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Walk in my shoes. Ceramic sculpture Shoes that represent you.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk in my shoes. Ceramic sculpture Shoes that represent you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk in my shoes. Ceramic sculpture Shoes that represent you.
Shoe am i? Walk in my shoes. Ceramic sculpture Shoes that represent you.

A LUNCH B LUNCH C LUNCH Hr and Pd 1 9:30-10:20 Period 2 10:25-11:15 11:15-11:45 Period 3 11:20-11:55 11:20-12:35 11:50-1:05 11:55-12:25 12:35-1:05 12:30-1:05 Period 4 1:10-2:00

3 Shoe am i? Take a walk in my shoes
Objective: You will describe yourself and brainstorm ideas in order to sketch images for your personal shoe sculpture. DRILL: (10 minutes for drill) lab fees? Please get an iPad and your sketchbook. Look at the power point. Draw 2 shoes that you like from the slides. Scroll to the bottom for sculptural shoes. We will answer the questions for today and go through the slides together to discuss ideas.

4 Our goals Pick a shoe that represents your personality. Give reason(s)
Build a clay shoe. On it, show at least 3 things about you by adding sculpture. Start with brainstorming and drawing sketches to plan. Be creative and have fun with it. Post something on Edmodo. Your questions about you. Shoes that you like. your sketches of your ideas. post something. Try to post it all.

5 Sketch your idea

6 Examples from last year:


8 What could these shoes say about your personality?
Shoe personality quiz-

9 What do these shoes say about the artist?


11 Questions for today~ 1. List your personality traits: (use lists to help) 2. #20 THINGS ~ What are your interests? Who are you? List at least 20 things about you. Favorite foods, stories, movies, etc… (Who am I slide) 3. What shoe(s) represents your personality and why? Draw 2 styles of shoes that represent you. 4. Draw 4+ objects you will add as the sculptural elements that show who you are.

12 Personality traits

13 Positive traits Optimistic Intelligent Reliable Keen Exuberant
Adventurous Affable Conscientious Cultured Dependable Discreet Fair Fearless Observant Impartial Independent Optimistic Intelligent Keen Gragarious Persistent Capable Charming Precise Confident Dutiful Encouraging Reliable Exuberant Helpful Humble Suave Imaginative Meticulous Obedient Trusting Valiant

14 Negative traits Quarrelsome Impulsive Slovenly Self-centered Boorish
Surly Unfriendly Unruly Thoughless Stingy Bossy Vulgar Malicious Conceited Obnoxious Laziness Picky Sullen Pompous Dishonesty Finicky Sarcastic Arrogant Cowardly Sneaky Rude



17 Things about me

18 Who am i? Favorite foods, movies, songs, stories, flowers, trees, animals, cars, types of buildings, fruit, dessert, places, drinks, colors, characters, toys. My cultural heritage States I have lived in Things I like to do- sports, art, games, hobbies, skills. What are your goals in life? Ideal career. Where do you want to travel? My life experience- joy, sorrow, happiness, pain, fear What makes you happy? What stresses you out?

19 #20things 1. I'm super passionate about helping people find, and hold onto their purpose, especially creatively. I'm constantly loosing track of mine though and re-evaluating! But I know God is so Good Qualified photographer, design dabbler. 3. Started my business last year living from a Caravan, with two tiny kids. It was crazy. But humbling My mind is constantly thinking of new ideas, I struggle to finish tasks though. 5. I get sick of 'shiny' lives on Instagram, I have struggled to pay rent, ran out of petrol, op-shopped my clothes for such a long time. Keepin' it real. My house is messy but we are full of joy. ☺️ 6. I got married at 19 (9 years this March 👊) 7. Trying to keep this short n sweet is proving difficult Never been drunk. 😎 9. Killer sense of humour 😂 When I was in labour I was crackin hilarious jokes, though it could have been the drugs I have monkey toes. Legit. 🙊 11. I love trying to guess people's personality types. It really helps me empathise and love them better I'm an introverted extrovert. Walking contradiction. 😑 13. British humour tops American Music of all kinds... Get into my ears. Yassss 😝 Death by velvet. Do not bring it near me. 😑 *shudders* 16. Slight sci-fi nerd. #starwarsoooogood 17. I accidentally pick up peoples accents. Talent/curse 😂 18. Iceland is my new favourite place Aiming to finish my first kids book this year. 👌 20. I am constantly always bringing myself back to live in the present, not get caught in fantastic future plans or nostalgic past events. Here. Now. This is it.



22 #20thingsaboutme 1)My name is Dione and it is impossible to find my name at the gift shop :/ 2)I'm a child of the 90's through and through 3)I love to laugh 4)I have a wonderful 6yr old boy who has Selective Mutism, it's a rare form of social anxiety, it's fascinating, look it up, he's completely "normal"(hate that word), but he shuts down in social situations, at least I can be sure he won't talk to strangers (silver linings people...😉) 5)I met my now husband when we were both studying, my parents didn't approve of our relationship so we run away, this was 17yrs ago, some people call it romantic, we call it being young & stupid, 😂, it turned out ok, but it could have been a really bad decision. 6)My mom taught me how to crochet and knit when I was very young, but I HATED IT!!!!! 7)I picked up a crochet hook 3 1/2 yrs ago and had to re-learn everything, thank you youtube!!! For 2-3 years I thought I could never knit, and then, last August I ordered my 1st circular needle set guessed it: off to youtube I went.. 8)I love music 9)We have 1 dog, 3 cats and 3 fish, 10)I love the ocean, the beach and everything in between 11)When I'll eventually win the lottery I'd love to buy an apartment in Soho and a farmhouse in Scotland 🙈 12)I own more than 20 pairs of doc martens (don't ask, lol) 13)One of my dream vacations would be 2 weeks in a cabin in the woods, preferably with a river near by and lots of 90s music 14)I'm a yarn snob (there's no nice way of saying it 🙃) 15)For some reason I love bears (I think that "legends of the fall" played some part on this 😂). 16)Despite my hard shell I'm a romantic at heart. 17)I love books, everything about them, I also read ebooks but it's not the same. 18)One of my fascinations in life is how "perception" affects everything and everyone , how can the SAME event witnessed by 10 different people can have 10 different interpretations?! It blows my mind!!! oh, and yeh, I love psychology 😈👿 19)I would do almost anything to have a glass of red wine with Eddie Vedder 20)I truly hope that the rebel in me never dies!...

23 Who am i? Favorite foods, movies, songs, stories, flowers, trees, animals, cars, types of buildings, fruit, dessert, places, drinks, colors, characters, toys. My cultural heritage States I have lived in Things I like to do- sports, art, games, hobbies, skills. What are your goals in life? Ideal career. Where do you want to travel? My life experience- joy, sorrow, happiness, pain, fear What makes you happy? What stresses you out?


25 Styles of shoes

26 Types of shoes


28 Draw 2 shoes






34 Shoe sculptures

35 Avant- garde


37 Shoes with character

38 Clay shoes





43 Yes, it’s clay… Marilyn Levine marie gibbons

44 Cultural shoes




48 Sculptural ideas


50 theme



53 3d shoe sculptures



56 Shoe art


58 Creepy face sculpture made from old shoes by Gwen Murphy
Creepy face sculpture made from old shoes by Gwen Murphy. She uses ash clay and acrylic paint to give both shoes in a pair an exactly similar face, eyes and lips.

59 Gwen murphy- upcycled shoes


61 Design your own shoe






67 JoAnne BedientShoes






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