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Identifying and Harnessing Opportunities Abiola L

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1 Identifying and Harnessing Opportunities Abiola L
Identifying and Harnessing Opportunities Abiola L. Thompson Tilley-Gyado December 6, 2011 OWN, SCALE-UP & SUSTAIN The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa 4 to 8 December 2011, Addis Ababa

2 Identifying and Harnessing Opportunities Towards
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa Identifying and Harnessing Opportunities Towards ZERO New infections Discrimination/Stigma AIDS-related Deaths

3 30 years on AIDS is still about
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa 30 years on AIDS is still about Women particularly in childbearing age Children infected as result of mothers lacking access to treatment Children /adolescents taking on roles ill-prepared for as Carers to ailing parents Heads of households Support to frail, impoverished grandparents forced to bury their own children Stigma that continues to dictate the tempo

4 What are we doing: Programmatic
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa What are we doing: Programmatic Prevention Women and adolescents serving as agents of change as well as recipients. Advocates and counsellors PMTCT programmes yet 1,000 babies infected every day, Advocacy and Fund raising Treatment Universal uptake of PMTCT only in 6 countries Adolescents and Children in School clubs disseminating information WAD Livelihood programmes Behaviour change including abstinence condom promotion STI treatment 28% of the 1.27 million children currently estimated to be in need of ART are receiving

5 What we are doing: Strategic
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa What we are doing: Strategic Mainstreaming eg Ethiopia making AIDS part of everyday activity Integrating Reproductive Health MNCH, FP, ANC, IMCI ?Education, Strengthening health system: New Partnerships of all actors: Government, civil society and communities.

6 The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa
Way Forward Social mobilisation through PHC strengthening and integration Integration with other services ? Adolescent-friendly centres Conditional cash transfers Active participation of all young people Realisation of children/young people rights

7 The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa
How do we deal with Discordancy among teenagers with a growing no of infected children coming into adolescence Millions of out of school youngsters Teenagers still locked to system in Early marriages MSM with the doors of the closets still locked due to tradition etc with marriage still most significant risk for them

8 To get to ZERO Responses must be
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa To get to ZERO Responses must be Child/youth centred Rights based Right to life : treatment for CABA Right to Protection FROM INFECTION : Primary Prevention; PMTCT Access to Prevention Information FROM STIGMA FROM VIOLENCE Right to Participate in programmes targeting them Right to Family Life : Prolonging life of parents

9 To get to Zero Confront Rights Violation Tradition/Culture Corruption
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa To get to Zero Confront Rights Violation Create and Expand space for women and children Tradition/Culture Early Marriage MSM Corruption Communities to take lead in ensuring transparency and accountability Non-strategic programming Poor governance

10 What Opportunities and Tools
The 16th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa, Addis Ababa What Opportunities and Tools Policies Social Policy Framework including Social Protection ACRWC- An Africa fit for Children +Youth Charter Protocol on Women’s Rights Declaration on MNCH Technologies Advocates for PMTCT Advocates for Male Circumcision Treatment Advocate access for women adolescents and children

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