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By: Patrick and Michael

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1 By: Patrick and Michael
Child Labour By: Patrick and Michael

2 Bibliography

3 What is the problem? The problem is child labour.
Child labour is illegal but is still happening because the parents of the children don’t have enough of income to raise the family. Child labour keeps the child/children from going to school and making them work instead of them getting educated. Makes them do hazardous work which is not good for their health.

4 Why did it start? Child labour starts because parents don’t have money to support the family. There are high unemployment levels and a lot of poverty in the countries that do have child labour. It also happens because the laws used to stop child labour are not reinforced.

5 Where does child labour occur?
An estimate of 215 million children are victims of child labour around the world. About 114 million (53%) are in Asia and the Pacific. 14 million (7%) live in Latin America. 65 million (30%) live in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a big list of countries with Child labourers. #1 on the list will be Eritrea and Somalia, 2nd goes to Dr Congo, Myanmar, and Sudan, 3rd place includes, Afghanistan and Pakistan, 4th place goes to Zimbabwe, 5th place goes to Yemen, And finally in 6th place is another tie between Burundi and Nigeria (most of these places are in Africa and Asia)

6 Who does child labour affect?
It affects the people in Africa, Asia , and a little in south America. In Africa it affects the northern, southern, eastern, and western part of Africa (all of Africa). In Asia most of the pacific side deals with most of the child labour 18.8% of child labourers work on the pacific region. Out of these 3 continents south America has the least cases but is not the best it has less cases but still has a lot of cases but not so much as a few continents do.

7 This is a Map of Area’s Affected by Child Labour

8 Who is doing it? No one is really doing it but it goes under government laws not being reinforced and the culture of the countries. For the cultural part it is common to work at a young age. At the government side it happens mostly because of poor law enforcements.

9 What organizations are helping?
SCREAM is on organization created by ILO. ILO is a bigger organization that created SCREAM which is another organization that helps fight off child labour. IPEC also is a big organization that aims to conquer child labour also known as ILO.

10 When did it start? Child labour started in the 1800’s and the early 1900’s. Since the 1800’s and early 1900’s, many of the children in poor families still work in parts of Africa trying to escape poverty. Some of these children work night shifts lasting about 12 hours.

11 When did it become recognized as a world issue/human rights issue?
In 1919 the U.N. recognized that child labour was a horrible problem. Starting in 1919 the U.N. and ILO created an age restriction for child labour. Overall child labour started to gain fame in the 1900’s then 19 years later it was recognized as a world issue.

12 Why are people doing it? Parents in some countries are doing this because they do not have enough financial support to run a family. Bosses/managers find children much cheaper and obedient. Children have nimble fingers which is good for sewing. The most common reason is that there is not enough access to education to educate the children of the area.

13 How is Canada helping? Canadians are helping by donating funds to organizations that collect these funds to help fight off child labour. Canada also has donation sites like Canada Around the world June 12 is the World Day Against Child Labour.

14 How is the Catholic Church helping?
The catholic church is helping by asking its parish to donate to fight poverty. Also they ask to spread the message to others so others can donate too.

15 Thanks for Watching

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