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Presenter: Chen-Yo Chi Advisor: Dr. Chin-Ling Lee

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1 Presenter: Chen-Yo Chi Advisor: Dr. Chin-Ling Lee
The investigation of college students’ speaking ability in CLT classrooms in Taiwan 溝通式教學法對大專生口語能力影響之調查 Presenter: Chen-Yo Chi Advisor: Dr. Chin-Ling Lee Date: December 29, 2008


3 Introduction In the past, the focus of language learning had been on linguistic forms, and the representative teaching method Grammar translation method was widely adapted in teaching.

4 Introduction The principle characteristic of GTM are the analysis and memorizing the grammar rule, translation of sentences, and emphasis on accuracy (Richard&Rogers, 2001)

5 Introduction Traditional teaching method GTM is still popular in the field of English education in Taiwan. Due to the need for Taiwanese students to survive in test-oriented learning environment, translating, testing, and analyzing the text have been the major activities in the classrooms.

6 Statement of the problems
The lack of teacher-student or student-student interaction in the classroom may lower students’ motivation to learn and hinder the development of speaking ability due to insufficient practice.

7 Literature Review CLT Communicative Competence
Attitude towards language learning

8 CLT According to Richards and Rodgers (1986), CLT starts with a theory of language as communication, and its goal is to develop learners’ communicative competence . (Richards&Rodgers, 1986)

9 Communicative Competence
Canal and Swain(1980) defined communicative competence in terms of four components: I. Grammatical competence II. Social linguistic competence III. Discourse competence IV. Strategic competence (Canal&Swain, 1980)

10 Attitudes towards language learning
Negative attitudes towards language learning may reduce learners’ motivation and harm language learning. Positive attitudes can do the opposite. (Oxford, 2001, p.168)

11 To investigate the influences of CLT to students’ oral performance
Purpose of the study To investigate the influences of CLT to students’ oral performance To investigate the influences of CLT to students’ learning motivation towards foreign language learning

12 Research Questions What effect does the implementation of CLT may have on college students’ oral performance? What are students’ learning attitudes towards CLT learning?

13 Instrument Performance test Questionnaire

14 Participants The target participants of this study are 80 non-English major freshmen and sophomores at Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT) in Taiwan.

15 Research Procedures Pilot study Formal study Experiment group
Control group Pre-test Oral performance test Questionnaire of students’ perception towards CLT learning at pre-test Pre-test 1.Oral performance test 2.Questionnaire of students’ perception towards GTM learning at pre-test

16 Research Procedures Experimental group Control group
CLT learning for one semester Traditional learning (GTM) Post-test 1.Final oral performance test 2.Qustionaire of students’ perceptions towards CLT learning at post- Post-test 1.Final oral perform test 2.Questionaire of students’ perceptions towards GTM learning at post-test

17 Pre-and Post tests of oral Pre-and Post Questionnaires
Data Collection SPSS Independent T test Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Pre-and Post tests of oral performance Pre-and Post Questionnaires

18 Thank you for your attention!

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