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Objective To find the derivatives of natural exponential functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective To find the derivatives of natural exponential functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derivatives of Exponential Functions TS: Explicitly Assessing Information and Drawing Conclusions

2 Objective To find the derivatives of natural exponential functions.

3 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
What is the derivative? Super Guess:

4 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
What is the derivative? Super Guess: WRONG This is incorrect. This rule works for f (x) = xN, when the base is a variable x and the exponent is a constant N. The power rule does not apply to exponential functions.

5 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
What is the derivative? CORRECT!

6 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Use the chain rule to find the derivative of the composition of the natural exponential function and another function.

7 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
The derivative of an exponential function of the form f (x) = eu is the product of the function and the derivative of its exponent.

8 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Derivative of eu is eu Derivative of 5x is 5

9 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Derivative of eu is eu Derivative of x3 is 3x2

10 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Derivative of eu is eu Derivative of 3x2 is 6x

11 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Derivative of eu is eu Derivative of x-3 is -3x-4

12 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Product Rule

13 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Quotient Rule

14 Derivatives of Exponential Functions

15 Derivatives of Exponential Functions

16 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Product Rule

17 Derivatives of Exponential Functions
Differentiate: Quotient Rule

18 Conclusion The derivative of the natural exponential function is itself. The derivative of an exponential function of the form f (x) = eu is the product of the function and the derivative of its exponent.

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