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2010 Douglas College/SFU Degree Partnership Program.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Douglas College/SFU Degree Partnership Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Douglas College/SFU Degree Partnership Program

2 SFU/Douglas College Degree Partnership Program Broadly Defined
Dual Admission Flexible Registration Seamless Student-centered

3 Overview of Program Operations
Students apply for admission to program through PASBC website: 09AAC5-7F94-522E ABD619CBED8_k96E3FE64-B342-AEA9-FBDE-43E2CD35B4D1 DC website has detailed directions on how to apply: SFU admission standards apply Once admitted, students can attend either or both institutions Students may transfer a maximum of 60 credits toward an SFU degree within Arts and Social Sciences Transfer credits processed every semester, guided by existing transfer agreements (

4 Academic Considerations
Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA to stay in the program SFU degree requirements determine what students have to take Academic policies/practices “follow the tuition” Student performance information exchanged by Registrars (transcripts sent each semester, no cost to students) Information about financial aid, academic dishonesty, inappropriate conduct, etc., is also shared between Douglas and SFU

5 Financial Aid, Health Plan, and Upass
Students are eligible for Financial Aid at the institution where they are taking the highest number of credits each term or where they are playing (in the case of athletic scholarships) Students must have medical/dental coverage and can select coverage from either SFU or Douglas Students can obtain the UPass if they are enrolled in at least one SFU course

6 Student Services, Areas of Study, and Advising
Student Services also “follow the tuition” SFU will charge a student services fee based on how many SFU courses students are taking Douglas will charge a fee based on how many Douglas courses students are taking There is no minimum number of SFU or Douglas courses that students must take each semester to stay in the program Students can explore courses outside Arts and Social Sciences. However, if they declare a Major outside Arts and Social Sciences, they will be dropped from the program. Designated SFU advisors will provide assistance and an orientation

7 Who should take this program?
Domestic and International students who qualify for admission to SFU Students who may have limited budgets Students who live near Douglas College Students who have areas of academic weakness Students who need more flexible course scheduling Students who need extra support, closer supervision, or more encouragement

8 What if students are not qualified for admission to SFU?
Students who are not eligible for admission to SFU based on their high school grades can apply later based on their college grades. They should apply to Douglas College as an Associate of Arts student After 24 credits (approximately 8 courses) they can apply to the degree program partnership

9 Questions, Comments, and Contact Information Kathy Denton Dean, Humanities and Social Sciences Mary Whorley Designated Academic Advisor for the Program, Domestic Students Gail Johnson Disignated Academic Advisor for the Program, International Students

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