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Greenhills Primary Literacy Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhills Primary Literacy Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhills Primary Literacy Workshop
Talking and Listening Reading Writing

2 Talking and Listening Children are encouraged to share and explore ideas in pairs, trios, groups or whole class discussions in order to: solve problems reflect on their learning respond to a text or event i.e. talk about pictures, words, headings, use of language, genre and talk about their feelings, thoughts and ideas. Also retell stories (sequence), predict, share opinions about a text and justify these

3 Reading Children are taught and encouraged to:
read with and to a partner (and help each other) talk to and listen to one another about what they have read discuss the main points of the story – Who? What? Where? What happened next? write about what they have read read what they have written and in collaboration with others, edit and fine tune their writing

4 Writing Children are taught and encouraged to:
write daily for different reasons share ideas about their writing work collaboratively to check and improve their writing All three organisers of Literacy are taught within an integrated approach i.e. there are clear links

5 Reading Features of teaching Reading: Phonics Comprehension
Guided reading Paired reading Word attack strategies

6 Reading Phonics Introduce initial sounds first – hear sound at beginning and end of words, recognise sound orally and written, generate words with sound at beginning, write sounds 2 letter phonemes e.g. sh, ee, oy Use of magnetic letters Say Make/Break Blend Read Write Focus on collegiate working together

7 Reading Comprehension
Before (prediction), during (understanding) and after reading (recall) Questioning e.g. can the title/pictures tell me what the story might be about? Who is in the story? Where does the story take place? What happens at the beginning/ middle/end of the story? Moving on to inferential questions and children generating their own questions Summarising the story Making links to own experiences and the wider world

8 Reading Guided Reading
Teacher introduces book, encourages use of prior knowledge to make connections, prediction skills, draws attention to new words and punctuation Children read book independently Discussion of story – characters, events, setting, significant words, find words that start with the same sound, words containing previously taught phonemes Follow up activities – individual/pairs/groups, includes letter, word and sentence work. Focus on building independent learners

9 Reading Paired Reading Excellent approach for parents!
Child selects a book Sit comfortably side by side Look at title and front page – read title together and ask child what story might be about Start reading book together – go at child’s speed Agree a hand signal when your child wants to read alone. Praise your child for wanting to read alone If your child gets stuck at a word give him/her a short time to try and work it out then tell the child the word if needed In paired reading you do not ask the child to break up a word or sound it out When the story is finished talk about what has happened in the story

10 Reading Word Attack Strategies (skills to help decode words)
Look at the first letter Look for a rhyme e.g. at as in cat Break the words into syllables Sound the first few letters Read the sentence again Look at the last letters Look at the pictures Look at the shape of the word

11 Writing Key Principles. All children need to: Have fun in writing
Develop a positive attitude towards writing See themselves as writers Have daily opportunities to write Have regular opportunities to hear good quality texts

12 Writing Features of teaching Writing:
Linking Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing ‘Big’ writing lessons- relevant and meaningful to children’s experiences Daily writing opportunities – opportunities for children to extend their own thinking and improve independence Writing across the curriculum for different purposes Spelling including common words

13 Writing Tools for writing:
Children need to be able to articulate what they want to write (talking and listening) Children need to be able to write each letter Children need to understand the need for a space between each word Children need to be able to use the phonemes to ‘have a go’ at writing Children need to be able to read back what they have written Children are introduced to capital letters, full stops and question marks then the use of ‘and’ as a connective

14 Spelling Aspects of teaching spelling: listen to the sounds in words
identify the number of symbols in words look at word shapes and patterns remembering words using look and say method (flashcards) thinking about and discussing tricky words (words that cannot be sounded out e.g. want) talking about words

15 Common Words Common words are introduced to the children right away in Primary 1. Children are taught to read and write the common words. Regular practice is given in school. Between week 1 and week 4 the children will be introduced to: a at the I is it an in and

16 Assessment Regular assessment is used to ensure children are working at a level that is appropriate: POLAAR (Primary One Literacy Assessment and Action Resource) RRWA (Regular Reading Word Assessment) PM Benchmarking Daily work in school is assessed to ensure children are supported/challenged

17 How you can help your child
Talk to your child, listen and respond Read daily to your child (not always paired reading, enjoy books together) Support your child with homework – little and often is the key Please sign reading record and use this to communicate with the teacher about reading Ensure your child has their reading book in school every day Speak to your child’s teacher regarding any concerns

18 Additional information (attached)
Correct pronunciation of initial sounds sheet Correct formation of letters sheet Reading homework hints sheet How to help your child with phonics sheet How to help your child with reading

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