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Sanctity and dignity of human life (18th May, 2017)

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1 Sanctity and dignity of human life (18th May, 2017)
Masalakulangwa 2017 etm 400


3 Important example topics
The Golden Rule The 7 Deadly sins that destroy humanity Euthanasia (mercy killing, good death, doctor-assisted suicide) Ethics in pregnancy, sexuality and child health Scientific research and its implications

4 Sanctity or inviolability
In religion and ethics, inviolability or sanctity of life is a principle of implied protection regarding aspects of sentient life which are said to be holy, sacred, or otherwise of such value that they are not to be violated.

5 Sanctity or inviolability
The concept of inviolability is an important tie between the ethics of religion and the ethics of law, as each seeks justification for its principles as based on both purity and natural concept, as well as in universality of application.

6 Sanctity or inviolability
The phrase sanctity of life refers to the idea that human life is sacred and holy and precious, argued mainly by the pro-life side in political and moral debates over such controversial issues as abortion, contraception, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell research, and the "right to die" in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries. (Comparable phrases are used in other languages.)

7 Sanctity or inviolability
Although the phrase was used primarily in the 19th century in Protestant discourse, after World War II the phrase has been appropriated for Roman Catholic moral theology and, following Roe v. Wade, evangelical moral rhetoric.

8 Dignity The basis for the theme of Human Dignity, the bedrock of Catholic Social Teaching, is that humans were created in the image and likeness of God. Regardless of any factors or reasons we can think of, individuals have an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity; each human life is considered sacred.

9 Dignity This theme is about our radical equality before God that leads us to think no less of somebody because they are from a different place or culture, because they believe something different to you, or because of their work or employment situation.

10 Dignity The principle of Human Dignity means that Catholic Social Teaching takes a strong position on issues around the start and end of life (like the death penalty and abortion) but it also has big consequences for everything in-between.

11 Dignity For example it can effect how we think about how our society supports those with disabilities, how we address global inequality and the approach we take to civil rights issues.

12 Dignity It is from this idea that all people have inherent dignity that the themes of ‘Preferential Option for the Poor’ and ‘Authentic Human Development’ develop within Catholic Social Teaching.

13 Dignity The idea that each life has value isn’t something Catholic Social Teaching has a monopoly on; it shares a lot in common with International Human Rights which are also universal, inviolable and inalienable. But Catholic Social Teaching differs slightly because of its basis.

14 Dignity It grounds Human Dignity in the firm foundations of the Catholic Church’s traditions thought about the sanctity of creation as told in the story of our creation (Genesis) and God's incarnation (Gospels).

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