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Lecture 0. Introduction Instructor: Weidong Shi (Larry), PhD

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1 Lecture 0. Introduction Instructor: Weidong Shi (Larry), PhD
COSC6376 Cloud Computing Lecture 0. Introduction Instructor: Weidong Shi (Larry), PhD Computer Science Department University of Houston

2 Topics Scope of the course Grading policy Overview of cloud and computing

3 Web Sites Class website:

4 Scope of This Course Understand the basic ideas of cloud computing
Get familiar with Tools Systems Expose to some research topics Complete a team project

5 Prerequisites Linux OS Some programming skills
Java, python, ruby, shell scripting Comfortable with learning new programming frameworks Sufficient knowledge about Data structure and databases Operating systems Distributed systems

6 Tentative Schedule Parallel data processing Cloud infrastructures
Distributed file systems (HDFS) MapReduce Cloud based databases High-level distributed data management Cloud infrastructures Virtualization Amazon AWS Microsoft Azure Interactive front-end – Google App Engine Research topics Resource provisioning Privacy and security

7 Assignments Reading papers Some simple programming assignments
Individual readings will be posted on the wiki Need to submit a short summary for some posted papers Libraries of papers Some simple programming assignments Help you master the concepts Learn to use tools and systems A team project Middleware, applications, implementations, theory

8 Course Grading 35% assignments 65% project
15% assigned reading summaries (due before class) 20% two programming assignments 65% project 15% for report one 15% for report two 20% for final report 15% for final presentation

9 Course Project Teams of 2-3 people 3 milestones
We encourage 3 people 3 milestones 1/3: Present a problem statement and literature survey 2/3:Report progress, challenges, … Final Paper In class presentations: last weeks of the semester 1/3 and 2/3 presentations should be prepared

10 What is Cloud Computing?

11 Overview What is meant by Cloud Computing Utility Computing
X as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Platform as a Service Software as a Service Why do corporations need to pay attention Applications

12 What is Cloud Computing?
Old idea: Software as a Service (SaaS) Def: delivering applications over the Internet Recently: “[Hardware, Infrastrucuture, Platform] as a service” Utility Computing: pay-as-you-use computing Illusion of infinite resources No up-front cost Fine-grained billing (e.g. hourly)

13 Why need Cloud Computing?
Traditional licensed software Software as service With fixed money, you buy all the bells and whistles with using it or not often. Pay cash up front. Like leasing a car, you use it but can not make any significant changes. Pay according to the distance you traveled.

14 Hardware Views NO NEED! Effect foundry on hardware
Cloud computing on companies Only companies like Intel and Samsung can own fabrication lines. Foundries enable “fab-less” semiconductor chip companies. Large companies amortize operational costs. Similarly, datacenter providers offer service for datacenter-less companies. NO NEED!

15 Why need Cloud Computing?
Public Cloud: available in a pay-as-you-go way. e.g. Amazon Web Services, Google Engine, and Microsoft Azure. Private: not available to the public such as internal datacenters of a business or other organization. Advantages Service providers: simplified software installation and centralized control. End users: access the services and share data easily. Store data safely. Application providers: same as foundries to chip companies.

16 Cloud Computing vs. Grid Computing
Cloud computing = virtualization+ grid + services + utility computing Grid computing: resource provisioning, load balancing, parallel processing Views of different users System admin/hadoop users: grid Application owners/service users: service, utility

17 Google Trends

18 Google Trends

19 Gartner’s 2011 Hype Cycle

20 Gartner’s 2011 Hype Cycle


22 Driving Forces Behind Cloud
Experience with very large datacenters – profitable for cloud providers Economics of scale Pervasive broadband Internet Fast x86 virtualization Pay-as-you-go billing model Large user base Online payment Online Ads Content distribution  Web 2.0 lowers the entry point to e-business  more small e-business owners  Large user base of clouds

23 Economics of Scale How many servers does Google has?

24 Google Server Count

25 Who Owns The Most Servers

26 Perils of Corporate Computing
Own information systems  However Capital investment  Heavy fixed costs  Redundant expenditures  High energy cost, low CPU utilization  Dealing with unreliable hardware  High-levels of overcapacity (Technology and Labor)  NOT SUSTAINABLE


28 Google: CPU Utilization
Activity profile of a sample of 5,000 Google Servers over a period of 6 months

29 Google Server Farms (Oregon)


31 Google: Energy Overhead

32 Reading Assignment

33 Cloud Characteristics
On-demand self-service Ubiquitous network access Location independent resource pooling Rapid elasticity Pay per use

34 Delivery Models Software as a Service (SaaS)
Use provider’s applications over a network Platform as a Service (PaaS) Deploy customer-created applications to a cloud AppEng Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Rent processing, storage, network capacity, and other fundamental computing resources EC2, S3

35 Software Stack Mobile (Android), Thin client (Zonbu) Thick client (Google Chrome) Clients Identity, Integration Payments, Mapping, Search, Video Games, Chat Services Application Peer-to-peer (Bittorrent), Web app (twitter), SaaS (Google Apps, SAP) Platform Java Google Web Toolkit, Django, Ruby on Rails, .NET Storage S3, Nirvanix, Rackspace Cloud Files, Savvis, Infrastructure Full virtualization (GoGrid), Management (RightScale), Compute (EC2), Platform (

36 Cloud Killer Apps Mobile and web applications
Parallel batch processing / MapReduce Data analytics OLAP, data mining, machine learning Extensions of desktop software Matlab, Mathematica

37 Big Data Every Where! Lots of data is being collected and warehoused
Web data, e-commerce purchases at department/ grocery stores Bank/Credit Card transactions Social Network The rise of analytics understanding customers, supply chains, buying habits, ranking, and so on Cloud based big data analytics Computation produces small data output containing a high density of information Implemented in Clouds

38 How Much Data? Google processes 20 PB a day (2008)
Twitter generates approximately 12 TB of data per day New York Stock Exchange 1TB of data everyday eBay processes 50 petabytes of data a day

39 Facebook 2.5 billion content items shared per day (status updates + wall posts + photos + videos + comments) 2.7 billion Likes per day 300 million photos uploaded per day 500+terabytes of new data ingested into the databases every day

40 Topics Covered

41 Topics Covered Economics of cloud computing
Tools to create your own cloud infrastructure Public cloud AWS, Google Engine Big data analytics using cloud Large scale services using cloud Resource management Security and privacy

42 Companies Are Afraid to Use Clouds

43 Privacy

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