

28 Massachusetts has this type of law concerning underage drinking and driving.

29 What is a Zero Tolerance Law?

30 The two exceptions to the Open Container Law.

31 What are drinking in the back of a limo which has a divider between driver and passengers, and bringing home a bottle of wine from a restaurant.

32 The highest cost associated with drugs/alcohol and driving.

33 What is loss of lives (at a higher and more consistent rate than in war)?

34 The fine for a first time OUI.

35 What is $500 to $5000?

36 This is the prison term for a first time OUI offense.

37 What is up to 2½ years?

38 The license suspension period for a Jr
The license suspension period for a Jr. Operator who refuses the chemical test after being arrested for OUI?                   

39 What is 3 years plus one year for an alcohol education course?

40 The suspension period for buying or attempting to buy alcohol by a person under age 21.

41 What is 180 days?

42 The license suspension period for a first-time conviction on a fake i
The license suspension period for a first-time conviction on a fake i.d. offense.

43 What is one year?

44 The only way to sober up.

45 What is stop drinking and wait an appropriate amount of time?

46 If you are stopped by the police for suspected OUI, you may be asked to perform this kind of test.

47 What is a field sobriety test?

48 The restriction on a license that indicates the driver must have a breathalyzer device installed in his/her car.

49 What is Restriction Z?

50 Crashes involving a drunk driver are often worse than other crashes because of this.

51 What is the slower reaction time of the drunk driver (and often combined with speeding)?

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