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Hacking Demo Part 2 Attack Phases

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1 Hacking Demo Part 2 Attack Phases
CITA 250 Hacking Demo Part 2 Attack Phases

2 Phase 4: Penetration - Obtain Control
Hackers attempt to obtain control of one or more systems in the target network

3 Phase 5: Advance - Launch Attack
Hackers leverage computers or accounts that have been compromised during penetration to launch additional attacks on the target network

4 Vulnerability Assessment Demo
Software: Nessus ( Nikto (

5 Password Cracking Demo
Software: KerbCrack ( John the Ripper ( Cain & Abel (

6 Keylogging Demo Software: Spector/Veriato ( Hardware:
KeyLlama/KeyKatcher (

7 Buffer Overflow Demo Vulnerability in poorly written code
Code does not check predefined size of input field Goal Fill overflow buffer with executable code OS executes this code

8 Malware (Malicious Software) Demo
Virus can replicate itself through an executable host program Worm replicates and propagates without a host Trojan programs disguise themselves as useful programs A self-replicated JavaScript program (quine.js and quine.htm on course Web site)

9 Phase 6: Covering - Eliminate Record
Hackers eliminate any records or logs showing malicious behaviors

10 Covering Demo Software: ELSave (
WinZapper ( Rootkit (information available from

11 Steganography Demo Software: ImageHide
MP3Stego ( Alternate Data Streams

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