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Twitter: @mayankcloud CLOUD COMPUTING @ Twitter: @mayankcloud.

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Presentation on theme: "Twitter: @mayankcloud CLOUD COMPUTING @ Twitter: @mayankcloud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twitter: @mayankcloud

2 Working with CloudSim Download JDK from the following link.

3 Working with CloudSim Download Eclipse from following link and extract to convenient location.

4 Working with CloudSim Download CloudSim and extract to any location.

5 Working with CloudSim You may encounter a problem while running Eclipse , if Java is not installed on your System or if the configuration of the Eclipse and Java installed don’t match.

6 Working with CloudSim Open Eclipse IDE from the location and choose a workspace.

7 Working with CloudSim Click new -> Click Java Project

8 Working with CloudSim • Write the Project Name.
• Uncheck the Use Default Location. • Browse and target it to where you extracted the CloudSim-3.0.3 • On JRE Select JavaSE-1.6 or JavaSE-1.7( Only 1.6 and higher are supported) • Click Next

9 Working with CloudSim Download - & from Add the above jar files to the referenced libraries folder in CloudSim project.

10 Working with CloudSim Say csim is your project.
Right click on Referenced lib. Click on build path and then click on configure build path.

11 Working with CloudSim Click on Add External JARs…

12 Working with CloudSim Add math jar files from extracted
folder of commons-math3-3.2

13 Working with CloudSim Error : main () thread 1.5 or higher
Right Click Project > Properties > Java Compiler > Enable Project Specific Settings > Choose 1.6 or Higher Error : Can’t build class path Open the cloud sim folder > View Hidden Files > Delete .classpath file

14 Working with CloudSim An Error may occur while running ECLIPSE(see image). To overcome this error you must set path of Java in the environment Variable.

15 Working with CloudSim Simulation Examples
Project(csim)->examples-> Org.cloudbus.cloudsim. examples Package.

16 Working with CloudSim : shows
how to create a datacentre with one host and run one cloudlet on it. Run

17 Working with CloudSim Output of

18 Working with CloudSim : shows
how to create a datacentre with one host and run two cloudlets on it. Run

19 Working with CloudSim Output of

20 Thanks……!!

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