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Priorities for the Success AT Strategic Action Plan: SUMMARY

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1 Priorities for the Success AT Strategic Action Plan: SUMMARY
CORE OFFER The Success Academy Trust will enable a level of support not easily gained as a single academy. Through the development of effective leadership and school improvement structures, collaborative and shared policies, CPD, recruitment, and talent management, Success AT will provide a base for improvement and innovation. Sharing central services will optimise the delivery of cost-effective, flexible and high quality reliable services to the benefit of all. 1 STRATEGY FOR GROWTH The Success AT will have a defined strategy for growth, understanding the need to build capacity in advance of new academies joining, and preparing for the challenges of different types of academies joining the MAT. The Success AT will have a clear understanding of the impact that different types of academies joining will have on its overall leadership and governance. The Success AT will have a plan for optimum geographical coverage and to be prepared to say ‘no’ where relevant. 2 COLLABORATION FOR IMPACT The Success AT will value the importance of collaboration for the benefit of our pupils/students. The Success AT will enhance the effectiveness of learning in academies by ensuring that the impact of great teaching is identified and shared across all academies. The Success AT will evaluate the impact of this collaboration on a regular basis. 3 For the next three years, the Success AT will be focusing on a range of priorities; centrally there will be 3 main areas of focus: VISION AND VALUES The Success AT will have a clear and compelling vision for the future. All stakeholders will be clear about , and be able to articulate, the moral purpose of the Success AT, its mission and its values. All stakeholders will share an understanding of what it means to be part of the Success AT, including those elements that are non-negotiable. 1 ACHIEVEMENT Achievement in the Success AT academies will build on the previous personal best, with year on year improved progress and outcomes for pupils/students of all abilities. 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE & DATA The Success AT will have available a wide range of both qualitative and quantitative data to develop clear methods of assessment, both of individual academies and of the Success AT as a whole. The Success AT will have robust peer review systems, ensuring that risks are effectively and swiftly managed, and intervening where performance levels drop below expected standards. The Success AT schools/academies will build on the previous personal best, with year on year improved progress and outcomes for pupils/students of all abilities. 3 For the next three years, we will concentrate as a group of academies, on 6 key areas: FINANCIAL STRATEGY & CONTROL The Success AT will have transparent and clear systems for ensuring financial probity, having access to accurate and timely management information to ensure effective budgeting. The Success AT will make efficient use of economies of scale, achieving best value for top-sliced funds, and will pursue alternative revenue systems to benefit the Success AT as a whole (e.g. providing services beyond the Success AT itself). A sustainable educational and business plan will be in place that supports the academies to meet their core objective of delivering outstanding education for every child. 4 GOVERNANCE The Success AT will have a scheme of delegation which clearly defines responsibilities of the various levels of governance (Members, Trustees, Local Governing Body). All members of governances at all levels will be clear about their responsibilities, and will have access to relevant training and information to support their defined roles. Leadership and governance across the Trust will be outstanding and succession planning effective in securing leaders of high calibre across Success AT. 5 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recruitment, training and development of the workforce of leaders, support staff and administrators will result in an outstanding provision for all of our pupils/students. The Success AT will have in place a workforce strategy that seeks to recruit, retain & develop all staff at all levels, promoting from within wherever possible and being able to deploy staff to where they are most needed. The Success AT will provide high-quality, appropriately accredited training and development opportunities, and career support. Key roles throughout the Success AT will have succession plans in place. 6

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