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RECFA Meeting in Paris May 12 2006
HEP Linear Collider RECFA Meeting in Paris May F. Richard LAL/Orsay
Introduction French activities for a future LC have entered in a crucial phase: Physics studies and detector R&D for ILC cf. Talk M. Winter Machine R&D for ILC and CLIC cf. Talk O. Napoly Participation to the GDE and WWS for a full evaluation of ILC Machine and Detector end of 2006 Work within European contracts CARE(2004), EUROTEV(2005), EUDET(2006) Only a brief overview
The HEP community and ressources
9 labs, IN2P3+Dapnia, working under a common organisation with regular yearly meetings (~70 participants) They involve 62(34 FTE) physicists 72 (35 FTE) engineers 14 PhD in total. The goal is to reach 8 PhD/year in Training issue Financial Support is ~500 k€ per year + ~500 k€ from EUDET (50% Post Docs) Regular growth, relay of LHC construction
Detector R&D Large spectrum: EM calorimetry, µvertexing,
Si tracking, TPC very innovative specially strong in µ-electronics French international responsibilities – Committees (ELCSG, ILCSC, WWS) – R&D projects CALICE, SiLC, MDI Connection to Spanish, Japanese (International Lab), Korean, Chinese etc… groups Strong Involvement in the detector concepts for ILC with leading responsibilities LDC and SiD
Physics Some examples:
Higgs challenging channels: ZHH Clermont Saclay, ttH Strasbourg, H+- CPV LLR… -> Trade off between Pflow and Luminosity DM measurements LAL, Paris VI with theorist from LPT/Orsay, LAPP/Annecy, Montpelier -> ILC accuracy needed to match Planck surveyor Preparation on the DCR document on Physics+Detector for ILC (A. Djouadi CDR Editor) LC Phenomenology with ~20 theorists spread among 6 labs
Machine Detector Interface
Participation of particle physicists (~10) within EUROTEV ~50 man-years ~1.5 M€ over 3 years Study of IR optimization (crossing angle), backgrounds for detectors Orsay+Saclay Polarimetry using a laser+Fabry Perrot cavities at Orsay Alternate scheme to generate polarized positrons in a Compton scheme Alignment, Stabilization in Annecy
French R&D for ILC R&D on SC technology IPNO, LAL, Saclay
- Supported by two facilities at LAL (power couplers with DESY) and Saclay (cold tests, cavity R&D) - coordination of SCRF JRA/CARE - coordination of NW ELAN/CARE - Synergy with the DESY XFEL ~35 FTE 3.5 M€ (including UE money) for the GDE over 3 years
CLIC Long standing collaboration CERN- Orsay
on electron linacs from LIL to CTF (since 1990 guns and cavities) Injector for CTF3 within CARE JRA Orsay Activities within EUROTEV: metrology (Annecy) Positron source (Orsay) Saclay+Orsay+Annecy injector for a probe beam as a major effort
New Techniques of Acceleration
Good connection between Accelerator physicists LAL, LLR with Laser Plasma experts LPGP (Orsay), Lully and LOA (Palaiseau) E.g. Workshop organized under CARE/ELAN on this connection EUROLEAP EU contract has started in 2006
The future Great interest to develop present activities
Use CERN (after DESY) test beams for detectors in 2006 (then FNAL) Participation to ATF2 for MDI Renewal of European support within FP7 which is ending soon Needs support from ECFA + CERN Council SG (ESFRI) Discussions within ESGARD, EuroGDE, CARE/ELAN with active participation of the French groups
CONCLUSIONS There is a large and well structured community involved in the preparation of ILC on physics and detectors with leading responsibilities Key interest of this R&D to train young physicists on instrumentation Support from EU and Institutes has been adequate for the 1st phase HEP physicist have taken ambitious commitments in various topics at the Machine/Detector interface It is essential to renew the European support in FP7
Activities in Detector R&D
Category Phys (FTE) PostD Ing IN2P3 42 (20) 10 (10) 67 (32.1) Dapnia/ Saclay 7 (2.2) 3 (2.1) 5 (3)
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