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To receive communion is to receive Christ

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1 To receive communion is to receive Christ
Raphael ( ) The Mass at Bolsena Fresco, 1512 Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican 30 To receive communion is to receive Christ ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

2 Compendium of the Catechism
291. What is required to receive Holy Communion? To receive Holy Communion one must be fully incorporated into the Catholic Church and be in the state of grace, that is, not conscious of being in mortal sin. Anyone who is conscious of having committed a grave sin must first receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before going to Communion. Also important for those receiving Holy Communion are a spirit of recollection and prayer, observance of the fast prescribed by the Church, and an appropriate disposition of the body (gestures and dress) as a sign of respect for Christ.

3 Introduction The first Christians found in the Eucharist the reason to be heroic. Holy Communion gave them encouragement and strength to defend their faith even unto martyrdom. We should show the same love and respect which the first Christians had for the Eucharist. The first Christians found in the Eucharist the reason to be heroic. Holy Communion gave them encouragement and strength to defend their faith even unto martyrdom. Tarsitius was a child who brought the Eucharist to Christians in jail. When he was on his way he met some of his pagan friends who invited him to play with them, but he refused because he was carrying Our Lord. They noticed he was hiding something and, striking him, tried to take it from him by force. A soldier passed by and took Tarsitius to jail. As a result, those who were to be killed the next day were able to receive Communion. Tarsitius became a martyr of the Eucharist. This reflects the love and respect which the first Christians had for the Eucharist. JANMOT, Anne-François-Louis ( ) Le Poème de l'âme - Première communion [The Poem of the Soul - First Communion] Oil on canvas, c.1851 44 3/8 x 57 inches (113 x 145 cm) Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon

4 Main ideas ©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

5 1. The Eucharist as a Sacrifice and Communion
The Eucharistic Sacrifice or Holy Mass is both the memorial which perpetuates the offering of Christ to the Father on the cross, and also a sacrificial banquet of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharistic celebration also has as its aim the intimate union of the faithful with Christ through Holy Communion. To receive Communion is to receive the same Christ who offers Himself for us on the cross. The Eucharistic Sacrifice or Holy Mass is, at the same time and inseparably, both the memorial which perpetuates the offering of Christ to the Father on the cross, and also a sacrificial banquet of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharistic celebration also has as its aim the intimate union of the faithful with Christ through Holy Communion. To receive Communion is to receive the same Christ who offers Himself for us on the cross. Therefore, Christ offers Himself to the Father and gives Himself to men. TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista ( ) Last Communion of St Lucy Oil on canvas, 87 3/8 x 39 3/4 inches (222 x 101 cm) Santi Apostoli, Venice

6 2. Christ instituted the Eucharist as nourishment for our souls
Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in that person” (John 6:54-56). In the Last Supper, when Our Lord instituted the Eucharist: “Take it and eat it, this is my body” (Mathew 26:26). These words clearly show that the body of Christ is really present in the Eucharist and that He gives Himself to us as nourishment. In Capernaum Jesus promised to the Apostles that He would give His flesh as life for the world and as a foretaste of eternal life. “Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in that person” (John 6:54-56). This promise was fulfilled in the Last Supper, when Our Lord instituted the Eucharist: “Take it and eat it, this is my body” (Mathew 26:26). These words clearly show that the body of Christ is really present in the Eucharist and that He gives Himself to us as nourishment. COELLO, Claudio Communion of St. Teresa of Avila Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid

7 3. The fruits of Communion
Communion nourishes our spiritual life in a similar way as material food nourishes the life of our body. What are the fruits of sacramental communion? It increases our union with Christ present in the sacrament. It increases graces and virtues in those who receive communion worthily. It keeps us away from sin; purifies us from venial sins and failings, because it increases our charity. It strengthens the unity of the Church, the mystical body of Christ. In the Eucharist, Christ gives us a foretaste of eternal life. Communion nourishes our spiritual life in a similar way as material food nourishes the life of our body. What are the fruits of sacramental communion? * It increases our union with Christ present in the sacrament. * It increases graces and virtues in those who receive communion worthily * It keeps us away from sin; purifies us from venial sins, failings and negligences, because it increases our charity. * It strengthens the unity of the Church, the mystical body of Christ. * In the Eucharist, Christ gives us a foretaste of eternal life. GILLICK, James Study for a portrait of Pope John Paul II Private Collection

8 4. Dispositions for a good Communion
The dispositions to receive Christ worthily are: To be in a state of grace. To observe the Eucharistic fast. To be conscious of whom we receive. Even our external appearance should reflect the piety and respect with which we receive Our Lord. The dispositions to receive Christ worthily are: a) To be in a state of grace, that is, free from mortal sin. If anyone is in a state of mortal sin, no matter how much he thinks he detests his sins, he may not receive Communion unless he confesses them. Venial sin is not an obstacle to receive Communion, but it is common sense to wish to receive Communion with a clean soul. That's why the Church recommends going often to confession even if one only has venial sins. Anyone who dares to receive Communion in mortal sin commits a sacrilege. b) To observe the Eucharistic fast, which means not to eat or drink for at least one hour before Communion. Water does not break the fast, nor do medicines. Old and sick people –and those who take care of them— can receive Communion even if an hour has not passed since they ate or drank something. c) To be conscious of whom we receive. Since it is Christ Himself whom we receive, we cannot approach Communion in a thoughtless way, or just out of routine, or to be seen by others. We have to do it so as to fulfil Jesus’ wish, and to receive in Communion a remedy for our fragility. Even our external appearance should reflect the piety and respect with which we receive Our Lord. We can receive Communion either standing or kneeling, according to what the Church has established, and also depending on what personal devotion suggests to each one of us. BOUTS, Dirck Christ Blessing, detail from the Altarpiece of the Last Supper St. Peter's, Lovaina, Belgium

9 5. Thanksgiving after Communion
Jesus remains in the Eucharist out of His love for us. The best way to receive Him is to prepare well for Communion, and, conscious of the gift we receive, to thank Him, not only in the moment of Communion, but also during the day. After Communion we should stay in the church or chapel giving Him thanks, at least for a few minutes. Jesus remains in the Eucharist out of His love for us. The best way to receive Him is to prepare well for Communion, and, conscious of the gift we receive, to thank Him, not only in the moment of Communion, but also during the day. After Communion we should stay in the church or chapel giving Him thanks, at least for a few minutes. DA VARALLO, Tanzio ( ) St. Carlo Borromeo Giving Communion To The Plague Victims Oil on canvas, Private collection

10 6. The obligation of receiving Communion and the need to do it frequently
Christ said: “If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53). Consequently, the Church stipulates in its third precept that all Christians who have attained the use of reason have to receive Communion at least once a year and during Easter time. It is also an obligation to receive Communion in danger of death. In this case, Communion is received as “Viaticum”, which means as preparation for the “journey” to eternal life. This is no more than the least we can do, and should be understood as such. That is why the Church encourages us to receive Our Lord frequently, even daily. If some day we cannot receive Communion, it is good to make a Spiritual Communion. If a baptized baby dies, he or she goes to heaven: receiving Communion is not necessary for his or her salvation. But Christ said: “If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (John 6:53). Consequently, the Church stipulates in its third precept that all Christians who have attained the use of reason have to receive Communion at least once a year and during Easter time. It is also an obligation to receive Communion in danger of death. In this case, Communion is received as “Viaticum”, which means as preparation for the “journey” to eternal life. This is no more than the least we can do, and should be understood as such. That is why the Church encourages us to receive Our Lord frequently, even daily. If some day we cannot receive Communion, it is good to make a Spiritual Communion, expressing our wish to receive Our Lord sacramentally . Jean Béraud ( ) First Communion Oil on canvas 21 3/4 x 25 7/8 inches (55.3 x 66 cm) Private collection

11 Resolutions for Christian life
©Fr. Mark Emman H. Sese

12 Resolutions to move forward
Make a firm resolution to always receive Communion with the due dispositions. Remain a few minutes after Mass giving thanks for having received Jesus.

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