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1 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
NPHC E-Board Devin Stephens, President Natalie Paul, 1st Vice President Marley Baham, 2nd Vice President Gyasi Gomez, Secretary/Treasure Shailyn Croom, Public Relations Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

2 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
What is NPHC? The governing body of historically Black sororities and fraternities sometimes referred to as the Divine Nine (D9), being derived from the nine organizations that make up the council. Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

3 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Unity At Its Finest Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

4 What is a Black Greek Organization?
In the beginning Black Greek Letter Organizations were created to provide brotherhood/sisterhood for African-Americans attending college. They were not welcome in the other established Greek Letter Societies so they created their own. Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

5 Loyola Greek Life Requirements
GPA: 2.5 Cumulative or Semester GPA in the Semester one is seeking membership Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

6 Anti-Hazing Policy Hazing is defined as any action or situation which includes any mental or physical requirement, request or obligation placed upon any person (pledge, new member, associate member, member, affiliate, guest) which could cause discomfort, pain, fright, disgrace, injury or which is personally degrading or which violates any federal, state, local statute or University policy. Any activity described in this definition upon which the initiation, or admission into, or affiliation with, or continued membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditional, shall be presumed to be "forced" activity. All NPHC organizations are NON-HAZING Fraternities and Sororities Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

7 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 1906 1988 Rho Epsilon Chapter National Programs Project Alpha A Voteless People is a Hopeless People Go-to-High School, Go-to-College Brother’s Keeper AΦA Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747) AΦA

8 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Founded On the Campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 15, 1908 Motto: “By Culture and By Merit” Flower: Pink Tea Rose Colors: Salmon Pink & Apple Green Symbol: Ivy Leaf The Exquisite eta theta chapter was the First Black Greek Organization to be chartered on the campus of Loyola University New Orleans on November 25, 1972 Current Chapter Members: 14 members Requirements - Full Time Undergraduate Student (12+ hours) - Completed at least one grading period - A cumulative and semester avg. of C+* immediately preceding submission of application (*2.50 out of 4.0 scale) Honorary Members: Maya Angelou | Rosa Parks | Coretta Scott King | Ella Fitzgerald | Eleanor Roosevelt | Phylicia Rashad 958 chapters across the world 260,000 members worldwide and counting National Website: Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

9 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Founded on January 13, 1913 on the campus of Howard University by 22 Illustrious Women Colors: Crimson and Cream Motto: Intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom Symbol: Fortitude Nu Mu Citywide: Chartered on February 26, 1997 at Loyola and Tulane Universities Currently 10 Chapter Members Qualifications: GPA minimum is 2.75 on a 4.0 scale Completed at least 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours Chapter Achievements: Highest Sorority and Overall Greek GPA Fall 2013 – Loyola University Regionally: Highest GPA, Social Action Award, Service Award, and 2 Programming Awards Honorable Members: Angela Bassett, Cicely Tyson, Nikki Giovanni, Aretha Franklin, Mary McLeod Bethune, Mary Church Terrell, Regina Benjamin, and Juanita Stout. National Website: Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

10 Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
ΦΒΣ Founded: January 9th, 1914, Howard University, Washington, D.C. Founders: 3 – Colors: Royal Blue, Pure White Motto: Culture for Service, Service for Humanity Symbols: Dove, Crescent Moon Chapter: Omicron Phi || GPA Requirement: 2.75 Website: Famous Members: Bro. George Washington Carver, Bro. Huey P. Newton, Bro. Emmitt Smith, Bro. Bill Clinton Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

11 Founders: Zeta’s Five Pearls Colors: Royal Blue and Pure White
Founding Date and Location: January 16th, 1920 on the campus of Howard University Founders: Zeta’s Five Pearls Colors: Royal Blue and Pure White Motto: “A Community Conscious Action Oriented Organization” Symbol: The White Dove National Website: Notable Members: Sheryl P. Underwood, Zora Neale Hurston, Minnie Riperton Chapter: The Iota Omicron City Wide chapter (Loyola and Tulane) Current Members: 2 GPA Requirement: 2.75 cumulative Chapter Achievements: Highest All Greek Chapter GPA for Spring 2014 Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

12 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Founded January 5, 1911
Indiana University Colors: Crimson and Cream Symbol: Diamond Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Founded November 17, 1911 Howard University Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold Symbol: Lamp Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

13 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Founded November 12, 1922 Butler University Color : Royal Blue and Gold Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. Founded September 19, 1963 Morgan State University Color: Charcoal Brown and Gilded Gold Symbol: Centaur Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

14 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Terms *DISCLAIMER: The following are terms used by members (only) in NPHC organizations upon initiation Probate - A show used to introduce new members of the organization (coming out or new member presentation show) Prophyte - A member who has experienced at least one intake process as a member of an organization Neophyte- Also referred to as “neos”; typically designated a member’s “status” until another intake process occurs Club – Members of an organization that share the same “Line Number” Sandz - A word used to acknowledge other members that crossed over in other organizations or in the same organization, but a different chapter. Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

15 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Stepping- A series of complex, synchronous and precise rhythmic body movements performed to the tune of stomps, songs or chants created by organization members. Strolling - The traditional dance or “party walk” performed by fraternities and/or sororities. Line- group of members who are chosen to become initiated/inducted together in a particular organization. Line Brother (LB) / Line Sister (LS)- Persons that were a part of the same initiation (membership) process, at the same time, and in the same chapter. Each person usually obtains a number during initiation, which is referred to as a Line Number, as well as a Line Name. The first person in your line is the “Ace” and from there you count up in an orderly fashion until the end of your line which is the “Tail” Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

16 Questions? Text: 982895 + Your Question to 1(747)444-3548
Q & A’s How do I express interest? First do your RESEARCH and find a reason that you want to join an organization (on your own and for yourself). Attend programs and form relations with current members. What is the difference between attending programs and a formal rush or information? Programs are for EVERYONE. Usually informal and cover a range of topics. A formal Rush or Information is Business Attire and usually requires an application process. How long is a pledge process? There is NO pledge process. Fraternities and Sororities have formal membership intakes. “When you’re pledging do you have to keep it a secret?” We do NOT pledge, but intakes are a very special and individualized process that is NOT shared. Questions? Text: Your Question to 1(747)

17 “Do you all have to wear different clothing items with your symbol?”
“Do you have to wear a certain amount of items with your fraternity/sorority symbol daily?” No, we sport our colors and symbols out of the unending pride and dedication we give to our organizations. “Do you all have to wear different clothing items with your symbol?” No, each organization has particular colors and symbols; however, there is no number requirement. “What makes your org different from the others?” Each organization is unique. However, we all have a common goal that promotes service, education, and the betterment of the individual within the organization.

18 “Can I call myself a future member?”
No, every member in each organization worked very hard and gave a lot of their effort and time into their achievement; therefore, it is disrespectful to call yourself a future member. “If I am a friend of someone in an org that I’m interested in, is there a difference in how I approach them when it refers to joining that org?” There is no difference in approaching a friend who is already in the organization. You should still do your research, but more importantly make sure the reason you are joining is because you want to (not because your friend is in the organization.) Also, remember not to have the attitude that because your friend is a member that you can automatically become a member. Why is incorporated tact on at the end? All of the organizations are business; therefore, they are “legal” corporations.


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