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12.3 Complex inheritance in Humans

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1 12.3 Complex inheritance in Humans

2 Complex inheritance Codominance Multiple alleles Sex-linked traits
Polygenic inheritance Changes in chromosome number

3 Codominance Phenotypes of both homozygotes produced in the heterozygote Sickle cell anemia is an example in humans Heterozygous people have both normal and sickle cells Resistant to malaria

4 Codominance 1 in 12 African Americans have sickle cell anemia
Hemoglobin differs by one amino acid Causes red blood cells to be sickle shaped Slow blood flow, block small blood vessels

5 Multiple alleles More than two alleles for a trait Human blood type
Three alleles IA, IB, I Blood types A, AB, B, O Match for compatibility Identify parent

6 Sex-linked traits Carried on sex chromosomes Color blindness

7 Polygenic inheritance
Traits determined by more than one gene Often see trait as range of variation Skin color Eye color

8 Changes in chromosome number
Karyotype is used to look at chromosome numbers Unusual number of autosomes Trisomy 21, Down syndrome Unusual number of sex chromosomes XO, XXX, XXY, XYY Most lead normal lives but cannot have children, some have mental disabilities

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