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Wednesday Lesson 16, Day 3.

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1 Wednesday Lesson 16, Day 3

2 Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication.
Question of the Day: Think about your friends. How would you describe what a friend is? On my signal, you will turn and talk to your partner to complete this stem: A friend is _________.

3 *Find the rhyming words.
Read Aloud “The New Girl” *Find the rhyming words. Objective: To identify characteristics of concrete poetry. Big Book of Rhymes and Poems

4 Objective: To read high frequency words.
Word Wall always by Cow’s join nice please room friends says watch Objective: To read high frequency words.

5 Objective: To blend phonemes into words.
Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Deletion

6 Word Blending u n b b ur n f i s t f ir s t
Objective: To build and blend words with /ur/ using ir, er and ur. Word Blending u n b b ur n f i s t f ir s t

7 Word Blending e t b b er t h u t h ur t
Objective: To build and blend words with /ur/ using ir, er and ur. Word Blending e t b b er t h u t h ur t

8 Look at that girl in the pink shirt. She has dots on her red skirt.
Objective: To read words with /ur/ er, ir, ur, /I/ I, /e/ e, /u/ u. R-Controlled Vowels /ur/ er, ir, ur Look at that girl in the pink shirt. She has dots on her red skirt. Her name is Fern Burns. Look at her curls. Fern has fun when she twirls. Watch her turn and spin!

9 This Week’s Spelling Words
Objective: To read and write spelling words. This Week’s Spelling Words her fur turn bird girl first quit when name work

10 High Frequency Words always by Cow’s join nice please room
Objective- To read high-frequency words. High Frequency Words always by Cow’s join nice please room

11 “The Lion and the Mouse” Lions like to sleep.
Objective: To recognize the main idea. Main Idea The main idea of a story is what it is mostly about. “The Lion and the Mouse” Lions like to sleep. Be nice to others and they will be nice to you. The mouse helped the lion get free. *What is the main idea of “One More Friend?”

12 Robust Vocabulary compatible amiable relax
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary compatible amiable relax

13 compatible When people or animals are compatible, they are able to be together or get along with each other.

14 compatible Ant, Frog, Chick, Hen, Duck, Cat, Dog and Lamb were happy and compatible in the hammock. My friends and I are compatible and do many things together. Are you more compatible with children your own age or with adults?

15 amiable Someone who is amiable is good-natured and friendly.

16 amiable Ant is an amiable character who happily invites all the animals passing by to join her in the hammock. Is it more fun to be around someone who is amiable or someone who is not? Why?

17 relax When you relax, you are not uneasy or upset about anything; you spend time resting or doing things for fun.

18 relax All the animals were able to relax in the hammock in Cow’s backyard. I like to relax by sitting on my porch swing and reading. Would you rather relax on your porch or at the beach?

19 Using He, She, It, and They Dan wore a red shirt today.
Objective: To recognize that he, she, it, and they can take the place of names of people, animals, places, and things Using He, She, It, and They Dan wore a red shirt today. They wore a red shirt today. The bell rang. She rang. Ann sits next to me. It sits next to me. Ben and Bob read a story. He and he read a story.

20 Objective: To understand the purpose of an invitation.
An Invitation Tells Objective: To understand the purpose of an invitation. who it invited what the event is when the event is where the event is who is sending the invitation

21 Invitation To: Frog, Chick, Hen, Duck, Cat, Dog, Lamb
You are invited to a picnic. You may get to ride on an elephant, too! When: Saturday, July 14, 12:00-5:00 Where: Cow’s backyard Please come! Your friend, Ant Objective: To understand the parts of an invitation. To understand how to write an invitation correctly.

22 What: _____________________ When: _____________________
Objective: To understand the purpose of an invitation. To practice standard invitation form. To: ___________ From: ___________ What: _____________________ When: _____________________ Where: _____________________ Please come! We’ll have lots of fun! Your friend, _____________

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