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Welcome to State High Home of construction… Graduating Class of 2021.

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1 Welcome to State High Home of construction… Graduating Class of 2021

2 Christina Manning (Principal – 9LC)
Course Selection and Registration for Homeschool/Private & Charter Students Class of 2021 February 14, 2017 Presenters: Steve Guthoff (A-K) Jack McCurdy (L-Z) Christina Manning (Principal – 9LC)

3 9th Grade Learning Community
Cohort (Teacher Teams) made up by content areas: English, Science, Social Studies, and Health/PE Cohort teachers have collaborative time to focus on individual student achievement/struggles, analyzing data, and working on transition curriculum for their shared students. Elective teachers and non-cohort teachers will be invited to join collaborative time as much as possible Transition curriculum infused into the content of the 4 cohort teacher’s current curriculum: Citizenship, Strategies for Success and Healthy Future 9th Grade Learning Community The 9LC was adopted by our district to act as an invisible safety net for our incoming freshman. It’s designed to promote a successful transition for our ninth grade students by providing a system that encourages responsive teaching and learning, and allows teachers to collaborate in order to help students reach their potential, establish healthy relationships, and discover their strengths and passions in a safe and welcoming learning environment.

4 “No 9th Grade Student Left Unknown”
Students: have same elective choices offered to all. schedules will look the same as any other student. will not have “team” activities. Begin exploration of college and career options with introduction of SLCs (Student Learning Communities) Christina -9LC

5 Registration Timeline
Student course requests are due by March 3, 2017 at the Registrar’s Office. Aug : schedules can be viewed online with a limited window to request course changes. An will be sent to all students with directions on how to view schedules and with directions about how to request course changes. **Schedule changes are very restricted after August 11, 2017. *FRESHMEN ORIENTATION IN AUGUST

6 Mental Health Initiative:
Healthy Points of View Short Term: What you need to know to effectively plan your classes for next year? Long Term: What you need to know & think about in order to effectively plan for the next four years of high school? See pg. 9 of Course Guide to plan ahead Mental Health Initiative: RETHINK the purpose of High School and the college admissions process . Getting in to college is NOT the finish line of life. *Help your child identify and work toward their goals. Take healthy risks. *Help your child find ways to participate and discover skills – club/activity at school or in the community, elective classes, etc. *

7 Minimum Graduation Requirements
4 credits each of English and Social Studies 3 credits each of Science and Math Physical Education Classes 9-12 (1.5 credits) Health/Wellness Classes in 9th or 10th & 11th or 12th Grade (2 courses) In-class Driver’s Education Community Service (20 Hours) Electives (8.25 credits) Total of 25 credits See page 5 of course selection guide. *

8 Required Courses In 9th Grade
English Social Studies Science Math PE and Health Elective (World Language if college bound) Electives or a Study Hall Lunch See page 7 of the Course Selection Guide

9 A/B Block Scheduling and 9th grade schedules:
Day A Day B Math English 3.1 LUNCH (30 mins) *Phys Ed 9 (Fall)/*Health 1 (Spring) 4.1 World Language (if 4-year college bound) World History 6.1 Band Choir 7.1 Science 7.2 LUNCH (30 mins) 7.3 Science 8.1 Elective(s) or Study Hall sign up for 6.5 credits at a minimum *Semester Courses *

10 Additional Considerations
Colleges Have Different Requirements (and it depends on what you want to study) World Language – typically two years are required as a minimum. Math - Trig/Precalc. for Science, Eng, Business, IST Science - are you pursuing health/medical careers? Fine Arts - colleges in California require it. Requirements For NCAA – 16 Core Courses for Division I & II ( See page 7 of course selection guide. *

11 Reading and Using the Course Selection Guide:
Year long courses that meet every other day for a full block (90 mins) = 1.0 credit. Semester long courses that meet every other day for a full block = .5 credits (Music) courses that meet every day, year long and for a half block (45 mins) = .5 credit. Advanced and AP Science classes that meet for a full block every other day for one semester and everyday during the other semester = 1.50 credits. Page 8 covers Community Service and the Keystone Exams in more detail. Page 9 contains a Graduation Planning Guide for those of you that want to start mapping out the next four years of high school. First half of the Course Selection Guide is curricular courses listed alphabetically by department and second half is CTC courses where many additional elective courses can be found. *

12 Using the Course Guide continued...
F= Fall semester class S= Spring semester class Y= Year long class *PREREQUISITES MUST BE FOLLOWED!

13 What do the symbols mean ?????

14 English and Social Studies
ENGLISH OPTIONS: Advanced English 9 English 9 SOCIAL STUDIES OPTIONS: Advanced World History I World History I AP Human Geography

15 Typical 9th grade Math Options:
C.P. Algebra 1 A & B C.P. Algebra 1 Geometry C.P. Geometry Advanced Geometry

16 Science Options: Advanced Earth Systems Science I

17 Physical Education and Health
PE OPTIONS: PE 9 (.50 Credit) Fall or Spring semester Health OPTIONS: Wellness 9 (.50 Credit) Fall or Spring semester

18 World Languages OPTIONS: - Spanish - French - German - Arabic - Latin - Mandarin Chinese

19 OTHER ELECTIVES Art Family and Consumer Science Music
Technology Education CTC LE (Learning Enrichment)

20 A Few words from our Math and World Language Coordinators
Bill Harrington: Math Rick Polka: World Lang.

21 HOW TO REQUEST COURSES Fill out the Course Registration Form – handout Choose core courses (including World Language if planning to attend 4 year college after H.S.) Choose electives You must have at least 6.5 credits on your schedule, we recommend at least 7.0 credits. Due March 3rd at Registrar’s Office

Where is it? HOW TO FIND THE COURSE SELECTION GUIDE ONLINE Link may be found on the left side of the high school home webpage

23 Remember Talk over your course selection with your parents/guardians.
You are building your high school transcript which will be used for college, job, military and scholarship opportunities. Grades count! Get involved in clubs, sports and activities. Your mental health matters! Schedule with balance and planning in mind.

24 Registration Information

25 Immunizations cont’d…

26 Registration Form

27 Contact Information Thank you for attending! Feel free to or call us with questions: Deena Registrar’s Office: or Steve Guthoff: Jack McCurdy: Susan HSN -

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