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1 Digestion

2 Learning Objectives Identify and locate the sources of the major digestive enzymes Summarise the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids by enzymes Explain the necessary conditions for enzymes to work in the human alimentary canal

3 Insoluble to soluble

4 Four Steps of Digestion
1. Ingestion- food entering digestive system 2. Digestion- Break down of food from insoluble lumps to soluble molecules (smallest units) Mechanical- physical break down of food Chemical- break down of food catalysed by enzymes 3. Absorption- movement of digested food from the alimentary canal into the blood stream 4. Egestion- removal of undigested food and waste products.

5 Enzymes


7 The Mouth Mouth: begins digestion Teeth (mechanical digestion)
Tongue (mechanical digestion) Saliva (chemical digestion) Source: three pairs of salivary glands Composition: mucous, enzyme, water (carbohydrase) salivary amylase

8 Mouth: begins digestion Teeth (mechanical digestion)
Tongue (mechanical digestion) Saliva (chemical digestion) Source: three pairs of salivary glands Composition: mucous, enzyme (carbohydrase) salivary amylase

9 Carbohydrate Digestion
Takes place in the: mouth, duodenum and jejunum Chemically digested by the enzymes: salivary amylase, amylase, moltase, sucrase lactase. Source of enzyme Salivary glands – salivary amylase Pancreas – amylase Jejunum wall – moltase, sucrase and lactase

10 Types of Carbohydrate Starch a very large molecule digested to maltose and then glucose Lactose a sugar milk digested to galactose and glucose Sucrose a table sugar digested to fructose and glucose

11 Create a table for Carbohydrases
Digestive enzyme Source of enzyme Place of work Role

12 Do we eat glycogen? If so where from?

13 Protein digestion Takes place in the stomach, duodenum, and jejunum.
Chemically digested by the enzymes pepsin, trypsin chymotrypsin carboxypeptidase peptidase Gastric glands secretes pepsinogen ( converted to pepsin by hydrochloric acid) Pancreas secretes trypsin chymotrypsin carboxypeptidase Jejunum wall secretes peptidase

14 Endopeptidases Exopeptidases
Break bonds between molecules within the peptide chain. This increases the number of end amino acids e.g. trypsin and chymotripsin Exopeptidases Break bonds between end amino acids in the chain. This frees individual amino acids e.g. carboxypeptidase and peptidase

15 Protein Protein is a large molecule made of many sub units called amino acids Many amino acids joined together make a polypeptide Several amino acids joined together make a peptide

16 Create a table for peptidases
Digestive enzyme Source of enzyme Place of work Role

17 Fat digestion Takes place in the mouth stomach but mainly duodenum
Chemical digestion by lipase Bile Pancreas secrets lipase Liver makes bile which is stored in the gall bladder and released into the duodenum

18 Fat Fat forms globules and must be reduced in size to make digestion faster Bile disperses the large globules into very small ones by emulsification Lipase is able to work on very small droplets turning them to fatty acids and glycerol

19 Structure of the Stomach Wall

20 Stomach Function Mechanical and chemical digestion
Functions: food storage, digestion, regulation of delivery Gastric juice: specific cells secrete Parietal cells- Hydrochloric acid: produces a pH of about 1.0, kills bacteria. Chief cells- Pepsinogen is converted to active enzyme pepsin by the acid to begin protein digestion Goblet cells- Mucus: protects stomach lining from acid

21 Gastric pits Goblet cell secret mucus
Oxyntic cells secret hydrochloric acid Chief cells secret pepsinogen a precursor of pepsin

22 Stomach Contraction mechanical digestion
Stomach contractions: blend food and propel forward Direction: from cardiac sphincter to pyloric sphincter Chyme: result of mixing, affects hormone secretions regulating peristalsis and emptying of stomach

23 Gastric ulcer Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcer. Ulcers can also be caused or worsened by drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen

24 Pancreas and gall bladder
Pancrease secretes: the enzymes trypsin, lipase and amylase Bicarbonate ions to increase the pH in the duodenum Gall Bladder releases: Bile to emulsify fat Bicarbonate ions to increase the pH of the duodenum Why does the pH need changing?

25 Duodenum This is where:
The acidic chyme from the stomach is converted to an alkaline solution so that pancreatic enzymes can work polypeptides are digested to peptides by trypsin Starch is digested to maltose by amylase Fat is emulsified by bile and digested by lipase to fatty acids and glycerol


27 Jejunum Functions Secrets the enzymes: Structure
Peptidase to digest peptides to amino acids Maltase to digest maltose to glucose Sucrase to digest sucrose to glucose and fructose Lactase to digest lactose to glucose and galactose Structure Mucosa adaptations: villi containing blood and lymphatic capillaries


29 Optimum temperature What is the optimum temperature for enzymes in the digestive system? 40 OC Explain why it is 40 OC and not 37 OC

30 Ileum Main Function: To absorb the soluble molecules, vitamins, minerals and water (8.5 litres) from the lumen of the ileum into the blood

31 Colon Absorption of: Water (0.4 litres) Vitamins Salts Soluble fibre is digested by bacteria which results in gas e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen

32 Colon content Stools containing fibre are larger than those without
Large stools will distend the gut Distension of gut stimulates the peristalsis Peristalsis is about twice an hour in the colon


34 Try the activity Enzymes linked to food types
Food type – enzyme – product – place

35 Have a go at the massive gap fill

36 Learning Objectives List the 4 main functions of the digestive system
Define an enzyme Outline the difference between chemical and mechanical digestion Describe the role of peristalsis in the movement of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract Describe the role of the stomach in mechanical and chemical digestion including the composition of gastric juice Describe the role of bile and pancreatic juice in digestion in the duodenum Describe the role of the jejunum Described the role of the colon

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